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农村大龄未婚青年婚配困境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村大龄青年婚配困境是农村婚姻变迁中的突出现象。农村婚姻变迁不仅体现在传统通婚圈向婚姻市场的外在转变,婚配方式、婚姻行为乃至婚姻观念都在发生快速而根本的转变。在男女性别比失调这一人口结构背景下,农村婚姻市场通过个体化的婚姻选择、婚姻竞争的物质转化、婚姻达成的家庭支持、婚姻市场结构失衡与社会排斥等运作机制,在结构与行动两方面形塑了农村大龄未婚青年的婚配困境。农村大龄未婚青年群体有进一步扩大的趋势,其婚配困境影响大龄未婚青年本体性价值和社会价值的实现,对农民家庭再生产有序进行以及社会稳定都造成不利影响,应当给予更多关注。  相似文献   

人口出生性别失衡和婚姻挤压背景下,贫困地区农村男性的大龄未婚问题突出。对冀西北贫困地区农村的专项调查发现。大龄未婚男性仅在所从事职业方面与已婚男性没有明显差别,而在教育、健康、技能、收入、住房、沟通能力等方面均明显劣于已婚男性;个体素质和经济条件较差的男性更可能处于大龄未婚状态,尤其是适婚年龄时的家庭经济条件对征婚的影响尤为显著。总体来看。在性别结构、择偶梯度和婚姻流动性别差异等条件约束下。地区经济发展水平、男性适婚年龄时的家庭经济条件及个体人力资本的全面劣势是农村大龄未婚男性在婚姻市场上竞争失利的决定因素。  相似文献   

择优而嫁这一当代女性婚姻选择现象的产生,具有现实的社会基础,是财富积累和排他性、传统的父母威权与女性自由思想的解放、择偶梯度和失衡的性别比以及当代女性对都市爱情的向往和追求等诸多因素共同作用的结果。然而,当代女性择优而嫁的婚姻选择现象也存在着一些隐性的社会风险,长期发展必将导致女性社会地位的"贬值"、具备买卖性质的婚姻更加突出以及传统家庭教养方式的复兴等问题。作为当代中国女性在择优而嫁的同时,也应该树立一种正向的、健康的婚姻价值观,避免对这一现象的错误解读和过度利用。  相似文献   

80年代后期,以妇女为主流的跨省区异地远距离婚姻流动日趋增多,持续不断的外流妇女婚姻大流动,自愿与非自愿异地联姻,在一定程度上缓解了区域人口性别比失调的矛盾,同时也引发出一系列社会问题。本文以江苏省淮阴市外进婚普查万人资料为基础,通过对跨省区异地远距离联姻扩大化成因的剖析,得出三个基本结论:一、当前在农村存在潜在的“新娘市场”是导致“以财谋婚”和“以婚谋财”出现的原因,经济因素对婚姻流向的干预特征显著。二、与婚姻大流动相伴随,违法婚姻较多,外进婚家庭婚姻质量不高。三、外进婚家庭职能的弱化与当代农民家庭社会变迁总趋势的巨大反差日渐显著。  相似文献   

婚姻市场是指婚龄期男性与女性择偶关系的总和,它是将经济分析的方法引入到社会行为中的分析,它表现为在一定时间和空间内,在婚姻领域人们对婚姻配偶的供给和需求关系。只有在一定时间和空间内婚龄期的男性和女性供需保持平衡,才能使婚姻市场保持基本的平衡,使处于婚龄期的男性和女性能够顺利找到婚配的对象。20世纪80年代,我国人口出生性别比失调初见端倪,而后继续攀升。随着80年代出生的人口步入结婚的年龄,婚龄的男性明显多于女性,婚姻市场出现了大龄男性青年找不到婚配对象的现象,并且因为我国人口出生性别比一直在攀升,后出生的人口随即进入婚配年龄,这个问题会更加突出。  相似文献   

"凤凰女"指的是那些通过高校招生进入城市学习并且在毕业之后留在城市工作的女性。运用访谈法和文献法对于"凤凰女"的生存、择偶、婚姻、舆论方面的困境进行了一一揭示。因其女性的身份与人际关系网络的缺乏"凤凰女"在求职市场上是弱势群体。因其年龄的劣势、家庭的劣势、性格的劣势,"凤凰女"面临着择偶的难题。在婚姻家庭关系中,"凤凰女"面临着经济压力、子女教养难题、家庭地位不对等、婆媳矛盾尖锐等问题。公众及其亲人对于"凤凰女"的困境缺乏理解与同情。  相似文献   

