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This article examines the extent to which the relationship between leaving home and entry into poverty among young people is causal: that is, how far poverty entry is the result of leaving home, rather than arising from heterogeneity or selection. Using propensity score matching, we estimate the effect of home-leaving on entry into poverty and deprivation, with data from the European Community Household Panel. We find that leaving home does have a causal effect on poverty entry, particularly in Scandinavian countries; cross-national differences are partly, but not fully, explained by differences in destinations on leaving home.  相似文献   

The timing with which young people leave their parents' home is a critical element in household formation rates. Direct data on this transition are scarce. Information on the current living arrangements of 16–24 year-olds collected in a 1982 EEC Survey provides some insights. The data suggest quite large cross-national variations in the timing of leaving home and particularly marked differences in the living arrangements of young people. Reasons for the variation, particularly housing-market differences, are postulated.  相似文献   

An ample body of research has shown that young adults from non-intact families are more likely to leave the parental home at an early age than young adults from intact families. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this relationship. We drew on prospective longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) to examine why young adults from non-intact families are more likely to leave home early. Based on the feathered nest hypothesis, it was expected that young adults from non-intact families are pushed out of the parental home because of a lack in economic, social, and community resources. Moreover, it was expected that young adults from non-intact families are pulled toward independent living at a younger age because they have a partner and are employed earlier in life. We employed discrete-time event history models and used the KHB method to test relative weights of the mediators. The mediators explained 16% (women) and 22% (men) of the effect of living in a stepfamily, and 50% (women) and 37% (men) of the effect of living in a single-mother family. Economic resources were the main mediator for the effect of living in a single-mother family on early home leaving. For women, mother’s life satisfaction and housing conditions significantly explained differences in early home leaving between single-mother and intact families. For men, residential mobility significantly mediated the effect of family structure on early home leaving.  相似文献   

住房作为一种特殊商品具有消费和投资的双重属性。一方面,住房给居住者提供最基本的生活要素,满足消费效用;另一方面,住房又可以作为投资品,基于投资者风险偏好,带来短期的出租收入和长期的资产增值收益。这种消费和投资的二重性,在长期内为衍生关系,在短期内却有着内在矛盾。现有住房所有权制度将住房的二重性捆绑在一起,现存住房金融制度通过信贷杠杆更加重了这一矛盾。而这种特性和制度安排对房地产经济的波动起伏具有放大器的作用。为了隔离住房房地产泡沫,可以借助住房金融创新的设计思路,通过住房增值参与证券(HAPN)这种住房金融创新工具进行模拟分析和论证。结果表明,运用住房增值参与证券可以建立住房消费与炒房投机之间的防火墙,隔断房地产泡沫风险,促进住房市场健康发展。  相似文献   

This study examines ethnic differences in leaving the parental home and the choice of destination (both location and quality of housing) in the Netherlands. Using unique individual administrative panel data, we study the mobility of the entire birth cohort 1983. In contrast to previous studies, this paper includes the geographical location and the quality of destination living arrangements in the analysis, in an attempt to explain ethnic differences in leaving the parental home. We show that ethnic minority youth, in particular those from Turkish and Moroccan origin, improve their housing quality when leaving the parental home. This results in earlier home-leaving than among young people of native Dutch origin. Our results on the early home-leaving behaviour of ethnic minority youth are robust with regard to the geographical distance of nest leavers.  相似文献   

实现“居者有其房”是体现我国政府执政为民的基本要求。文章总结我国城市保障性住房的实践,剖析我国城市保障性住房“实物配给”和“资金配给”两种模式的优劣,根据我国城市间土地资源储备不同而难以建立起统一的住房保障体系这一基本国情,提出不同区域城市建立各自有效的保障性住房体系的建议。  相似文献   

