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基于联盟风险的战略联盟控制方式选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有效的联盟控制是降低联盟风险的重要保证.本文针对中国企业战略联盟中的控制方式选择展开分析.基于社会交易理论和制度理论,本文提出了应对不同的联盟风险所应采取的控制方式.通过对585个中国企业联盟进行调研所获得数据进行统计分析,验证了相关假说.最后对研究的理论扣实践意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

有效的联盟控制是实现战略联盟潜在优势的重要保证.文章针对中国企业间战略联盟中的控制方式选择与应用展开分析.基于社会交易理论和制度理论,提出中国企业间联盟中个人层次的关系与联盟层次上的制度化程度是决定中国企业间战略联盟控制方式的重要因素;同时个人关系和联盟制度化对控制方式的影响在联盟不同阶段存在显著差异.通过对365个中国企业联盟进行调研所获得的数据进行统计分析,验证了相关假说.最后对研究的理论和实践意义进行讨论.  相似文献   

越来越多的组织依赖于战略联盟作为知识获取的平台,但理论研究对于不同类型的联盟控制方式如何影响伙伴知识获取仍然关注不足。本文采用一般组织理论分析方法,探讨正式的契约控制和非正式的信任机制对伙伴知识获取的直接与交互作用。来自国内190家联盟医院的数据分析表明,善意信任、能力信任促进了伙伴的知识获取,而契约控制与知识获取间呈现先增强后减弱的非线性关系。此外,有关交互效应的统计结果表明,善意信任与契约控制在促进伙伴知识获取的过程中相互替代,而能力信任与契约控制则互为补充。  相似文献   

探讨了联盟企业的控制机制使用对于其战略导向与知识获取间关系的中介与干预作用.目的在于揭示不同控制机制使用对于联盟企业的战略导向与知识获取间关系的影响效果及作用机制.通过对389家联盟企业的实证研究发现,信任控制是市场导向与知识获取的中介变量,也是企业家导向与知识获取的正干预变量;契约控制是企业家导向与知识获取的中介变量,却不是市场导向与知识获取的负干预变量.该项研究结论对于发展战略联盟管理文献、促进联盟企业的知识获取具有重要的理论价值与实践指导意义.  相似文献   

全球化趋势日趋明显,国内企业面临来自国外强大竞争者的挑战选择了企业战略联盟的方式发展和壮大自己。然而目前战略联盟的失败率偏高。本文从企业的产业内战略联盟入手,对联盟的稳定性进行了分析,并提出了维护的对策。  相似文献   

战略联盟作为一种新型的竞争合作模式已在全球掀起一股热潮,然而并非所有的联盟都有着成功的业绩.其中一个重要的制约因素就是开放程度把握失度.该文将耗散结构理论同企业战略联盟开放程度研究紧密联系起来.透过以耗散结构理论为理论平台,对开放程度进行了界定,指出了企业战略联盟的开放形式与开放方式,对企业战略联盟的开放程度研究进行了详尽的分析,并在文章的最后给出了应用模型--企业战略联盟价值链.  相似文献   

我国高技术企业联盟治理结构选择的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以交易成本理论和关系契约理论为基础,研究高技术企业战略联盟治理结构.作者运用108个高技术企业战略联盟的样本数据,对本文提出的基本研究假设进行了实证检验.实证结果揭示了交易成本理论和关系契约理论在联盟治理当中的互补作用,也证明了不确定性和伙伴关系是决定联盟治理结构选择的关键因素.最后,作者对实证结果进行了讨论,并指出了进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

契约型战略联盟的灵活性期权价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当面对较高程度的不确定性时,企业可以选择契约型战略联盟作为战略投资的治理模式,根据相关不确定因素的发展变化而选择不同的合作伙伴,这样,不但确保了战略投资灵活期权价值的实现,而且此治理模式本身也具有较灵活的期权价值.契约型联盟可以分为紧密型战略联盟和松散型战略联盟.本文应用期权动态规划定价模型,对紧密型联盟治理模式和松散型联盟契约治理模式的灵活性期权价值做了模型分析,并进行了相关参数的敏感性比较.分析结果表明,在一定范围内.当战略投资相关因素的不确定性程度较高时,应该选择较灵活的治理模式,如松散型战略联盟.  相似文献   

