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满族在日常生产、社会生活、宗教祭祀等不同发展层面,能够正确处理好人与自然、人与社会以及人与人之间的和谐互动关系,尤其在资源的有效利用和合理开发上体现出适度节制的可持续发展理念。以生态伦理学为研究视角从满族生活的不同剖面进行深入解析,特别是对内植于生态伦理学背后的文化现象予以高度关注,以便为我国少数民族生态伦理学研究提供可资借鉴的文化元素。  相似文献   

胡宝华  刘立策 《民族学刊》2017,8(3):76-83,121-125
花山岩画为先秦时期生活于广西左江流域的骆越人所创作.先秦时期,水稻种植已经成为骆越社会主要的经济来源,骆越社会由此形成的宇宙观、价值观及生活习俗、信仰仪式皆体现出稻作文化的特征.在花山岩画中,诸多图像元素体现出丰富的稻作文化特征,如"蛙形人""日芒纹"强调对青蛙、鸟的崇拜,"饰羽人"、行船图对太阳、江河的敬畏,以及人们与自然生态融为一体的祈愿.而花山岩画的作画地点选取,则直接与稻作生产仪式有着密切的联系,甚至花山岩画本身就是一种稻作生产的祭祀仪式.这些稻作文化记忆,有的形成了民间信仰的仪式活动,有的衍生出了民族节日.稻作文化强调人与自然生态融为一体的宇宙观,在当代社会依然极具生态环境保护价值.  相似文献   

文章从维吾尔族传统文化的视角,将其生态伦理观略作归纳,并指出其生态伦理精神在指导、规范和协调人与自然、人与人、人与自我这三方面关系中的积极作用与现代意义,即确立生态文明的天人和谐理念、协调发展的人际和谐理念、全面发展的身心和谐理念。  相似文献   

绿色和谐理念是一种新的哲学观,追求人与人、人与自然和人自身的和谐发展,因而为可持续发展提供了理论支持.在此视野下,人与人、人与自然及整个宇宙之间都处于一种现代生态学的观照之中.蒙古族的生态文化是从古代蒙古族所从事的游牧和狩猎的生产和生活的实践中产生并发展起来的,运用绿色和谐理念的相关理论对其进行探讨,可以使我们对蒙古族生态文化有一个更为全面、清新、深刻的认识.  相似文献   

在连续三年对箐口村哈尼族的"苦扎扎"(六月节)仪式的观察基础上,描述了该项仪式的基本内容及其变迁,认为"苦扎扎"仪式在表达祈福消灾意愿时,特别强调社区中个人的生活目的及生存意义必须与有意义的神圣秩序系统相联系.日常生产生活方式的变迁,尤其是妇女在现实社会活动中的角色变化,已在改变着仪式的某些内容和意义.文章认为,神圣与世俗及社会性别等方面的界限确定及变化都是制度文化建构的结果.制度文化在规约社会行为的同时也为人们在其间能动地进行创造提供了条件.  相似文献   

论古代西南地区少数民族的生态伦理观念与生态环境   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
古代西南地区少数民族的生态伦理观念包括万物有灵的认识观、普遍约束的宗教观、适应环境的和谐观、适度开发的发展观、天人合一的自然观;这些生态观念来源于民间口传文学、宗教信仰、禁忌习俗、乡规民约和习惯法、生产劳动等形式.研究古代西南地区少数民族的生态伦理观念及与自然和谐相处的良性互动关系,对于党和政府制定正确的生态环境政策和民族地区经济社会发展规划、实现民族地区生态环境和社会经济的相互协调发展、加快生态文明建设都具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

民族传统文化是以该民族居住地的生态环境为土壤而滋生。生活在广西的各族人民,在对自然环境和生物资源的适应、改造中,实现了民族传统文化的"以人为本"、"因地制宜"、"人人和谐"的局面。将民族传统文化与生态文明建设有机结合起来,广西的生态文明建设和民族传统文化更具有特色、生机与活力。  相似文献   

韩国李吉熙  阿衣  吉木哈学 《民族学刊》2019,10(3):81-87, 129-130
通过对中国彝族“尼木”仪式和韩国韩民族“洁净祭”仪式的含义、程序与功能进行对比后,发现二者形式差异和性质相同。仪式差异点:彝族“尼木”仪式是两个父母去世后才进行,而韩民族是死者出殡前晚上进行;彝族用竹子制作灵牌代表亡灵,韩民族是用死者衣物代表亡灵;彝族是通过毕摩念经和象征行为模拟来完成,韩民族是巫堂以多种专门的乐器伴奏下用歌曲或说话来完成。仪式共同点:主要以五个程序构成;宗旨是将亡灵送往极乐世界;目的是通过象征仪式和娱乐活动把悲伤绝望转化为希望和喜乐,追求人类延续和幸福。彝族的“尼木”仪式和韩民族“洁净祭”在宗教意义上都是以象征的形式把亡灵送往极乐世界而变成祖灵,重构了对立统一的人界和神界,以便达到重构人们和谐生活秩序的目的。  相似文献   