明代通俗小说中涉及徽商贪慕女色的篇目较多,多类型慕色徽商形象的出现,有复杂的原因。首先是徽州重商、早婚习俗的影响。过早的娶亲外出经商使青年男子对女色难以抗拒。其次是晚明纵欲之风的影响。在时代享乐风气的影响下,缺少文化修养的暴富徽商大多重金狎妓。再次是小说家的渲染与再创作。明代一些小说作者已经具有高度自觉的独立创造意识。明代小说中刻画的这些慕色徽商形象,已经明显淡化了过去小说对商人慕色行为的惩戒色彩,代之以宽容和羡慕,成为透视徽州文化和明代社会的重要窗口。  相似文献   

改革开放后我国大范围内发生的农村女性婚姻迁移模式是我国人口流动进程中产生的特殊婚姻迁移模式。其发生的机制复杂多样。从人口流动引发的选择结婚对象的空间范围发生的巨大变化、追求爱情为基础的婚姻得到年青人的普遍认同、外出务工经商的未婚青年男女正处在婚恋的最佳时期、农村女性婚姻自主意识增强、外出务工期间的艰难生存状态、性观念和性行为的逐步开放、地区经济社会发展不平衡、现代交通与通讯的便捷、婚姻自由权和女性的权益得到保护、户籍制度变革等方面分析农村女性婚姻迁移模式的发生。  相似文献   

以公众问卷调查为基础,苏、浙、湘、鄂、川、渝为研究样本,探讨和研究公众对于换房旅游这一新型旅游产品和旅游形式的感知和接受程度。研究表明:(1)公众对于换房旅游缺乏了解和难于接受;(2)是否签订换房交换协议、自家财物安全是影响公众选择换房旅游的两大主要因素;(3)年轻人群成为未来换房旅游的主力;(4)换房旅游呈现"大城市→中等城市→小城市"的单向发展轨迹模式。  相似文献   

本文以父权为视角,以权力的文化网络为框架,借用传统乡村社会中以宗族、人际关系网为基础的组织体系和通过亲属关系、面子体系等构成的象征体系,深入分析农村“闪婚”的本地化成因.本文认为,传统父权文化并没有因现代思想的冲击而消逝,而是在当下农村继续发挥作用.在打工经济限制青年男女返乡时间的背景下,受父权思想影响的父辈群体为了保证家族的传宗接代,以教化权力为基础,通过打、拉、限、借的方式规训子女的择偶地点,建立起本地的通婚圈.这一模式使得青年男女的择偶时间和择偶地点只有在年假时才得以短暂重合,择偶时间被大大缩短,由此产生了新的择偶方式——“闪婚”.  相似文献   

社会关系、职业认同、城镇生活适应性都是影响新疆维族农民工外出务工的重要因素。研究通过对城镇维族务工人员的调查,获得了605份有效问卷。运用Logistic模型回归分析发现:维族青壮年劳动力主要通过政府组织外出务工,对外出务工职业认同感比较强。但饮食习惯、汉语交流的困难严重阻碍他们长期务工。清真生活困难,降低了城镇适应性;汉语交流困难,导致务工技能提升困难。因而拓宽亲情网络渠道,增强职业认同感,提高汉语交流水平,主动融入城镇生活,是稳步推进维族农民工进城就业的重要内容。  相似文献   

陈嘉庚重视对国内外同胞特别是青少年学生进行爱国主义教育。他在中国革命和建设的不同时期,进行了丰富的爱国主义教育实践活动,其中包含的好做法、好经验,对新形势下的爱国主义教育仍然具有启发和借鉴意义。陈嘉庚的爱国主义教育思想是一笔宝贵的精神财富,值得认真总结和研究。  相似文献   