既有研究在论述农村病残人家属的困境时,主要关注病残人的父母、子女,而对病残人手足(亲兄弟姐妹)面临的压力与问题讨论不足,包括他们的择偶问题.本文基于对P市T村病残人手足的择偶情况进行调查,分别从社会层面、经济层面和心理层面对该地病残人手足所面临的择偶困境及原因进行了探讨.本研究认为,"病残"给择偶带来的困境不仅针对当事人本身,他们的手足也会"连带"着遭受公众的歧视和偏见,进而在婚姻市场中处于劣势.对此,本文以社会生态系统理论为依据,从微观系统的个体调适、中观系统的群体支持、宏观系统的不断优化,探讨了改善病残人手足择偶困境的对策.  相似文献   

婚姻性别比失调的男性选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
婚姻市场是指婚龄期男性与女性择偶关系的总和,它是将经济分析的方法引入到社会行为中的分析,它表现为在一定时间和空间内,在婚姻领域人们对婚姻配偶的供给和需求关系。只有在一  相似文献   

"愤怒的青年"婚姻模式多为"富家女爱穷小子",这类婚姻往往成为阶级斗争的战场。斗争的一方是出身低微的男青年,他们希望凭借婚姻进入中上层社会,但又对妻子所代表的中上层社会满怀敌意。斗争的另一方是受虐的女青年,她们成为"愤怒的男青年"阶级提升的工具、阶级斗争的替罪羊。这些女性之所以选择这种婚姻,承受其带来的痛苦,在很大程度上要归因于其阶级愧疚感。  相似文献   

中国人口出生性别比的失衡、原因与对策   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
中国人口出生性别比的失衡、原因与对策张翼本文对近年来我国人口出生性别比失衡原因作了社会学意义的探索和研究。认为家族主义与以家庭为最小生产单位的农业劳作方式,家庭人口再生产对男婴的需求与国家人口再生产对出生人数的限定,以及妇女经济地位的相对低下等,是造...  相似文献   

学校教育制度应该促进农村学生的向上社会流动,然而在我国社会转型过程中的教育制度以城市教育为中心,优先发展城市教育,以"市场能力"和学业成绩作为学校选拔规则,以及重点学校制度对农村学生获得高一级教育机会的制约,导致了对农村学生的"教育排斥"。教育制度的城市化、市场化、精英化取向是转型期农村教育社会分层功能弱化的制度性原因。将现阶段农村教育主要功能定位于促进农村学生城市化和社会地位升迁,确立教育制度的正义原则,实现对农村学生的"差异补偿"是解决这一问题的主要思路。  相似文献   

大都市单身青年“婚恋焦虑”现象调查及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代青年出生和成长于社会改革发展时代,社会物质的极大丰富对青年一代的精神生活产生了极大冲击,种种压力和诱惑导致很多年轻人的价值观产生变化,从而衍生出多元化的婚恋观,单身青年在适婚青年中的比例日益上升。在北京、上海等现代化大都市,单身青年普遍存在着"婚恋焦虑"现象,并且呈现出低龄化趋势。总的来看,"婚恋焦虑"现象的出现背后存在着人口结构、经济条件、社会观念、交际方式、家庭压力等多重因素影响。在新的时代背景下,青年人要学会辨别是非,以一颗真诚的心来面对婚恋问题。  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2014,(5):60-68
上海深化农村改革应着力发展现代农业经营的"三类主体":家庭农场、农民合作社和农业企业;着力保障农民的"三项权利":农民的土地承包经营权、农村集体经济组织成员权利和农民宅基地用益物权;着力盘活农村的"三块土地":农村承包土地、农民宅基地和农村集体建设用地;着力完善涉农的"三项制度":农产品价格形成制度、农业支持保护制度和土地征收制度;着力提升农村公共服务的"三项水平":农村义务教育水平、农村社会保障水平和农村医疗服务水平。  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2002,18(2):123-133
There are few studies which document youth transitions from school to work in rural areas of the majority world. This paper, based on ethnographic fieldwork in a rural community in Bolivia, considers how young people make decisions about different types of school-to-work transitions which include migrating to continue their formal education, working in the community, or seeking migrant work in the regional town or in neighbouring Argentina. The paper explores how young people negotiate structural constraints over their choice of transition, including the rural location, economic resources, parental attitudes and family background, gender, birth order, social networks and role models. Importantly the paper highlights that underlying young people's choice of transition are interdependent household relations. In the majority world, in this case in Bolivia, rural young people may achieve economic independence sooner than those in the minority world, but long-term family interdependence tends to be maintained throughout the life-course. This paper suggests that the notion of negotiated interdependence is a more appropriate way to understand youth transitions and relations between young people and adults in rural areas of the majority world.  相似文献   

