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山区人口分布受多种经济、社会等非空间因素的影响外,还与不同区域的地理分布有密切关系。文章以贵州省毕节地区为例,以乡镇区域为研究单元,运用地理加权回归(GWR)分析方法,兼与全局普通二乘法(OLS)方法进行比较,研究人口密度和经济、社会、自然等因素的空间相关关系。研究表明,社会经济因素对毕节山区人口分布的影响大于自然环境因素的影响;海拔对毕节山区人口分布的影响不如坡度的影响显著;综合经济实力、城镇化水平、交通条件和地形条件的好坏与其对人口分布的影响大小呈反相关,而医疗条件的好坏与其对人口分布的影响大小呈正相关。因此,"加强城镇建设、鼓励人口聚集,加强生态移民工作、保护资源环境"是未来毕节地区相关政策的基础。  相似文献   

沈茂英 《西北人口》2009,30(4):67-72
人口分布是指人口在某一特定时间内于一定地理空间的集散状态,受多种因素影响。自然环境要素是人口分布的客现基础,但决定人口分布的关键因素是生产力发展水平与生产力布局。在一定时期内,在一个大的区域范围内,人口分布具有相对稳定性。汶川大地震极重灾区,社会经济环境与自然环境均发生较大变化,灾区人口分布格局变动不可避免。本文以汶川地震灾区10个极重灾区县为例,在系统分析灾前人口分布格局基础上,指出“耕地等农地资源灭失毁损、避灾搬迁、产业布局调整与升级、城镇体系空间重构、生态保护与修复”是影响灾后人口分布变动的主要驱动因素,提出灾区“人口总量基本不变,而城乡人口分布格局发生调整,并形成以县内分布调整变动为主、跨县人口分布调整为辅”的变动态势。  相似文献   

王如松  陈亮 《人口研究》2007,31(2):1-14
区域人口分布态势是由地区资源、环境生态条件、社会经济发展水平以及历史文化渊源决定的。本文在对人口、资源、环境和社会经济发展的数据信息的挖掘和对已有研究资料分析的基础之上对人口变动的生态学机制进行研究,探讨人口、资源、环境耦合与调控的人口生态学方法,为国家和区域社会经济发展、自然环境保育以及人口生态安全的宏观调控提供科学方法和决策依据。  相似文献   

京津冀作为我国重要的人口集聚区,其区域发展面临严重的能源和环境问题。首先,基于STIRPAT模型构建京津冀面板数据模型,研究1990—2017年京津冀人口密度、经济增长、产业结构和环境规制对能源消费的影响。其次,采用SVAR模型通过脉冲响应函数和方差分解,研究京津冀人口密度变动对能源消费的作用机理和动态影响关系。结果显示,京津冀三地的人口密度、人均实际GDP与能源消费之间存在正向影响关系,其中河北省影响系数最大;北京和天津第三产业占比与能源消费之间存在反向影响关系,河北省第三产业占比对能源消费的影响不显著;北京和天津的环境规制对能源消费影响不显著,河北省环境规制对能源消费具有正向影响;京津冀地区和京冀两地人口密度变动对能源消费的影响在短期呈现负向效应,但是在中长期京津冀地区和三地人口密度变动对能源消费的影响均先上升然后缓慢下降,人口集聚具有集约用能效应。相对于能源消费自身影响而言,京津冀人口密度变动对能源消费的贡献相对较小,其影响效应有限。最后,对京津冀人口流动和能源消费一体化协同发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

我国水环境问题与人口、社会、经济因素的相关分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国各地区普遍存在水环境问题 ,且地区间的水环境状况差异显著。水环境问题与人口、社会、经济等因素在地区分布上很不协调 :水量丰富地区 ,水污染、水浪费十分严重 ;缺水地区 ,经济相对落后 ;缺水程度低的地区 ,人口密度较高 ,使水资源存在巨大的潜在压力。在影响水环境的相关因素中 ,人口因素的作用十分突出 ,社会经济因素也具有重要影响。  相似文献   

