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For a wide variety of applications, experiments are based on units ordered over time or space. Models for these experiments generally may include one or more of: correlations, systematic trends, carryover effects and interference effects. Since the standard optimal block designs may not be efficient in these situations, orthogonal arrays of type I and type II, which were introduced in 1961 by C.R. Rao [Combinatorial arrangements analogous to orthogonal arrays, Sankhya A 23 (1961) 283–286], have been recently used to construct optimal and efficient designs for many of these experiments. Results in this area are unified and the salient features are outlined.  相似文献   
中东剧变一年多以来,阿拉伯国家蒙受巨大冲击,引起了所有中东国家乃至国际社会的高度关注,而这首先与中东的重要位置有关.这次变局几乎波及所有阿拉伯国家,民众诉求涉及政治、经济、社会诸多方面.问题是长年积累下来的,2011年的动荡应是这种情绪的大爆发,虽会推动社会前进,但代价却是巨大的.叙利亚问题前景仍不明朗,目前只维持了脆弱的和平.中国以“不干涉内政”原则和“劝和促谈”的方针应对这次大动荡是正确的、主动的,不管外界有多少反对声音和暂时的不理解,都应坚定不移地走下去.  相似文献   
本文提出了用干涉及滤波技术实现图象边缘增强的一种新方法。将同一物体的一张正确对焦的透明片与另一张离焦的透明片重叠放在透镜的前面,在单色平行光照射下,在透镜的后焦面上得到两图象的谱的干涉,通过对干涉条纹的适当滤波,可在输出面得到边缘增强的象。  相似文献   
政府采购合同是市场经济条件下政府取得物质基础 ,实现管理经济生活职能的基本法律形式。它与一定的市场主体 ,国家和社会有着密切的联系 ,有民事合同的平等要求 ,更有它自身的主体特殊性、目的公共性、资金财政性等特点。因此被规范于经济法体系中。但因其公、私法交织的特性 ,所及法律关系必然接受合同法、政府采购法等法律规范的共同调整。  相似文献   
俞宪忠 《文史哲》2004,(6):159-164
在经济周期处在衰退、萧条和复苏阶段时,政府要及时而适度地介入干预;在经济周期处在繁荣阶段时,政府则要采取不介入干预的不作为应对策略。政府既不能对某些周期阶段进行过度介入干预,也不能对所有周期阶段进行全程介入干预,更不能对一切周期阶段均进行过度介入干预,而只能对某些周期阶段进行适度介入干预。这种政策组合能够有效地减轻市场失灵和政府失灵两者叠加的巨大负面效应,从而收到国民经济高质量可持续发展的理性预期效果。  相似文献   
This study focused on the relationship between overtime and psychological health in high and low reward jobs, and in jobs with high and low external pressure to work overtime. Data were collected for 535 full-time employees of the Dutch Postal Service. In general, overtime was associated with negative work-home interference and negative home-work interference. Split-sample logistic regression analyses showed that employees reporting low rewards had elevated risks of burnout, negative work-home interference and slow recovery. In addition, the combination of overtime and low rewards was associated with negative home-work interference. A second analysis was conducted separately for employees who reported overtime in order to study the effects of external pressure to work overtime. In this subgroup, low rewards were associated with elevated risks of health complaints, emotional exhaustion and negative home-work interference. Moreover, employees who reported overtime and a high pressure to work overtime in combination with low rewards had elevated risks of poor recovery, cynicism, and negative work-home interference. The results suggest that even a limited number of hours of involuntary overtime is associated with adverse mental health, but only in low reward situations.  相似文献   
本文介绍测量物体振动的一种新方法。该方法由相干光源照明相位板,在空间产生恒定干涉场,将振动物体置于干涉场中,记录下带有物体振动信息的干涉条纹。根据此干涉条纹可定量分析物体振动的振幅。理论分析与实验结果相符。  相似文献   

This study focused on the relationship between overtime and psychological health in high and low reward jobs, and in jobs with high and low external pressure to work overtime. Data were collected for 535 full-time employees of the Dutch Postal Service. In general, overtime was associated with negative work-home interference and negative home-work interference. Split-sample logistic regression analyses showed that employees reporting low rewards had elevated risks of burnout, negative work-home interference and slow recovery. In addition, the combination of overtime and low rewards was associated with negative home-work interference. A second analysis was conducted separately for employees who reported overtime in order to study the effects of external pressure to work overtime. In this subgroup, low rewards were associated with elevated risks of health complaints, emotional exhaustion and negative home-work interference. Moreover, employees who reported overtime and a high pressure to work overtime in combination with low rewards had elevated risks of poor recovery, cynicism, and negative work-home interference. The results suggest that even a limited number of hours of involuntary overtime is associated with adverse mental health, but only in low reward situations.  相似文献   
我国高校不少贫困女大学生心理处于不健康和亚健康状态,出现了焦虑抑郁,悲观失落、自卑自怨、自我缺失、嫉妒封闭、敏感多疑等心理困扰。造成这些困扰的主要原因是长期以来以男性为中心的封建传统文化的影响,家庭经济的影响以及女大学生自身的影响等等,而消解贫困女大学生心理困扰的对策,则是指导她们正确认识自我,增强自信,积极组织集体和交往活动,开展心理咨询,落实对贫困女大学生的资助和扶持政策等。  相似文献   
随着有线电视技术的飞速发展,有线电视用户迅猛增加,而系统的管理落后、上门收费被动,给有线电视经营者带来困扰,需要行之有效的措施来抵制不交费的用户。同时,随着有线电视向宽带多功能综合网发展,每个用户有不同的服务要求。因此,迫切需要研制出先进的加解扰技术,建立一个标准化、规范化、适合我国国情的有线电视新型网络。  相似文献   
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