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文章以企业高层管理团队为对象,实证研究了团队情绪智力与整个管理团队冲突及冲突管理风格之间的关系,并验证了团队情绪智力在团队认知冲突与情感冲突之间的中介效应。研究结果表明,团队情绪智力显著影响团队情感冲突,对于认知冲突与情感冲突的关系起部分中介作用;团队情绪智力与协调型冲突管理风格显著正相关。  相似文献   

高管团队内部动态特征实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李懋  王国锋  井润田 《管理学报》2009,6(7):939-943
通过对中国企业高层管理团队内部动态特征(以沟通、冲突与决策质量作为3个关键变量)的实证研究,发现高层管理团队沟通规范有利于决策质量的提高,而高层管理团队内情绪冲突的增多会降低决策的质量.此外,高层管理团队沟通规范也促进团队内认知冲突的增加.研究结论指出了高层管理团队内部动态特征之间的联系,同时也为业界提高高层管理团队决策质量,进而增进团队绩效提供了方向.  相似文献   

基于悖论理论,通过分析530份医院护工数据,重点探讨了非体面工作感知与矛盾职业认同的关系及内在机制。研究结果表明:收入水平能够激发非体面工作从业者的家庭动机;非体面工作感知与家庭动机的交互作用对冲突体验有显著正向影响,而冲突体验会进一步诱发非体面工作从业者的矛盾职业认同;冲突体验在非体面工作感知与家庭动机的交互作用和矛盾职业认同的关系中发挥中介作用。  相似文献   

团队冲突、冲突管理与绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在组织研究领域,冲突一直被视为重要的团队交互过程变量.然而.关于团队冲突与绩效的关系存在很多争议,且以往的研究很少同时考虑团队冲突和冲突管理行为,这就忽视了冲突管理对团队冲突的潜在引导作用.通过对76个工作团队的冲突、冲突管理行为和绩效的实证研究,发现冲突管理和冲突的交互作用对团队绩效的影响显著.竞争型冲突管理行为会导致关系冲突的增加,进而导致团队绩效的降低;回避型冲突管理行为和关系冲突显著负相关;任务冲突与团队绩效之间显著正相关.本文的研究结果对于企业管理人员发挥任务冲突的正面效用、降低关系冲突的负面影响有一定的启示.  相似文献   

高管冲突与团队决策绩效——基于控制模式的调节分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整合冲突理论与公司治理控制理论,揭示控制模式(所有制)在高管冲突与团队决策绩效关系中的调节作用,利用中国10个省345份国有企业和民营企业样本,运用层级回归分析对假设进行验证.研究结果表明,高管认知冲突有助于提高团队决策绩效,高管情感冲突负向影响团队决策绩效;同时所有制对于两类冲突的调节作用不同,相对于国有企业,民营企业中高管团队情感冲突与团队决策绩效的负相关关系显著减弱,高管团队认知冲突与团队决策绩效的正相关关系并无显著差别.研究发现,要有效提高高管团队决策绩效,既应通过所有制的改变降低情感冲突对决策的负面作用,也应该寻求体制调整之外的具体管理方式适度激发认知冲突.  相似文献   

基于归因理论的冲突类型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的冲突分类是从冲突的结果出发作出的,这不利于进行冲突管理。本文基于归因理论及其三个维度,在知觉冲突的层面上进行全新分类。由于知觉冲突尚未演化到实际的冲突,因此,这种分类方式更有利于管理者进行冲突管理。最后,本文提出了针对这种新型冲突分类的未来研究方向以及冲突管理建议。  相似文献   

高管团队的职能特征如何反映到企业绩效中一直是管理领域研究的重点,但是其实证检验结果呈现出复杂化的特征,一致性的结论尚未达成。本文从高阶梯理论和信息处理理论出发,较为全面地探索高管团队职能异质性如何影响企业绩效。研究结果表明:(1)高管团队职能异质性对企业绩效水平有负向的影响;(2)高管团队职能异质性会显著促进管理者认知集中性和复杂性的提高;(3)管理者认知集中性和复杂性的提高会进一步促进绩效水平的提高;(4)管理者认知是高管团队职能异质性影响企业绩效水平的中介机制;(5)高管团队职能异质性的提高会显著促进团队冲突的提高;(6)团队冲突的增强会抑制企业绩效水平的提高;(7)团队冲突是职能异质性影响企业绩效水平的中介机制。  相似文献   

所谓冲突管理,是指管理者通过协调、沟通、谈判等方法和途径,化解矛盾、统一思想、推动工作的过程。在日常工作中,经常会听到一些领导干部特别是一把手抱怨单位矛盾冲突多,浪费了大量时间和精力。实际上,作为一种普遍现象,冲突广泛存在于组织的各项活动之中,影响和制约组织及其成员的行为倾向和行为方式,是无法从根本  相似文献   

