Literature Review on Homosexual Identity
中文关键词: 同性恋  身份认同  自我认同  社会认同
英文关键词: Homosexuality  Identity  Self-identity  Social identity  Review
刘 靖 中国农业大学人文与发展学院硕士研究生
王伊欢 中国农业大学人文与发展学院教授, 通讯作者 
摘要点击次数: 211
全文下载次数: 57
      同性恋者认同自身的同性恋性身份, 不仅意味着将生理欲望指向同性以及具有特定的性行 为方式, 还意味着认同与同性恋性身份相关的角色和行为规范。“同性恋身份认同”既是同性恋研究的 重要内容, 也是确保同性恋人群健康成长、社会稳定和谐的一个重要方面。文章对国内外近20年来关 于同性恋身份认同研究的学术论文和专著进行梳理和分析, 从相关概念、自我认同和社会认同角度出 发, 概括了同性恋身份认同研究的基本情况和特点, 总结归纳了相应的研究成果, 并在此基础上指出目 前研究特别是国内研究对于同性恋的社会认同部分的缺乏等问题, 提出未来研究应该更多转向探讨同 性恋身份的社会基础和支持手段, 探讨社会认同机制以及社会认同与自我认同的互动、农村同性恋社会 认同过程等方面。
      Homosexuals'identifications of homosexuality reflect not only their physiological orientation in the same gender as well as their specific way of sexual relationship, but also reflect their roles and behaviors which are correspondent with their identification of homosexuality. This on the one hand is one of the important research issues on homosexuals, and on the other hand is important to the healthy development of the group and one of the preconditions to social stability. This paper reviewed literature about homosexual identity in the recent 20 years, summarized the basic situation, characteristics and research results of homosexual identity from the perspective of concept of homosexual identity, self-identity and social identity. It is pointed out that the the existing studies lacking of concern on the issue of social identity and etc. ,proposing the research issues in the future, like to explore the social basis of the identity and supporting measurements from the society, as well as the mechanism of social identity and its interaction with self-identity.
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