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认知心理意义上的具身认知肇始于Lakoff所提出的概念隐喻理论,该理论开创性地将感知觉图式与概念表征联系起来,对传统"符号表征与计算"立场的第一代认知进行了革新。在理论假设与研究层次上,源于语言归纳、具身心理机制、认知神经层次等问题使得概念隐喻观被视为"不彻底的""弱具身"取向。近年来的实证研究,从时间-空间隐喻、温度-人际隐喻、道德感隐喻、重量隐喻等领域内均发现了隐喻始源域-目标域之间的"双向映射",意味着概念表征-具身经验间具有更为紧密的联系。随后Barsalou提出的知觉符号理论则从更为深层的角度——神经生理层面对具身现象进行了描述与预期,并得到了诸如:镜像神经元、隐喻句理解、"动感共振"等神经生理现象的支持。今后研究应从心理-生理视角出发对具身现象进行进一步研究与探索。  相似文献   

许先文 《阅江学刊》2010,(4):107-114
具身认知是认知科学研究领域的最新范式与前沿主题之一,引起多学科的研究兴趣。具身认知与语言认知结合的研究方法是一种新的认知研究范式,即语言具身认知,它从认识论、心理学和认知神经学层面研究其认识论基础、心脑机制以及认知神经学基础,为理解语言内化、语言体验、语言处理、语言生成等符号文化的创造性加工机制提供了新颖的思想启示,也为探讨语言认知的理论与实践研究的新路径、提升语言研究与教学的社会效能提供了参考。  相似文献   

许先文  赵娜 《阅江学刊》2013,5(2):131-136
语言具身认知具有语言学的思想渊源,与近代语言学重要的流派结构主义语言学有着内在关联。语言具身认知的主张和观念与结构主义语言学所遵守的整体主义方法论有着内在的传承性。系统的整体主义观念影响着语言认知的最为突出的体现就是将身体、环境、脑纳入语言认知系统中,强调身体、环境、心脑之间的交互作用。  相似文献   

孙冰 《社科纵横》2009,24(1):88-90
认知语言学抛弃客观主义的哲学观,提出经验现实主义哲学观,从概念结构、概念化、范畴理论、认知模式等有关认知理论入手说明认知语言学的语义观,即,不能独立于人这一实体。实际上概念和意义重合。传统的一词多义理论也被隐喻理论替代,即隐喻是真实的。但有不同学者对隐喻理论相关问题,如本原问题、隐喻概念和概念隐喻的区别等提出看法,这里列出供讨论。  相似文献   

英汉语序中的认知差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
毛海燕 《学术交流》2003,(11):137-139
从认识模式分析,英语采用的是自下而上的模式,即从部分到整体;汉语采用的是自上而下的模式,即把句子作为一个整体来理解。正确认识并掌握其起因会帮助交际顺利进行,避免错误。依据认知语言学的观点,语言与认知关系密切,相互依赖。英汉语序的差异是由信息处理过程中的图形/背景模式的不同取向造成的。这一结论被英汉语序两个层面的对比所证明,对英语学习和使用者的交际亦有指导意义。  相似文献   

本文从认知的角度,对隐喻的哲学基础、物质基础、认知模式和认知功能作了重点讨论。旨在说明:隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种认知现象,是人类一种基本的思维、认知和概念化方式。  相似文献   

身体议题的回归重塑了人与技术间的新型关系。有鉴于此,本文重思了网络游戏中的身体实践,将物质的、文化的、技术的多重意义聚焦于身体这个节点主体上。物质身体强调身体的物理属性及具身行为,以“知觉生成器”的方式联结了游戏空间和现实时空、游戏体验和自我意识;文化身体受到网络游戏中各种规训力量的影响,身体无意识地呈现着权力的样貌,折射出各种文化隐喻。技术中的身体体现出双重内涵:技术化的身体和身体的技术化,身体和技术互为主体和客体,两者相互嵌合形成共生关系。以身体为线索,三个维度相互补充,提供了观察网络游戏社会文化现象的新窗口,从该窗口可以透视出,剥离了表层娱乐性的电子游戏实际上是文化、政治、技术等力量相互交织作用的场域。  相似文献   

在对世界概念化、范畴化的过程中,基于身体组织、边界接触的空间感知从根本上引导着人们对世界的认识.它是蕴含在前概念框架中的核心观念.人类对世界的认知是一个从物理空间向其他认知域的隐喻映射的过程.语言系统中的空间关系是时间关系的隐喻来源,由此形成了概念意义与语言结构间的对称性.但由于对同一事物的知觉中心不同,话语主体建构语义内容的方式不同,从而使概念意义与语言结构间也呈现出非对称性.  相似文献   