The paper was stimulated by the relative absence of the working class from work–life debates. The common conclusion from work–life studies is that work–life imbalance is largely a middle‐class problem. It is argued here that this classed assertion is a direct outcome of a particular and narrow interpretation of work–life imbalance in which time is seen to be the major cause of difficulty. Labour market time, and too much of it, dominates the conceptualization of work–life and its measurement too. This heavy focus on too much labour market time has rendered largely invisible from dominant work–life discourses the types of imbalance that are more likely to impact the working class. The paper's analysis of large UK data‐sets demonstrates a reduction in hours worked by working‐class men, more part‐time employment in working‐class occupations, and a substantial growth in levels of reported financial insecurity amongst the working classes after the 2008–9 recession. It shows too that economic‐based work–life imbalance is associated with lower levels of life satisfaction than is temporal imbalance. The paper concludes that the dominant conceptualization of work–life disregards the major work–life challenge experienced by the working class: economic precarity. The work–life balance debate needs to more fully incorporate economic‐based work–life imbalance if it is to better represent class inequalities.  相似文献   

Abstract  The story of Class was ended. This is the end of the conceptualization of class as a historical and political agent, whereas stratification as a hierarchy for individual achievement still exists. The death of class means a liberation of social thoughts from the inclination to justify violence, oppression, or even genocide for the sake of history and justice. At the same time, however, it eliminates one major public framework on which we may formulate and think about public goods. Liberal egalitarian moral philosophies by Rawls, Dworkin or Sen have emerged just at around the time when the story of class was approaching an end. They substituted the old socialistic egalitarianism and were intended to establish a new public sphere of social stratification. However, Rawls' and Dworkin's theories are foundationalistic and timeless, and hence destined to failure. This paper presents a provisional scheme for public philosophy of social stratification, by which social stratification is ethically interrogated and given a chance to produce public values.  相似文献   


In labor supply theory, marriage can be one of the obstacles making it less likely for a woman to participate in the labor market. However, the relationship between marriage and a female’s working outside the home can vary according to a country’s stage of economic development. This paper therefore aims to investigate the impact of marital status on labor force participation of women in developing countries by using Thailand as a case study. Using sex ratios at the provincial level as an instrumental variable for marital status gives different results from previous empirical research focusing on developed countries. Married women in a developing country like Thailand are more likely to participate in the labor market and work more hours than are unmarried women, especially those who are younger, less educated, not household heads, and with fewer family members to care for. Therefore, policy recommendations for developing countries should aim to support those young and less educated married (and poor) female workers by including extended maternity leave, flexibility of working hours, and establishment of childcare facilities in the workplace, including child allowances for married women who have children.  相似文献   

基于田野调查,考察了D村青年农民工春节返乡“闪婚”现象,通过对该婚恋模式程序性仪式的展示,力图全面透视当地青年农民工“闪婚”这一婚恋模式的实践背景和行为逻辑,以及在这种行为逻辑背后所彰显的子辈权利意识兴起与父权衰落的农村家庭代际关系变迁。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how the availability of family planning and maternal and child health services alters the structure of intra-household bargaining. The overall welfare gains from such programs are likely to be large, but when women obtain access to services only through marriage, some of these gains may be partially offset by changes in their bargaining power and in the dowries that they pay their husbands. I examine these marriage market effects using a family planning and health services program in rural Bangladesh, finding that compared to women without program access, women in the treatment area are 35% less likely to be able to make purchases without permission from their husbands or another household member. Moreover, a difference-in-difference specification confirms that women pay 14% higher dowries in order to obtain husbands with access to the program. The fact that adjustments are made both before and within marriage suggests that marital contracts in rural Bangladesh are negotiated along multiple margins.  相似文献   

This paper uses national longitudinal data and several new empirical strategies to examine the consequences of teenage fatherhood. The key contribution is to compare economic outcomes of young fathers to young men whose partners experienced a miscarriage rather than a live birth. The results suggest that teenage fatherhood decreases years of schooling and the likelihood of receiving a high school diploma and increases general educational development receipt. Teenage fatherhood also appears to increase early marriage and cohabitation, and has mixed short-term effects on several labor market outcomes.  相似文献   

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