人口死亡水平的变动与趋势包含了与社会发展互为因果的潜在信息,对其进行挖掘可以为人口数量与素质、城市化与劳动就业、人口分布与资源环境承载力以及人口老龄化等问题的解决提供重要参考。基于“五普”、“六普”的人口普查数据,文章利用模型生命表方法对福建省的人口死亡率进行了校正;宏观角度对比分析了2000年-2010年福建省人口死亡水平与模式变化,微观多角度剖析了设区市之间预期寿命、婴儿死亡的差异及其原因。研究结论为:一是福建省人口死亡率显著降低,人口健康水平大幅提升,婴儿死亡漏报、错报问题明显减少;二是九个设区市之间的死亡模式存在地区差异,城市化水平、生育水平及社会卫生条件是差异产生的显著性影响因素,但经济发展、教育水平和公共医疗卫生的作用不明显。  相似文献   

本文利用民国北京人口统计档案资料对民国北京人口空间分布的特点及原因做出动态分析。民国北京人口空间分布的最大特点是分布不均衡、密度大及人口性别比高。北京内外城人口数量与人口密度远大于四郊,各区人口密度相差悬殊,北京人口空间分布格局与人口密度增长呈现明显的圈层式特点及差异性变化。北京内城外围各区人口密度及其增长均大于中心区域;外城内侧区域人口密度大于边缘区域,但内侧区域人口密度增长却慢于边缘区域;东郊区、南郊区的人口密度及其增长大于西郊区及北郊区。总体上北京各区人口密度增长表现为内城快于外城,外城快于四郊。北京城郊区人口分布格局并非静止不变,内城人口密度呈现出由低于到最终高于外城的变动,外城人口数量也呈现出由少于到最终多于四郊的变动。民国北京人口空间分布的影响因素主要包括北京城市居住格局的改变、公共机构的建立、城市商业消费中心的北移及外来人口的聚集等。民国北京男性人口一直多于女性人口,因此人口性别比一直较高。北京男女人口城郊区分布不平衡,外城人口性别比最高,内城次之,四郊最低。民国北京人口性别比高的一个主要原因是外来人口以未婚男性青壮年居多,大量过剩未婚男性人口成为婚姻市场中的被挤压对象,也是社会不安定的潜在因素。  相似文献   

人口集聚和区域不均衡是经济发展的普遍现象,中国的人口空间分布和区域经济发展也表现出明显的不均衡特征。人口集聚除了具有静态的人口空间分布状态的含义外,还具有动态的人口向特定区域流动迁移的含义。人口集聚既是过程也是结果,研究人口集聚比单方面的人口空间分布研究或人口流动迁移研究更具挑战性,也更有学术价值与现实意义。本文以20002015年省级数据为样本,根据人口集聚地区人口规模大和人口密度高的特点,利用人口密度的区域倍数指标来测量我国人口集聚水平,分析其变动特征,建立面板数据模型实证分析人口集聚对区域经济发展的影响,探讨人口集聚影响区域经济发展水平的途径机制。研究发现我国人口集聚程度按东部、中部、西部顺序依次降低,东部地区的集聚程度不断提高;人口集聚对区域经济发展水平具有显著的正影响,人口集聚程度每提高1%,区域经济发展水平将提高1.064%,西部地区人口集聚的经济效应最大,资本和外向型经济发展水平对区域经济发展也具有显著正影响;城镇化、人力资本和人口抚养比是人口集聚影响区域经济发展的重要途径,人口集聚能够提高集聚地区的城镇化率和人力资本水平,降低地区人口抚养比,促进区域经济发展。基于此,提出促进地区人口集聚、加快城镇化进程、积极发挥人口集聚经济效应等政策建议。  相似文献   

本文以甘肃省各县区为研究对象,选取1990年、2000年、2010年的人口普查数据,分别计算各县区老年人口比重和老年人口密度。首先应用Arc GIS软件分析老龄化人口的时空分布特征,并通过重心计算均衡点;其次应用Geo Da软件对老年人口分布进行空间自相关分析;最后,从人口、经济、社会角度探索性地分析导致空间分布差异的原因。研究结果表明:甘肃省老龄化现象呈现由东南向西北推进的扇形模式,老年人口密度呈现以兰州市及周边地区为圆心的同心圆扩展模式,老龄化重心位置逐渐向兰州市靠近;老龄化空间分布具有较显著的自相关性;老龄化空间分布差异与人口、社会和经济发展具有一定的关系。  相似文献   