高层管理者的工作压力、社会支持及二者关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究编制了“经理人工作压力源”量表,并以此对全国21个省的303名高层管理者进行了调查。结果表明,该量表具有良好的信度和效度;高层管理者各类工作压力总体上均处于“轻度”和“中度”之间,位居前两位的是“企业发展”和“下属滞后”;高层管理者的社会支持系统呈现出“支持系统良好,但利用程度较低”的特点;年龄、学历、所有制性质对工作压力和社会支持均有显著的主效应,民营企业、低学历者、中青年高层管理者是工作压力最大的亚群体;“支持利用”能够显著缓解各类工作压力,它和主观支持均对工作压力有显著的直接效应,而组织支持和客观支持则对工作压力仅具有间接效应。  相似文献   

田莉  张玉利 《管理科学》2018,21(5):90-110
本研究从角色转型的视角探讨了创建新企业的过程中,创业活动的推进是否会促发创业与家庭事务间冲突的问题.基于身份理论,本文提出在创建新企业的早期阶段,创业者会经历角色分离、角色调整与新角色生成等角色转型过程,其中伴随的身份模糊感,是创业情境下引发工作家庭冲突的独特压力源,并呈现出先升后降的变化.因此,创业进程与工作家庭冲突水平之间呈现出一种倒U型关系.同时,创业者感知到其所在地区对创业活动的社会支持程度会弱化创业过程与工作家庭冲突间的曲线关系.基于中国创业动态跟踪调查的201个新生企业的实证研究支持了假设.本研究拓展了蓬勃发展的家庭嵌入视角下的创业研究,识别出创业情境区别组织情境下引发工作家庭冲突的独特诱因,以及社会支持对于缓解创业者的角色转型压力与工作家庭冲突的作用.研究结论为创业者的职业转型与家庭关系维护提供了建议,并在宏观上启发有关创业生态系统建设的探讨  相似文献   

反映在结构因素、关系因素和认知因素三个维度上的高管团队内部社会资本为决策信息的交换和共享提供了机会、意愿和能力,有利于团队内部形成建设性的冲突模式,促进决策效果的提高.本文以团队冲突为中介变量,建立了高管团队内部社会资本与决策效果的关系的理论框架,提出了研究命题,并对企业高管团队内部社会资本的培育提出建议.  相似文献   

This review study clarifies the relationships between job characteristics and work–family conflict (WFC) by differentiating among three facets of job characteristics: latent, perceived, and enacted. To date, research linking job characteristics to WFC has not distinguished the facets of job demands and job resources in this way. Such distinctions are important as a means of understanding the affective, behavioural, and cognitive processes involved in determining how and when job characteristics relate to WFC. Our review of 115 studies showed that perceived job characteristics have been most commonly explored in relation to WFC, whereas latent and enacted job characteristics have been hardly examined. While these findings may not be surprising, our contribution lies in reviewing the literature through the lens of these categories. Based on the findings, and through highlighting examples in the extant literature, we argue that understanding job characteristics in terms of both how they are perceived and enacted by workers will provide a deeper insight into the mechanisms underlying the relationship between job characteristics and WFC. In order to inform evidence-based interventions, future research must uncover the dynamic mechanisms underpinning the connection between job characteristics and WFC through a focus on enacted job facets and the cognitive, affective, and behavioural processes involved.  相似文献   

As with any relationships, those between buying firms and their major suppliers are likely to experience situations of conflict. When facing such situations, top managers tend to approach conflict either cooperatively or competitively. However, when and why top managers tend towards cooperation or competition is far from clear. This study proposes a novel link between the theory of cooperation and competition and the discounting principle of attribution theory to argue that it is top managers’ trust beliefs in their firms’ major suppliers that influences their intended approach to conflict. Using survey data from 140 C‐level managers and business owners, the authors develop and test a model that differentiates between two attributional dimensions of trust (competence and goodwill) and the specific relational conditions that influence how these attributions operate. The results indicate that top managers’ trust in their suppliers’ competence and goodwill is, in fact, decisive in determining how they intend to approach conflict. Further, the authors demonstrate that a top manager's trust belief in the supplier's goodwill is of particular relevance in driving the top manager to cooperate in the face of conflict. However, this link seems to be contingent on the specific conditions of the buyer–supplier relationship in question.  相似文献   

The incidence of various stressors at work and outside work was examined in a group of public service workers with a large Canadian federal government department. Workers were either in clerical, technical and supervisory ('officers'), or management positions. Measures of work stress included role stressors (load, insufficiency, conflict ambiguity and responsibility), as well as stress due to the physical environment. Both life events and daily hassles were included as measures of non-work stress. The consequences of stress were considered in terms of vocational, psychological, interpersonal, and physical strain, as well as in terms of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Potential moderators of stress included social support and self-esteem. Among work stressors conflict, ambiguity and insufficiency were the more closely associated with vocational outcomes. MANCOVA followed by discriminant function analysis showed that clerical workers were distinguished by higher levels of insufficiency, officers by higher levels of conflict and the lowest levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and managers by higher levels of perceived responsibility for others. The results are discussed in terms of social role theory.  相似文献   