This article examines the occupational mobility of immigrants between their countries of origin and Spain on the basis of one of the few surveys available internationally with longitudinal information on immigrant employment in home and host countries. The evidence shows that the occupational status of immigrants in the Spanish labour market is, in general, substantially worse than in their countries of origin. The severe loss of occupational status experienced by immigrants is explained by the combined effect of the intense initial downgrading they experience when entering the Spanish labour market and their very slow occupational progress during their stay in Spain. These findings are more in line with the segmented assimilation theory, which suggests a limited or blocked immigrant occupational mobility, than with the assimilation theory, which predicts a U shaped evolution in the occupational status of immigrants between their home and host countries. As a result, the Spanish case contrasts sharply with previous evidence for other advanced countries, which tends to support the assimilation perspective. Finally, the empirical evidence suggests that one of the elements impeding the occupational mobility of immigrants in Spain is the significant size of the secondary segment of the labour market, which restricts immigrants’ opportunities mainly to low-status occupations.  相似文献   

In “Housing Conditions and Homelessness,” John C. Weicher, Assistant Secretary for Housing/Federal Housing Administration Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, discusses trends in homelessness and housing conditions. His main sources of data are the American Housing Survey (AHS) and special surveys on homelessness. Because of the dearth of post-1996 data, he focuses on trends before welfare reform. In regard to homelessness, Weicher explains that few reliable data are available, so that estimates of the total number of homeless people are problematic. He estimates that about 600,000 people are homeless in an average week, and that the estimate can vary over the course of a year. The most recent national data are for 1996 and serve as a baseline from which to observe trends. At present, virtually no evidence indicates that homelessness has increased (or decreased) since the passage of welfare reform.  相似文献   

多层次家庭规制体系之一——非婚同居的历史考察及重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从家庭功能的角度来看,非婚同居完全可以承担婚姻家庭的相互扶助、稳定的性结合及生育子女等基本功能.同时,相比于婚姻,非婚同居保留了足够的家庭自治空间,为越来越多的人所践行.现代社会家庭模式和生活方式多元化趋势已不可扭转,家庭法应当构建多层次的家庭规制体系,应当本着保护弱势,稳定生活共同体的主旨,将非婚同居纳入家庭法的调整范围.同时立法仍应肯定婚姻的社会主导地位,在非婚同居制度的设计方面采用与婚姻区别对待、分别调整的原则,使严格的婚姻和松散的非婚同居互易互补,维护人类的进步与秩序.  相似文献   

关于以人为本的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前"以人为本"的思想研究中存在着各种不同的观点,党的十六届三中全会通过的《关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》中的"以人为本"思想,不是个历史观命题,它既不同于西方人本主义的观点,也不同于中国古代"以民为本"的统治术的观点,还区别于当代人类中心主义把人当作万能主体的价值观观点.它是以唯物史观为理论基础的当代中国共产党的治国执政理念.  相似文献   

通过对郑州高校青年教师收入现状、居住条件及郑州市商品房价格的调查,高校青年教师应属城市中低收入阶层,国家应将高校青年教师住房纳入城市保障房建设规划。同时提出了解决高校青年教师住房问题的具体对策,供政府有关部门制订政策时参考。  相似文献   

以"成都市武侯区老年人生活质量及服务需求"调查数据为依托,对影响城市老年人居家养老服务选择的诸多因素进行Logistic回归统计分析。得出结论:对城市老年人而言,其居家养老服务需求的选择受性别、文化程度、婚姻、居住方式、经济状况、养老意愿、子女数目等因素影响,但现阶段对居家养老服务需求形成显著影响的主要是年龄和健康状况。  相似文献   

唯物史观视野中的“以人为本”   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
以人为本和人的全面发展是两个相互联系又相互区别的命题。前一个命题曾为一些马克思主义哲学家所拒斥;后一个命题曾为现实社会主义实践所忽视。这两种片面性都曾经给社会主义事业带来危害。十六届三中全会提出的科学发展观,充分揭示了以人为本和人的全面发展这两个命题的理论基础和实践的关联性。不能谈人变色,但要区分人字使用的不同语境;要坚持以人为本,但要防止抽象人本主义的误读;人的全面发展并非以人为本的纯逻辑展开,必须科学地理解二者在理论上和实践上的内在关联性。  相似文献   

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