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埃及是一个令人向往的国家。在世界四大文明古国中,埃及文明处于顶峰。她有文字记载的历史有5000多年,公元前4000年前后就出现了氏族公社,第一王朝约建立于公元前3000年左右。距今约4600年的高耸入云的金字塔和雄踞塔旁的狮身人面像是古埃及人劳动、智慧的结晶,是人类文明的瑰宝,是令今人驻足兴叹的历史胜地。在世界七大奇迹中,埃及的金字塔和亚历山大灯塔就占据其二。上埃及神庙之宏伟,开罗国家博物馆展出饰品之精细绚丽,恐怕3000多年后的现代人制造起来亦非易事。  相似文献   

埃及是一个令人向往的国家. 在世界四大文明古国中,埃及文明处于顶峰.她有文字记载的历史有5000多年,公元前4000年前后就出现了氏族公社,第一王朝约建立于公元前3000年左右.距今约4600年的高耸入云的金字塔和雄踞塔旁的狮身人面像是古埃及人劳动、智慧的结晶,是人类文明的瑰宝,是令今人驻足兴叹的历史胜地.在世界七大奇迹中,埃及的金字塔和亚历山大灯塔就占据其二.上埃及神庙之宏伟,开罗国家博物馆展出饰品之精细绚丽,恐怕3000多年后的现代人制造起来亦非易事.  相似文献   

从事地区研究,了解和熟悉对象国的社会文化,是一项必不可少的基础工作.90年代末,我正担任教育部外语专业教学指导委员会副主任兼阿拉伯语指导组组长,在讨论"面向21世纪的课程和教材建设"项目时,我倡议并获准组织力量编写几种阿拉伯国家的社会文化专著.因为教学与科研总是相辅相成的,很难想象高等学校的专业建设离开了认真的科研,倒能形成一流的教学.  相似文献   

《当代中东国家社会与文化》总序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由教育部普通高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地上海外国语大学研究所所长朱威烈教授主持承担的2001年教育部重大研究课题——《当代中东国家社会与文化》已有部分子课题完稿付梓。朱威烈教授为此撰写了《总序》,原外交部副部长、前驻埃及大使、现外交学院院长杨福昌、现任驻沙特大使吴思科、前驻约旦大使刘宝莱等资深外交家分别为《当代埃及社会与文化》、《当代沙特阿拉伯王国社会与文化》、《当代约旦哈希姆王国社会与文化》撰写了《序》。本刊现征得作者同意,将他们撰写的《总序》和《序》先行刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

位于阿拉伯半岛的沙特阿拉伯王国是当今世界一个独特而且给人以某种神秘感的国家,同时又是一个战略地位重要、在地区和国际事务中具有独特影响的国家.这使得许多人希望了解它,认识它,揭开它神秘的面纱.  相似文献   

位于阿拉伯半岛的沙特阿拉伯王国是当今世界一个独特而且给人以某种神秘感的国家,同时又是一个战略地位重要、在地区和国际事务中具有独特影响的国家。这使得许多人希望了解它,认识它,揭开它神秘的面纱。提起沙特,也许人们脑海里会闪现出不同的情景:浩淼无际的戈壁上,身着白  相似文献   

今年5月底,我应埃及文化最高理事会的邀请,出席了第二届"翻译、文化互动"国际研讨会.这是一次盛会,4天会议除开幕式的埃及文化部部长、文化最高理事长的致词和来宾答词外,共安排了25场讨论会,每场有4位学者发言,总计讲述了100篇论文摘要.这次研讨会,无论是规模还是质量,都给我留下深刻印象.  相似文献   

1988年苏国勋发表了《理性化及其限制———韦伯思想引论》一书,该书以对西方社会学史上一个关键人物的独到而精当的诠释开启了当代中国学术界中的社会(学)理论研究之先河,更为当时正处于复兴状态的中国社会学的发展起到了推波助澜的作用。此后多年来,苏国勋继续在社会理论领域里苦心经营、上下求索,他的博观约取、慎思明辨使他在该领域渐成一家之言。我们所看到的这本由北京大学出版社作为“未名社科菁英”丛书之一而出版的《社会理论与当代现实》(以下简称《社会理论》),用作者自己的话来说,“大致勾勒出我从事社会理论工作的轮廓”且“蛛…  相似文献   