本文将对战略联盟决策的分析纳入SCP范式,并通过构造在位者和潜在进入者之间的三阶段博弈模型来分析战略阻绝效应对战略联盟决策的影响.本文认为:在位者的合适的战略联盟行为具有战略阻绝效应,可以通过改变潜在进入者的进入预期、影响进入者的行为并促进在位者的支付,这种支付的改变将拓宽战略联盟的决策空间,在位者将在更高的联盟成本或更低的固定边际成本下降程度上建立战略联盟.  相似文献   

不确定环境下研发联盟成员投资激励机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了存在技术风险的不确定环境下,研发联盟成员在不同市场环境、联盟结构和利益分配方式下的投资策略,找出了不同市场环境下的最优合作研发模式,设计了研发联盟成员的投资激励机制.研究表明,技术风险较小时,研发联盟应采用集中研发联盟结构;技术风险和市场收益均较高时,则应采用并行研发联盟结构;此外,研发联盟应尽可能采用按投入比例分配的方式,激励联盟成员增加研发投入量,促进合作研发的成功.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of knowledge similarity on the choice of alliance structure in the biotechnology industry. Knowledge similarity between two alliance partners has implications for both integrating and protecting knowledge. Alliance partners have incentives to select the alliance structure that maximizes efficiency in integrating knowledge. Likewise, alliance partners have incentives to select the alliance structure that protects appropriable knowledge. We draw upon the arguments of the knowledge accessing theory and causal ambiguity perspectives as well as the transaction cost economics perspective to predict the role of knowledge similarity on the choice of alliance structure. We empirically test the role of technological overlap and technological component on alliance structures-equity based versus non-equity based. The empirical results show that as technological overlap increases and technological component exists, the probability of equity based alliance structure increases.  相似文献   

Alliance portfolios enable firms to access and integrate multiple resources from different, simultaneous partners. We assess the extent to which alliance portfolio coordination benefits focal firms along three alliance portfolio characteristics: alliance portfolio size, the complementarity of the resources available through the portfolio, and the degree to which relation-specific investments are made across the portfolio. Based on a questionnaire completed by 444 Dutch companies, we found that the three portfolio characteristics play an important role in creating benefits for focal firms through their portfolios. Additionally, our findings suggest that alliance portfolio coordination is an important element in dealing with the challenge of managing portfolios, in that it shapes the effect of the other portfolio characteristics.  相似文献   

企业战略联盟的期权博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,企业建立战略联盟实质上是构建了一个战略投资的期权博弈实现方式,从而可以灵活应对高度不确定的市场环境和技术研发失败的风险.企业战略投资具有高度的不确定性、不可逆性及专用性,因此不能为了降低交易成本选择一体化在企业内部的治理方式,而应根据所能实现的期权博弈战略价值,选择较灵活的治理模式(如战略联盟),以最大化实现这类投资的战略期权价值.由联盟双方对联盟资产的估价而决定的联盟期权的"市场价格"和由联盟双方讨价能力决定的联盟期权的"执行价格"共同决定了联盟期权执行时的价值;联盟期权等待的灵活性价值与博弈占先战略价值相均衡之处决定了对联盟期权执行的最佳时机.  相似文献   

穆文  江旭 《管理科学》2016,29(1):28-39
近年来,企业间战略联盟在全世界范围内越来越普遍。联盟的高失败率使企业界和理论界人士开始关注如何实现联盟成功。在长期的联盟活动中,联盟企业都积累了各自独特的一整套被称为联盟管理实践的方法、流程和技能,以提高联盟管理能力、实现联盟预期目标。依据组织学习和关系理论,联盟企业能够从合作伙伴那里获取有价值的联盟管理实践并将其应用于自身的联盟管理活动,这一过程必然有益于联盟管理。然而,鲜有研究探讨联盟管理实践获取行为对联盟成功的影响。 基于以上考虑,引入联盟管理能力和共同行动两个概念,分别作为中介变量和调节变量,构建一个被调节的中介效应模型,以更好地揭示联盟管理实践获取对联盟成功的作用机理。为了检验上述被调节的中介效应模型及相关的作用机理,利用从中国大陆收集的调研数据进行实证研究。最终的样本包含205家联盟企业,且每家企业有两位关键信息提供者,综合采用逐步线性回归和被调节的路径分析方法验证假设。 研究结果表明,联盟管理实践获取通过联盟管理能力这一中介机制最终促进联盟成功,共同行动正向调节联盟管理能力与联盟成功的关系,存在假设中的被调节的中介效应。也就是说,联盟管理实践获取对联盟成功的影响需要通过提升联盟管理能力来实现;同时,联盟双方共同行动水平越高,这一过程越容易实现。 联盟管理实践获取为解释联盟成功的作用机理提供了一个新的视角,拓展了联盟管理能力方面的研究,尤其表现为同时关注联盟管理能力的前因和结果,将组织学习理论和关系理论统一整合到联盟成功研究的框架下,这可视为两大理论的创新性应用。此外,研究结果为现实中联盟企业实现联盟成功指出一条新路,即从合作伙伴处获取有价值的联盟管理实践以促进联盟成功。  相似文献   

