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蔡艳萍,何燕花 (湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:创业板  IPO  首日超额收益  溢价
China Growth Enterprise Market IPO Abnormal Initial Return Emprical Study
Abstract:Regardless of being the mature capital market or the emerging capital market,abnormal initial return of IPO is very commom.Defining the AIR phenomenon due to the underpricing on primary market and evaluating on secondary market,and construct a linear regression model on empirical analysis to explore the factors that induce the AIR.The empirical result thought that the main reasons of AIR on GEM are irrational investing behavior and speculative bubbles on secondary market
keywords:GEM  IPO  Abnormal Initial Return(AIR)  Overvaluation
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