汉语饮食隐喻的认知分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻是一种认知现象,它以人的基本经验为基础.隐喻的形成,是两个认知域之间的结构映射,即从始源域向目标域的映射.中国人的潜意识里存在着一个主导概念隐喻,即:吃饭是人生.这个主导概念隐喻存在于一个系统观念联系里,包含一系列的子概念.汉语中存在三类饮食隐喻现象,即分别从具体的饮食概念域、从表示动作状态的饮食概念域、以食味词为源域到非饮食概念域的映射,暗含于这三类隐喻现象其中还有众多的子概念隐喻系统.汉语中大量饮食隐喻的存在和汉民族的具象思维密不可分.  相似文献   

"老字号"不仅是一种品牌和一类企业,同时也是城市文化与社会生活的符号象征。人们能够通过感观体验对"老字号"形成认同,其深层原因在于"老字号"背后的记忆隐喻以及人们对"老字号"的空间认知。  相似文献   

闫伯汉 《社会》2017,37(4):59-89
本文利用2012年中国城镇化与劳动移民调查数据,以儿童的认知发展水平为研究对象,以阶层再生产为分析视角,基于认知发展理论探讨农民工流动对子女认知发展的影响。研究发现,流动儿童拥有比留守儿童更高的认知水平,流动儿童相对较好的家庭背景为其认知发展提供了实质性帮助,乡城迁移中流动儿童的认知发展主要通过"转校"等机制得到促进;对于留守儿童来说,其认知劣势与父母外出工作并无显著的统计关系,而主要归因于家庭贫乏的文化资本和经济资本、子女数较多的家庭结构、较低的学前教育接受率或就读学校质量的低下。但是,流动儿童的认知水平整体上仍低于城市儿童,其认知发展仍然受到自身社会阶层条件和境遇的深刻限制,"流动"所带来的各类"认知收益"是有限的。  相似文献   

孙小逸  黄荣贵 《社会》2016,36(3):140-166
本文旨在考察业主维权情景中行动者的认知过程。作者提出了理解主观认知的分析框架,并根据权利内容即财产权抑或自治权、权利性质即反应性抑或进取性两个维度,对业主权利意识进行类型学划分。对微博的分析呈现了近年来业主积极分子权利意识的分布和演变状况;访谈结果则显示积极分子对权利意识的认知解放是一个自发、互动的过程,而且抗争面临的阻力促进相似抗争的连结,社会化媒体为类似抗争的串联提供了平台,推动了认知解放过程。本文阐明了在中国情境下框架化和认知解放过程的自发性和互动性,同时指出未来的研究应该从以事件为中心的案例分析转向以议题为核心的抗议事件族的分析。  相似文献   

Sociological propositions about the workings of cognition are rarely specified or tested, but are of central relevance to studies of culture, social judgment, and social movements. This paper draws out lessons of recent work from sociological theory, cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience on the embodied nature of knowledge and thought, and develops implications of these lessons for cultural and cognitive sociology. Knowledge ought to be conceived of as fundamentally embodied, because sensory information is a fundamental component of experience as it is stored in long‐term memory, and because bodily responses and intuitions often precede reflexive or strategic thought. I argue that the challenge of embodied knowledge for cultural sociology is threefold: to develop cultural theories of motivation; to specify the ways in which the body structures discourses endogenously; and to specify how embodied motivations and embodied discourses interact.  相似文献   

This paper explores new avenues of research on social bases of cognition and a more adequate (than those extant) framework to conceive the phenomena of the human mind. It firstly examines Bartlett's work on social bases of cognition, from which three pertinent features are identified, namely multi-level analyses, evolutionary perspective and embodied mind approach. It then examines recent works on social origins of cognition in ethology and paleoanthropology, and various forms of the embodied mind approach recently proposed in neuroscience and cognitive science. The paper concludes that extending the embodied mind approach would provide the most potent framework to enable, amongst others, the conceptual integration of the biological, psychological and social bases of the human mind, which have in the past been treated mainly as competing alternatives.  相似文献   