In spite of the frequent calls for a much more integrated approach, the field of management still faces the ever continuing challenges in attempting to bridge the gap between academic research and managerial actions and practices. The field of strategic alliances and firms’ networks are those among which research and practice are more diverging. Trying to cover this separation, the article presents an empirical research on automotive industry that investigates the effects on innovation performance of the position that firms occupy in the network of alliances. The hypothesis that guides this research is that innovation is generated not only from the resources that a company is able to develop internally, but also through access to resources and capabilities owned by the external companies and organizations that the firm itself is tied to through alliances and cooperation agreements. Beyond this broad argument, the paper links tightly research and practice showing way and how the quality of access to resources owned by partners is influenced by the position occupied in the network of alliances and not only by the existence of single collaborative ties. Assuming a managerial approach which relies on the milestones of network research, different types of positioning in the network of alliances are discussed and tested on their impact on innovation.  相似文献   

In a study of life science firms, we find that, in accordance with predictions drawn from agency theory and behavioral agency theory, CEO stock ownership is negatively associated with licensing while CEO stock options are positively associated with licensing. Furthermore, by combining theoretical insights from the capabilities literature with both agency theory and behavioral agency theory, we predict that a key measure of capabilities in the licensing context—a firm's alliance experience—significantly influences the ways in which CEO equity incentives impact licensing. More specifically, we find that, in accordance with our theoretical predictions, alliance experience positively (negatively) moderates the relationship between CEO stock ownership (CEO stock options) and licensing. Our study contributes to the wider literature on the determinants of licensing by examining whether licensing is sensitive to CEO equity incentives. We also extend the capabilities literature on licensing by examining the contrasting influences of a firm's alliance experience on the relationship between CEO equity incentives and licensing. Our findings also inform behavioral agency-based research on the effects of equity incentives by highlighting the usefulness of a capabilities perspective in augmenting our understanding of the behavioral role of CEO equity incentives.  相似文献   

A substantial literature has evolved focusing on the ownership structure of international strategic alliances (ISAs). Most of the relevant studies are theoretical in nature and concentrate on the conceptual factors that influence the choice between equity and non-equity structures. A smaller number of studies provide some empirical evidence on the importance of some of the conceptual factors. The theoretical literature highlights the potential influence of relational capital and transaction costs as determinants of ISA structure; however, there is little empirical evidence on the relative importance of these potential determinants. Moreover, there is only limited and indirect evidence bearing upon the impact of host country governance attributes on ISA ownership structure. In this study, we provide statistical evidence on the importance of potential determinants of governance mode choice for a sample of ISAs involving Danish firms. Our study documents how the determinants of governance mode choice vary in importance depending upon the “quality” of the governance infrastructure of the host country.  相似文献   

The theme of inter-organizational relationships involving SMEs (SME IORs) has generated a relevant body of knowledge that has not been systematized yet. This article carries out a systematic literature review on SME IORs using bibliometric techniques, aiming to provide an overview of the main subfields of research and to identify promising paths for future research that can contribute to develop a more comprehensive body of knowledge around SME IORs.Four factors of thematically connected research emerge, which represents the main subfields of inquiry within the field of SME IORs. Insights regarding the content of these topics, the different theoretical foundations of the literature on SME IORs, and potential paths for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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