在粤北方洞,瑶族度身仪式与家先观念及其"厅"组织三者之间存在紧密的逻辑关联。将度身置于家先观念及社会结构进行考察,探索度身产生与维系的观念基础及社会基础,是全面理解方洞瑶族度戒仪式的关键。认为对瑶族度戒仪式进行简单的"超地方"论述是危险的,应将度戒仪式植回具体生态环境、思想观念、社会结构、政治经济中,进行地方性、情境化思考。  相似文献   

2012年8月2日,中国伊斯兰教协会斋月尊老敬老爱心行动捐赠仪式在武汉举行,中国伊协向武汉市江岸区玉山民族敬老院捐资10万元。全国政协常委、中国伊协会长陈广元阿訇,省政协副主席涂勇出席捐赠仪式。陈广元阿訇在仪式上致辞,他说,湖北在寺办养老机构方面工作领先,为中国伊协开展慈善事业创造了经验。涂勇说,湖北伊斯兰教工作在党委政府的领导下,围绕中心、服务大局,凝聚人心,促进和谐,为推  相似文献   

人类学仪式研究评述   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
仪式研究一直是人类学研究中的一个重要领域,几乎所有的人类学流派都对仪式有着独特的理解和认知角度,人类学研究的发展自然也会在仪式研究中有所反映。本文试图对人类学中的仪式研究作一个大致的评述。这无论是对仪式的知识谱系的梳理,还是对学科的学理逻辑方法论的理解,都是必要的。  相似文献   

刘超 《民族学刊》2016,7(4):39-46,110-112
Western social scientists have fo-cused on the religion and ritual of China for a long time. Since modern times, a number of western si-nologists have committed themselves to conducting detailed and in-depth research on aspects of Chi-nese society and history in order to explain the be-liefs and practices of Chinese people. It is within such an academic background that Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society, edited by Arthur Wolf, an American anthropologist, compiled a series of studies on the religions and rituals of Taiwan and Hong Kong done by fifteen western scholars from the 1950s to the 1970s. The advent of this book not only characterizes the western academic study of Chinese society and culture of that era, but also causes us to reflect on current research. This book is a work of great academic value, as well as serves as a model for the study of sinology in the field of western anthropology.  相似文献   


This article investigates how two Middle Eastern Christian churches in Denmark are constructed as particular sensorial spaces that invite attendees to participate in and identify with specific times and spaces. As with other Christian groups, rituals of the Sunday mass constitute a highlight of the activities that confirm the congregations’ faith and community, but for members of a minority faith, these rituals also serve other functions related to identification and belonging. Inspired by a practice-oriented [Bell, Catherine. (1992). Ritual Practice, Ritual Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press] and phenomenological approach to place-making [Cresswell, Tim. (2002). “Introduction: Theorizing Place.” In Mobilizing Place, Placing Mobility: The Politics of Representation in a Globalized World, edited by Ginette Verstraete and Tim Cresswell, 11–32. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B.V.] through sensory communication [Leistle, Bernard. (2006). “Ritual as Sensory Communication: A Theoretical and Analytical Perspective.” In Ritual and Identity: Performative Practices as Effective Transformations of Social Reality, edited by Klaus-Peter Köpping, Bernhard Leistle, and Michael Rudolph, 33–74. Berlin: LIT Verlag; Pink, Sarah. (2009). Doing Sensory Ethnography. London: Sage], the article examines constructions of religious identity and belonging through ritual practices. The findings stem from fieldwork carried out in 2014–2015 and are part of a larger cross-disciplinary study of Egyptian, Iraqi and Assyrian Christians in Denmark. We argue that in various ways, the ritual forms a performative space for memory and belonging which, through bodily practices and engagement with the materialities of the church rooms, creates a memory that reconnects the practitioners with places elsewhere. More specifically, we argue that the Sunday ritual facilitates the connection with God and the eternal, a place and time with fellow believers, and a relocation to remember and re-enter a pre-migration past and ‘homeland’.  相似文献   

裕固族的礼仪歌及其功能解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对裕固族生活礼仪歌、人生礼仪歌和生产礼仪歌的浅析,指出裕固族的礼仪歌是其独特生产方式和草原文化的产物,并在一定程度上反作用于裕固族社会生活的方方面面。  相似文献   

尹允镇  王一帆 《民族学刊》2014,5(5):57-63,119
中国当代朝鲜族诗人南永前的诗歌大都取材于朝鲜民族的神话传说,在诗歌中,他将自然、天体、动植物作为抒情对象,从创造生命和生命永恒的角度,抒发了自己的情感。不论是以天体或自然为主题的诗歌,还是以动植物为主题的诗歌,都表现出一种珍惜生命、爱护自然、天人一体的自然生态思想。不仅如此,南永前经常把自己的某种意图融入诗歌,使诗歌呈现出强烈的民族文化意识和理念色彩,而且还常用排比手法表达对生命的赞美和生命的永恒。  相似文献   

