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作者姓名:陈静  孟令择  郑丽果  王江然  薛松
作者单位:1. 河北工程大学,邯郸,056007;2. 石家庄职业技术学院,石家庄,050081
摘    要:中国进入近代以来,在国内外等因素的共同影响下,传统、现代与革命这三者即开始了相互间的斗争、纠结及融合,此种现象贯穿了整个中国近现代历史的发展。数千年来,中国传统的农业生产力形态在自身演变的过程中,凭靠内部力量始终未实现质的突破,即没有实现向现代生产力形态———工业生产力的转化和过渡。晋冀鲁豫抗日根据地创建后,中国共产党开始用革命的手段对乡村旧村政权进行现代性的初步改造,尽管囿于当时具体的战争环境,这种改造进行得并不彻底,但这种对旧政权的权力结构和形式的革命性的现代化改造,还是在一定程度上解放了生产力,推动了社会生产的发展。从该意义上讲,旧村政权的初步改造工作开启了根据地乡村地区的现代化之路。

关 键 词:传统  现代  革命  村政权

Tradition,modernity and revolution:the preliminary modernization transformation of village regime in based area of Jin,Ji,Lu,and Yu regions during the Anti-Japanese War period
Abstract:Since China entered modern times,both at home and abroad , under the influence of factors such as tradi-tional,modern and revolution already started these three mutual struggle ,bombard,and the fusion, this kind of phe-nomenon went throughout the whole of the development of Chinese modern history .For thousands of years ,tradition-al Chinese form of agricultural productivity in the process of its evolution , the internal forces may never achieve qualitative breakthrough ,namely no implementation to modern productivity form-transformation and transition of in-dustrial productivity .After the creation of base areas in the provinces if Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan in the anti-Japanese period ,the communist party of China started with the means of the revolution of rural former regime for the initial transformation of modernity though conditioned by the specific environment of the war ,this transformation was not thoroughly .But that of the old regime ’ s power structure and form of revolutionary modernization liberated the productive forces to a certain extent;promoted the development of social production .In this sense , the preliminary work of former regime opened the base path of rural modernization .
Keywords:traditional  modern  revolution  village regime
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