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魏薇 《经理人》2012,(5):57-61,56,20
今年春天,七匹狼董事长周少雄频频出现在T台,以及各种影视圈名流们出入的活动和秀场,像一个真正的娱乐明星。他管华谊兄弟董事长王中军叫“中军”,语气中透着亲切。在接受采访的间隙,又忙不迭打电话过问给导演协会提供服装的事。  相似文献   

古兆坤 《经理人》2011,(1):38-39
《唐山大地震》上映前后,冯小刚曾多次流露退休的念头,让人不得不猜测,没有冯小刚的华谊兄弟将会如何。但是,就在不久前,华谊和冯小刚同时宣布,双方将续约五部影片。冯小刚坚称自己不会离开华谊,王中军和王中磊兄弟,也坚信没人能把冯小刚挖走。用冯小刚的话说,没有哪家公司会比华谊更靠谱,能把他作品的商业价值放大。  相似文献   

在中国,如果说哪位老板的知名度不如自己的员工高,估计非王中军莫属。他一手创办的华谊兄弟正是专门“生产”明星的“梦工厂”。《荆轲刺秦王》《鬼子来了》《刮痧》《天地英雄》《卡拉是条狗》《一声叹息》《没完没了》《寻枪》《功夫》《手机》《天下无贼》《可可西里》……在这一系列国产大片的片头,都有一个相同的出品人: 华谊兄弟影视公司。  相似文献   

“21世纪人才最贵”,《天下无贼》里的台词源自现实,诠释现实。对于华谊兄弟这样的公司尤为如此,文化创意企业最重要的就是人。最近,外界对华谊比较关注,讨论我们走了几个明星、还有可能走几个导演、马云他们为什么抛售华谊股票,等等。在我看来,这些都是再正常不过的事情了。  相似文献   

陈文本 《经理人》2007,(7):76-76,78
2002年收购普华永道之后,IBM一跃成为了全球最大的管理咨询公司之一。IBM这一新标签并不被外界所熟知,人们提起IBM时,联想到的还是擅长于制造的“蓝色巨人”。但是,IBM去年914亿美元的营业收入中,有近70%是来自于服务业务,包括咨询业务的贡献。  相似文献   

过去的一年,网络游戏一口气创造了两个“神话”:创出数百亿元的商业财富;把逾千万青少年学生变成网游玩家。这一年,中国每分钟新增近百个网民,约三成是学生网游玩家。越来越多因沉迷网游引发的不幸:猝死、跳楼、盗窃、退学、逃课……  相似文献   

杨敏 《决策》2009,(1):52-54
企业家“用脚投票”,政府在规划中开始萌发产业思维,因此,这是一个更高层次和水平上的战略布局,完全是重视市场要素配置和市场选择的结果。上海华谊集团选择落户无为就是一个极好的样本。  相似文献   

索尼公司近日宣称,由于电视和视频游戏业务的好转,索尼在今年第二季度的利润达到257亿日元。 索尼的首席财务官表示,索尼公司“继续展开攻势”的时候到了,因为种种迹象显示,全球经济的复苏正在将这个日本电子工业巨人彻底拉出长期萧条的泥潭。  相似文献   

对千千万万的中小企业来说,站在“巨人”肩膀上跳舞。借他们的势来快速发展自己,是一种智慧,更是一种经营哲学。只要你有靠近他们的自信和勇气,有获得他们青睐的创想和能力!借势的本质是利益共赢。你能给“巨人’带来什么价值?如何成功从他们那里借势?  相似文献   

2004年12月8日.联想集团宣布并购1BM全球PC业务。三年前被称为天方夜谭的事如今变成了现实。联想在IBM这个国际巨人面前可以说是“长大了”。联想不仅要奠定自己在国内的王者地位.更想做国际IT市场的霸主。[编者按]  相似文献   

Lew Smith, the chairman of a privately owned Canadian processor, must decide whether his company will build a plant in the United States. He has been asked to do so by one of his major customers, Loblaw. The company has been making many improvements to its operations but it’s performance has been hurt by the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States. The company has been doing very well, however, as it shifts its focus from making private label to controlled label. Is now the right time to expand the business into a foreign market?  相似文献   

In this article the authors describe the introduction to date of a formal planning process at a British manufacturing company which, according to its recent performance, had no pressing need to implement radical change. Is Rolls-Royce Motors' decision the symptom of a new trend in industry to overhaul planning techniques while the going is good? How was company morale used to justify a new planning style? Why did an evidently capable organization choose to engage consultancy assistance? While the company's intentions are not yet fully achieved, its experience may be of benefit to others contemplating a similar decision.  相似文献   

有些家族企业不持有控制性股份,为何依然代代相传?中国家族企业之殇一直是一道独特的风景。过去的一年,家族企业最著名的内讧发生在新鸿基集团,董  相似文献   

移动互联网已被证实是一块巨型蛋糕,但真正从中赚到钱的却少之又少,这是为什么?AppStore模式作为移动互联网门槛最低、人数最多的产业模式,目前究竟面临哪些瓶颈,让众多开发者怨声载道?资本市场对于移动互联网市场已渐渐回归理性,移动互  相似文献   

这是大企业的舞台,也是小公司的竞技场,国内外无数创业者涌入,同在一个起跑线上;这里没有门神,几人小团队很可能打败实力雄厚的大公司,这不再是以前的互联网,它是更具颠覆性的移动互联网!只是,看谁能活到最后。  相似文献   

Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is a relatively new tool in the nuclear industry. The Reactor Safety Study started the present trend of conducting PRAs for nuclear power plants when it was published in 1975. Now, nine years later, those in the industry currently using PRA techniques are frequently asked the same question: Why should the nuclear utility industry, with so many accepted analytical tools already available, invest the time and manpower to develop a new technique with so many uncertainties?  相似文献   

Strategic credibility has to do with how favourably key stakeholders view the strategic foundations of the firm. Does the company have a solid strategic capability? Is corporate strategy responsive to emerging opportunities, organizational goals and resources? Does the company have an effective strategic planning process? To be able to answer these questions affirmatively is important. To be able to convince key stakeholders that outstanding corporate performance is planned rather than accidental is even more significant. The company that utilizes corporate communication to create and sustain a positive strategic image is well on its way to achieving strategic credibility. A record of strategic effectiveness, when skillfully articulated to company stakeholders, can pay off in improved relations with the financial community, stockholders and company employees.  相似文献   

经过多年打拼和国际金融危机催化,中国工程机械行业收获了两大机遇:第一,全球重型机械产业重心移到中国;第二,陷入危机的跨国巨头,向中国企业伸出被并购的橄榄枝。  相似文献   

梁利峥 《经理人》2012,(3):38-43,18
当全球光伏行业进入深度调整期时,英利集团董事长苗连生却放出豪言:"早等这个时候了",他将光伏行业的危机看成英利的重大发展机遇,因为伟大的企业往往都是在危机中诞生的。苗连生控股的在美上市公司英利绿色能源(股票代码:YGE),由2011年2季报盈利  相似文献   

Modern management thinking has evolved according to the problems and opportunities encountered by business managers in their socio-economic environment. The radical changes of economic environment experienced by companies in Western Europe since the early 1970s have rendered many traditional management concepts obsolete or proved them inadequate. In economies where markets may be either growing, falling or oscillating, one major problem is that actual results often differ considerably from planned results. How much of this variance is due to what is going on in the economy at large and how much is due to company performance? A simple tool for controlling the organization in this situation is the monthly ‘economic impact report’, designed to subtract the effect of the economic environment from company performance in order to assess net performance in meeting marketing goals.  相似文献   

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