和虎 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):41-49,107-108
Taking the Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven of the Naxi at Lezhu village as a case stud-y, this article tries to explore how a typical Naxi village handles the relationship between its tradi-tional culture and modernity, and how it reshapes its unique culture in the process of cultural change, and preserves its cultural characteristics. The Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven is a grand and complicated ceremony of the Naxi. The proce-dure of this ritual at Lezhu village generally in-cludes the following steps: 1 ) planting sacred trees;2 ) offering incense sticks and rices;3 ) offer-ing wine;4 ) cleaning impurities;5 ) offering un-cooked food; 6 ) offering cooked food; 7 ) atoning for the sins and praying for blessings; 8 ) feeding crows and eagles;9) sharing the food. According to the analysis of the author, the revitalization of the Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven in Lezhu village is related to the following reasons:1 ) the formation of united-groups for sacrifice to heave;2 ) the power of the people’s belief in a small community; 3 ) the effort of folk “enthusi-asts” ;and 4 ) the geographical location of the vil-lage. Concerning the inheritance and change in the Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven at Lezhu village, we should notice that some traditions have been inheri-ted while some have been changed. In the case of Lijiang , economic factor ( especially tourism indus-try) has played an important role in the ethnic cul-tural change. On one hand, it can accelerate the spreading of the Naxi traditional culture, enhance the Naxi’s ethnic confidence and identity, and cre-ate chances for local economic development, on the other hand, the traditional culture might lose its foundations during the process of spreading and exchanging. Social change can result in the lose of tradi-tional culture, and the Naxi’s Dongba culture in Lijiang plain is facing this problem. A slightly im-proper behavior can lead to the discontinuity, or e-ven disappearance of ethnic traditional culture. There is always a paradox of “center-margin”concerning the economic development and ethnic traditional culture inheritance. Ethnic traditional cultures normally have no enough survival space in the economically developed areas while they are preserved much better in the economically back-ward mountainous areas. To a certain degree, the revitalization of the Naxi’s Ritual of Sacrifice to Heaven at Lezhu village is due to the relatively backward of economics. Following the development of transportation, communication and internet, people’s concept of space and time has changed;modern civilization has strongly impacted the Naxi of Lijiang. The Naxi of Lijiang, like other ethnic minority people in southwest China,are also facing a problem of cultural discontinuity or reshaping of the tradition. We should aware that the society is develo-ping, and cultural change has its inevitability. As a social member, we should ,on one hand, inherit the culture, and on the other hand, understand its change and development.  相似文献   

以田野调查为主要研究方法的人类学仪式研究硕果累累,但也日益显示出缺陷与不足,这一缺陷与不足表现为:现象与细节的描述过多,对现象与细节的解释不够;对当前的静态描述过多,对历史的动态分析不够。有鉴于此,笔者提倡对仪式进行发生学研究,从而清晰地梳理层出不穷的仪式概念,为仪式的发生及其历史演变正本清源。本文试以古希腊酒神祭祀仪式为例,分析仪式的发生及历史演变,从真正的人类学意义上把握仪式的形态、结构及功能。  相似文献   

自治与共治:民族政治理论新思考   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
朱伦 《民族研究》2003,19(2):1-18
现代民族政治意义上的自治产生于统治民族和被统治民族之间的暂时妥协 ,存在着排他性和从属性这一对难解的矛盾。中国等当代多民族国家的民族政治生活已经超越了传统的自治观念 ,实际已走上了民族共治的道路。民族共治有其必然性与合理性 ,它是“后自治”民族政治生活发展的客观要求 ,是与民族政治民主和共和“三位一体”的命题。当代民族政治理论应当以共治为核心思想进行构建 ,并赋予自治新的含义 :“民族政治性组织合法”加上“民族政治人格平等” ,应当成为自治的新概念 ,对此可以“当家作主”来界定 ;由这种新自治观出发 ,共治就是一个必然的结论 ,二者的关系也可以得到科学的解释。民族共治的理论意义在于它是批判各种片面的和非理性民族政治观念的武器 ,而实践价值则在于它是建设多民族统一国家、实现民族关系平等、自由与和谐的工具  相似文献   

青藏高原地区藏族与穆斯林群体的互动关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
藏族和穆斯林群体的关系 ,是青藏高原诸多民族关系中十分重要的一种关系 ,对青藏高原的民族团结和社会稳定影响极大 ;藏穆关系的和谐与稳定 ,源于它们之间长期、持久和频繁的民间互动 ,而互动的深层根源则是两种生产方式的互补共生需要。互动促进了民族文化的交流与融合 ,但“和而不同”才是藏穆关系长期的发展趋势。  相似文献   

何以"当大事"--双凤村丧葬个案的人类学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从文化意义框架和社会互动模式之间的不和谐来解释一些仪式中的矛盾冲突的分析方法是极具启示性的。这种分析是对一味强调文化的平衡系统、社会的内部稳定以及永恒的结构从而难以理解急剧变迁的社会生活中的各种矛盾的功能主义的超越,是人类学话语空间扩展。土家族山寨双凤村的一个充满了种种冲突的葬礼,则凸显了文化以及社会内部的矛盾因素是造成社区生活冲突的更为内在也更为重要的因素。仪式的举行还表明了遵守传统规则的必要性,而作为一种实践活动,遵守规则还意味着制定规则以及改变规则。  相似文献   

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