三年经济困难时期中国人口地区分布的变动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1959~1961年间由于重大政策失误等原因,中国遭遇了严重的经济困难,人口减少,人口分布出现了不正常的显著变动。本文对该时期全国各地区的经济形势,尤其是粮食生产和供应形势,以及与此有着密切关系的人口自然变动和人口迁移,进行了定量的差异分析,总结了中国人口分布的变动特点,并简要评价了这种变动的社会经济意义。  相似文献   

淮海经济区人口城市化区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用我国2000年第五次人口普查数据及2001年《中国城市统计年鉴》的统计资料,运用SPSS软件中的主成分分析功能分析淮海经济区人口城市化的影响要素:人口城市化水平与经济增长要素、社会发展要素相关显著,与投资要素、基础设施环境要素相关不显著;运用G IS技术,对淮海经济区人口城市化的区域划分进行研究,结果表明:淮海经济区大部分市县的人口城市化水平偏低,区内无高人口城市化水平地区,并存在较明显的"五区"空间格局,即东部区、南部区、西部区、北部区和中部区。  相似文献   

甘肃省人口压力评估指标及定量评估研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵军  田英  张艳伟 《西北人口》2009,30(5):111-113
在对传统人口压力评价指标体系评述的基础上,将无形资源纳入人口压力评价指标体系,根据2006年甘肃省统计资料。对全省81个县级行政区划单位的人口压力进行赋值与量化。结果表明甘肃省人口压力量化值呈正态分布.有形资源与无形资源都丰富的地区人口压力较小,人口压力与社会经济发展水平密切相关。实现甘肃社会经济的可持续发展.必须注重人口压力区域差异的合理调控。  相似文献   

The U.S. Census Bureau designed the American Community Survey (ACS) to provide annual estimates of social and economic characteristics for states, counties, municipalities, census tracts, and block groups. Because of its April 1 reference date, in northern nonmetropolitan counties with substantial seasonal population fluctuations the decennial census provides a statistical representation of the demographic and social characteristics of the population at a time when the population is close to its annual minimum. The year-round monthly ACS sample survey has the potential to provide local communities with an unprecedented understanding of the average population characteristics over the course of a year. In the future, the ACS even has the potential for providing social and economic characteristics of the population by season. This paper examines four ACS pilot data collection counties, Oneida and Vilas Counties in northern Wisconsin, and Lake and Flathead Counties in northwest Montana. We hypothesize that the ACS will reflect a resident population over the course of the year that is different from the traditional April 1 decennial census population. While the ACS holds much promise, our research uncovered some sampling problems that are not yet fully resolved. In addition, our analysis was not able to examine ACS estimates for minor civil divisions (MCDs), which are functioning governmental units in many states. The fact that these MCDs often have very small populations, together with the fact that estimated standard errors at the much larger census tract level in these counties are disconcertingly large, raises (currently unanswerable) questions concerning the eventual statistical quality of ACS estimates for small MCDs. Consequently, the adequacy of the ACS as a replacement for the census long form may depend on the ability of the Census Bureau to effectively address the concerns presented in this analysis.  相似文献   

Stinner WF  De Jong GF 《Demography》1969,6(4):455-471
This paper considers social and economic correlates of age-specific 1950-1960 net migration of Negro males from a sample of 150 southern counties. A model is developed with five components: (1) economic activity and urbanization, (2) white traditionalism, (3) demographic and ecological pressure, (4) nonwhite poverty, and (5) nonwhite home ownership. The dominant migration forces, as evidenced by correlations with component indicator variables, are the "pull" factor of change in nonprimary industrial employment, the "push" factor of population pressure in the nonwhite rural-farm sector, and the "push" of white traditionalism. However, the significance of model components varied when analyzed along age and industrial development continua. In the younger age groupings, industrial employment growth, population pressure, and white traditionalism were dominant migratory forces while in the older age groupings, industrial employment growth and non-home ownership were most significant. For Negro males in agricultural counties, the major migration propellents appeared to be the "push" of population pressure in the rural farm sector and non-ownership of homes. On the other hand the statistical explanation for Negro migration in more industrialized southern counties rests primarily with the "pull" of increased employment in non-primary industries along with population pressure. The importance of the findings for migration theory is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the suicide rates of 23 cities and counties in Taiwan from 1983 to 2001. We found that a combination of economic and social variables can significantly account for the tremendous variations in suicide rates across Taiwan’s cities and counties over the last two decades. The level of income per capita in a region appears as the most important predictor of suicide rates. However, some sociological correlates (such as divorce rate) which were less powerful in explaining suicide rate variations in the earlier study appear to exert more significant influence over suicide rates when eight more recent years of information are added, as in the current study. This study also uncovered several gender differences in the determination of regional suicide rates, such as the proportion of elderly population in the region, and the impacts of earthquake and unemployment. Furthermore, this study confirmed the linkages between natural disaster (earthquake) and suicide, between economic and social miseries (unemployment and divorce, respectively) and suicide, as well as those between demographics (aboriginal and elderly sub-population groups) and suicide. This may help to identify high-risk groups or areas where suicide prevention and intervention efforts should be concentrated on or directed to. Lastly, the local suicide crisis-intervention agencies are found to be significantly effective in reducing suicide rates of the community they serve.   相似文献   

