Migration Cost:Problems in the Village and Reflection on Governance———Microscopic Perspective on a Village Case
中文关键词: 流动的代价  人口流动  村庄本位  村庄治理
英文关键词: Migration cost  Population migration  Village-oriented approach  Village governance
刘军奎 安阳师范学院政治与公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1455
全文下载次数: 554
      作为事实上的“社会单位冶,村庄是探讨农村发展与治理问题的理想“单元冶。 村庄个案的剖析表明,农村人口流动伴随着巨大的代价付出,包括村庄秩序面临失衡挑战、村庄发展动力丧失、村庄悲剧事件增多等等。 代价视角下的问题分析表明,农村村庄治理亟需作出三个层面的反思:从治理对象层面看,治理实践中需要格外重视村庄的价值,在发展思维和认知上树立起“村庄本位冶思想;从治理主体层面看,村庄治理举措要建立在尊重并调动农民的主体性基础之上,不能把农民仅仅视为需要改变和发展的客体,将其置于被动的承受者位置;从治理目标层面看,村庄治理的目标设定与政策设计需要将重心置于文化之上,超脱单纯的经济物质取向。
      As an actual social unit,village is an ideal unit which discuss about the development and governance of the countryside. From the studying of a village case, I find there are great costs of expenditure in the process of the rural population to cities, including facing unbalanced village orders, loss of impetus for village development, growth of village tragedy and so on. In the perspective of cost, village governance must make a reflection from three levels: from governance objects, we need pay special attention to the value of villages, with village-oriented approach set up in the thinking of development and cognition. From governance subjects, the manners of governance villages can爷t regard farmers as the objects changed and developed and put them in a passive receiver position, but must be on the basis of respecting and motivating the subjectivity of farmers. From governance targets, culture must be in the center of setting up targets and policies, beyond the orientation of single economic.
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