Embodied cognition has attracted significant attention within cognitive science and related fields in recent years. It is most noteworthy for its emphasis on the inextricable connection between mental functioning and embodied activity and thus for its departure from standard cognitive science's implicit commitment to the unembodied mind. This article offers a review of embodied cognition's recent empirical and theoretical contributions and suggests how this movement has moved beyond standard cognitive science. The article then clarifies important respects in which embodied cognition has not departed fundamentally from the standard view. A shared commitment to representationalism, and ultimately, mechanism, suggest that the standard and embodied cognition movements are more closely related than is commonly acknowledged. Arguments against representationalism and mechanism are reviewed and an alternative position that does not entail these conceptual undergirdings is offered.  相似文献   

心理学研究感性认识形式,逻辑学研究理性认识形式。二者密切相关但却长期分离。认知科学的建立和发展,为心理学和逻辑学的交叉融合提供了科学依据和学科框架。在认知科学的框架下,逻辑学发生了本质的变化,产生了认知逻辑新的研究框架。在这个框架下,心理学与逻辑学交叉融合,产生了心理逻辑这一新兴学科。它认为逻辑推理受心理因素影响,是由人参与的、涉身的经验科学。认知逻辑开启了当代逻辑学发展的新时代,走上了作为多学科共同工具的广阔发展道路。认知科学的发展将带来一个学科综合交叉、问题引领科学研究、科学研究引领学科建设、人才全面发展的新时代。  相似文献   

Culture provides a context in which emotion socialization is embedded, and the bidirectional effects between parents’ emotion socialization and children's emotional behaviors may work differently across cultures. To understand how emotion socialization may be shaped by the cultural context, we examined the moderating role of Asian cultural values in bidirectional associations between maternal emotion socialization practices and child anger and sadness. Seventy-four U.S. Chinese immigrant mothers (Mage = 40.71 years, SD = 3.61) completed measures assessing their Asian cultural values and parenting style. Children experienced a disappointment task in the lab (Cole, 1986), and mothers and their children (Mage = 6.73 years, SD = .95; 55% female) were observed at two different time intervals. Mothers’ socialization practices (emotion dismissing, emotion coaching, and moral and behavioral socialization) and children's anger and sadness responses at both intervals were coded. Mothers’ greater Asian cultural values buffered the negative effects of their emotion dismissing practices on children's anger and sadness. However, Asian cultural values did not impact the effects of children's anger and sadness on mothers’ emotion dismissing practices. When mothers endorsed fewer Asian values, their emotion coaching practices reduced children's anger and sadness. Children's anger and sadness evoked more emotion coaching practices when mothers endorsed lower levels of Asian cultural values. In addition, children's anger and sadness evoked greater moral and behavioral responses from their mothers when mothers endorsed more Asian values. Overall, findings underscored the importance of cultural values in the interplay between mothers’ emotion socialization practices and children's emotions.  相似文献   

《Social Development》2018,27(2):262-278
This study examined mothers’ responses to foster emotional competence from a cultural perspective. Fifty‐one European American, 52 Turkish, and 40 Romanian mothers of 2‐year‐old children provided open‐ended responses to vignettes of anger‐, sadness‐, fear‐, and happiness‐eliciting situations. Mothers’ responses were compared between the family models of independence (United States) and psychological interdependence (Turkey, Romania) to understand cultural variations. To anger, all mothers endorsed problem‐focused responses that emphasized teaching coping skills at similar rates, suggestive of an autonomy‐orientation. European American mothers also endorsed behaviorally oriented discipline to cope with anger independently more than Turks and Romanians, who endorsed reasoning and comforting responses more, reflecting a relatedness emphasis. To sadness, problem‐focused and comforting responses did not reveal cultural differences. Expected differences in reasoning and dismissive responses were partly supported. To fear, comforting was the dominant response, with the highest rate reported by European Americans. Turkish and Romanian mothers’ relative emphasis on reasoning was characteristic of their family model. In happy situations, European American mothers validated toddlers’ happiness most often, whereas Turkish mothers reported the escalation of happiness most often. Despite sharing the psychological interdependence model, differences in some responses to sadness, fear, and happiness were noted between Turkish and Romanian mothers.  相似文献   

典故的隐喻文化透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白民军 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):135-137
典故是人们在对世界的认知过程中形成的一种语言形式 ,与特定的历史文化语境密切相关 ,体现了不同文化背景下人们的思想观念、道德意识、价值取向和思维方式。从本质上讲 ,典故的产生和典故的使用都是隐喻式的。典故的隐喻性这一特点表明人们在以文化语境为基础 ,通过想象、联想、映射等途径进行一系列认知活动时 ,典故的隐喻文化才能得到充分的体现。  相似文献   

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