作者在13家宾馆和餐馆进行了一次实证研究,探讨饭店管理人员的公仆型领导风格、员工集体和个人的工作态度对员工的服务质量的影响。多层次线性模型分析结果表明,部门的公仆型领导氛围会直接影响员工集体的工作满意感,并通过集体情感性归属感,间接影响员工的服务质量。部门的公仆型领导氛围会调节员工感知的部门负责人的公仆型领导风格对他们的服务质量的影响;员工集体的情感性归属感会调节员工个人的工作满意感和情感性归属感对服务质量的影响。  相似文献   

Jane Sims 《Work and stress》1995,9(4):502-512
Casual blood pressure (BP) was recorded in a sample of 217 working adults. A questionnaire was used to obtain subjective reports of job stress. comparisons were made between a group with elevated BP and a normotensive group. The high BP group appeared to perceive more stress. In particular, scores on the role conflict, job versus non-job conflict and type A scales reliably differentiated the groups. In contrast, for the job satisfaction items, no difference between the groups was observed. There appeared to be some association between reported occupational stress and BP level.  相似文献   

Jane Sims 《Work and stress》2013,27(4):502-512

Casual blood pressure (BP) was recorded in a sample of 217 working adults. A questionnaire was used to obtain subjective reports of job stress. comparisons were made between a group with elevated BP and a normotensive group. The high BP group appeared to perceive more stress. In particular, scores on the role conflict, job versus non-job conflict and type A scales reliably differentiated the groups. In contrast, for the job satisfaction items, no difference between the groups was observed. There appeared to be some association between reported occupational stress and BP level.  相似文献   


Most previous studies concerning the associations between work and mental ill-health have used dimensional self-report questionnaires for mental health problems (e.g., depressive symptoms). This study contributes to occupational health research by providing standardized clinical diagnoses based on DSM-IV criteria. A total of 2329 employees (age 18–65 years) took part in a structured, computer-assisted clinical interview (DIA-X/M-CIDI). Further, they specified whether their job was characterized by physical workload, overtime, or stress, and evaluated whether they feel impaired by each job characteristic. Results show that substance abuse/dependence (including nicotine dependence) was the highest prevalent mental disorder in German employees (12 month prevalence: 14.4%; only alcohol and illicit substance abuse/dependence: 4.9%) followed by anxiety (12.0%) somatoform (9.7%), and affective (9.3%) disorders. Sequential logistic regression analyses showed significant associations between the presence of stress at work and affective and somatoform disorders. Furthermore, feeling impaired by stress at work was strongly associated with anxiety, affective, somatoform disorders, and substance abuse/dependence. Beside work, personal characteristics, primarily gender, were associated with mental disorders in employees. However, except for affective disorders, gender did not modify the association between job characteristics and mental disorders. Taken together, results corroborate the necessity of considering mental disorders at work. Further studies to define the relation between work and mental disorders in employees are strongly recommended and should include objective analyses of job characteristics.  相似文献   

Based on data from 2091 call centre representatives working in 85 call centres in the UK, central assumptions of affective events theory (AET) are tested. AET predicts that specific features of work (e.g. autonomy) have an impact on the arousal of emotions and moods at work that, in turn, co‐determine job satisfaction of employees. AET further proposes that job satisfaction is an evaluative judgement that mainly explains cognitive‐based behaviour, whereas emotions and moods better predict affective‐based behaviour. The results support these assumptions. A clear separation of key constructs (job satisfaction, positive and negative emotions) was possible. Moreover, correlations between several work features (e.g. supervisory support) and job satisfaction were, in part, mediated by work emotions, even when controlling for gender, age, call centre type (in‐house versus outsourced centres) and call centre size. Predictions regarding consequences of satisfaction and affect were partly corroborated as continuance commitment was more strongly related to job satisfaction than to positive emotions. In addition, affective commitment and health complaints were related to both emotions and job satisfaction to the same extent. Thus, AET is a fruitful framework for explaining why and how specific management strategies used for designing work features influence important organizational attitudes and well‐being of employees.  相似文献   

This study examines the mediating effects of cognitive and affective trust on the relationship between follower perceptions of transformational leadership behavior and their work outcomes. Using data obtained from 318 supervisor–subordinate dyads from a manufacturing organization located in mainland China, structural equation modeling results revealed that affective trust fully mediated the relationships between transformational leadership and the work outcomes of followers, including their affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), and job performance. In contrast, cognitive trust negatively mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and follower job performance, and had insignificant effects on their affective organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors. These findings highlight the importance of affective trust as a mechanism which translates transformational leadership into positive work outcomes for the organization.  相似文献   

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