邱红 《人口学刊》2002,(6):42-47
人口增长与社会经济发展的关系十分复杂,从人口学角度出发,运用五普及相关资料,对吉林省人口增长和社会经济发展进行分析,可以看到,虽然吉林省人口增长和社会经济发展总的形势比较良好,但依然存在诸如人口基数大、劳动力年龄人口增长快、老年人口增长快、城镇人口增长快等一系列问题,影响了社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

本文以广东省1990、2000、2005、2010年的人口普查数据和GDP数据为主要指标,通过运用GeoDA软件的空间自相关分析模块,分析各县(市区)人口、经济集聚特征及两者空间上的协调关系及差异。结果表明:(1)广东省各县(市区)的人口和GDP空间分布表现出显著的高值和低值集聚特征,人口和经济空间集聚格局变化平稳但区域间经济发展差异日益扩大;(2)广东省人口与经济空间集聚均形成珠三角高高集聚和粤北山区低低集聚的基本格局;(3)广东省各县(市区)人口与经济发展存在明显的地域不均衡性,协调发展类型可划分为高水平协调型、低水平协调型、滞后型和超前型四类。分析指出广东人口与经济发展空间差异的主要影响因素是自然条件、历史发展基础、区位条件、区域政策和区域空间效应等,并提出增强珠三角辐射带动能力和发展粤东西北经济增长极等促进区域协调发展的建议。  相似文献   

A major aim of this study is to address our lack of understanding of rural-urban population change within nonmetropolitan counties of the United States. Specifically, we (a) examine trends between 1950 and 1975 in differential rural and urban growth rates within nonmetropolitan counties, and (b) examine the relationship between county location/function and within-county deconcentration. We show that the post-1970period has not simply marked the net shift of population from metropolitan to nonmetropolitan areas, but has also ushered in a pattern of population deconcentration within most nonmetropolitan areas. It is also clear that traditional ecological and economic base variables have been of diminishing utility in explaining deconcentration during the 1970s, suggesting that deconcentration is now evident in nonmetropolitan counties characterized by a broad spectrum of economic and sociodemographic traits.  相似文献   

Z Jia 《人口研究》1987,(3):25-29
Fertility differentials among the 78 counties of Gansu province, China, are analyzed using data from the 1982 census. Three alternative methods of analysis are applied to the data to identify the social, political, and economic factors that affect fertility differentials. The author also notes that changes in population characteristics are associated with fertility differentials.  相似文献   

The population of Henan Province is 72,850,000, 92% of whom live in villages. From July 12 to August 11, 1981, a fertility survey was taken of 20 communes and 31 work brigades in the counties of Fugou, Shancai, and Dengfeng, in which 38,168 people and 5700 fertility registration forms were studied. In 1980, 15% of the 3 counties' population were women aged 18-49, 80% of whom were married. The birth rate was 134.56/1000, of which the rate for married women was 172.36/1000. A random sampling from Shancai of 18-49 year old women showed an average of 2.3 children per couple. The factors influencing rural fertility are economic, social, ideological, and cultural. The economic system of distribution according to work has actually encouraged population growth because in rural areas where the standard of living is low larger families with more workers have greater incomes than smaller families with fewer workers. Early marriage and early births are encouraged under this system, as evidenced by findings in Fugou County. The survey also found that in the 3 counties, virtually everyone marries, women who work tend to work in the village close to home, high illiteracy is prevalent, and traditional attitudes of favoring males over females were all factors contributing to early and frequent births. In order to lower rural birth rates, rural economy should be developed, old attitudes and habits should be changed, and literacy should be increased.  相似文献   

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