今年5月底,我应埃及文化最高理事会的邀请,出席了第二届“翻译、文化互动”国际研讨会。这是一次盛会,4天会议除开幕式的埃及文化部部长、文化最高理事长的致词和来宾答词外,共安排了25场讨论会,每场有4位学者发言,总计讲述了100篇论文摘要。这次研讨会,无论是规模还是质量,都给我留下深刻印象。与会代表中最多、也最活跃的,当然是埃及和阿拉伯国家的专家、教授,但也有来自美、英、法、德、瑞士、西班牙等国和我这样的中国学者。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,外来文化给我国社会带来了巨大的影响和冲击.当前,我国社会工业日益发展,同时第三产业也开始兴起,后工业社会的特征不断显现,关注他人的评价、浓重的焦虑情绪和泛滥的消费文化等社会心理特征在中国社会日益突出,对青年的个性形成与发展带来了巨大影响.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper begins with a profile of Japanese youth which compares them statistically and sociologically with those of other nations. Next, I attempt to differentiate between "adolescent" and "youth," and explain the adolescent as a consequence of industrial society. I also try to divide youth culture into three types: partial culture, sub-culture. and counter- culture. Finally, I discuss the history of Japanese youth culture, primarily since the coming of the industrial age after World War 11. As examples of adolescent cultures, I refer to "Taiyo-zoku." "Zenkyoto," "Hippie," "New Young," and "Shin-jinrui." Among these, "Zenkyoto" and "Hippie" are important as counter-cultures; they reject the prevailing society and actively seek a new post-industrial society. Adolescent sub-culture. on the other hand, has dwindled since the decline of the "Zen- kyoto" around 1970. Since 1980, Japanese youth can be grouped into three main categories. The majority enjoy affluence and consumer goods, like the "Crystal-zoku," who are obsessed with famous brands. They are in the partial culture, and are oriented to super-industrial society. The second group is made up of those who have unique adolescent cultures. like the "Shin-jinrui," who are sensuous and highly responsive to information. They are in the sub-culture, and are oriented to the modified industrial society. Minority groups who take action to protect their interests and human rights, like ecological groups derived from the counter-culture movement, comprise the third category. They are in the counter-culture, and are oriented to post-industrial society.  相似文献   

Survey data from Gavle, Sweden, are examined to determine whether the three Swedish occupational groups reflect actual social classes. Analyses reveal that (a) occupational status is heavily influenced by educational attainment; (b) education and amount and source of income all differ significantly among the three social groups; (c) upward generational occupational mobility is largely restricted to the top two groups; (d) Sweden is generally perceived as having three social classes; (e) most persons in all three groups identify with Group II; and (f) Swedes in all social groups desire to increase economic and social equality. The argument is made that Sweden may indeed contain a three class structure based primarily on occupation, but many Swedes view this class structure largely in economic terms. Recent marked rises in income across all social classes in Sweden have therefore left most people relatively satisfied with their society.  相似文献   

This paper maintains that much in the contemporary postmodern and relational paradigms in psychoanalysis is a refinding of elements of clinical social work theory. To illustrate that, this paper elucidates the pivotal differences between contemporary psychoanalytic theory and classical ego psychological psychoanalytic theory. I describe my own experiences in training, first as a social worker, then as an ego psychological psychotherapist, and finally as a psychoanalyst to illustrate how I began to realize the homologous nature of clinical social work and contemporary psychoanalysis. The beginnings of social casework theory from Mary Richmond and Charlotte Towle are then described. Like Moliere's bourgeois gentleman who discovered he's been speaking prose for forty years without knowing it, perhaps social work theory has been cutting edge for eighty years without knowing it.  相似文献   

For the first time, the use of psychoanalytic theory in all United States Graduate Schools of Social Work has been surveyed! A comparative discussion of CSWE statistics is related to the survey. Important shifts in student election of multiple methods are noted. Faculty utilization of multiple theories to understand behavior is also described The need for curriculum emphasis of any idea system to develop an appreciation of possibilities of practice adaptation is inferred.  相似文献   

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