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股权分置改革后控股股东代理行为实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文借助所构建的控股股东代理行为指数,对股权分置改革后的控股股东代理行为进行了实证研究,研究结果表明:控股股东通过控制上市公司董事会影响上市公司的独立性,间接侵害上市公司和中小股东利益的行为比较普遍;大股东间的股权制衡对控股股东代理行为有抑制作用;增加独立董事比例、保障中小股东的投票权,减少隶属于控股股东单位的公司董事数量,建立适度规模的董事会有利于抑制控股股东代理行为。  相似文献   

本文分析中国上市公司控股股东与小股东之间的代理问题。我们将持股比例达到或超过30%的股东定义为控股股东。实证检验结果发现,有控股股东存在的公司,其市场价值显著低于无控股股东存在的公司:控股股东担任上市公司高级管理者的公司,其市场价值显著低于控股股东不担任上市公司高级管理者的公司。而且,控股股东持股比例对公司价值具有显著的负面影响。本文还发现,不同类型的控股股东控制的上市公司,其市场价值也显著不同。特别地,政府作为上市公司最终控股股东的公司。其市场价值显著低于家族、外资和集体企业作为最终控股股东的公司。本文将有控股股东存在的公司相对于无控股股东存在的公司的市场价值折扣率定义为控股股东的代理成本。平均而言,这种代理成本高达13%-24%。以上实证检验结果表明,中国上市公司控股股东与小股东之间确实存在严重的代理问题,当政府作为上市公司的最终控股股东时,这种代理问题更加严重。  相似文献   

通过建立实物期权模型,我们分析了集中股权结构下,股东异质性所导致的控股股东代理冲突对企业投资决策和负债融资代理成本的影响。研究发现,集中股权结构下的控股股东价值最大化动机会导致过度投资的产生,并显著提高负债融资的代理成本,即控股股东的价值侵占行为不仅影响到大小股东间的代理冲突,而且会加重股东与债权人之间的代理冲突。控股股东的持股比例会产生公司治理的正向激励效应,持股比例的增加会降低过度投资程度、增加企业价值和降低负债融资代理成本。而控制权和现金流权的分离则会产生公司治理的负向侵占效应,分离程度的增加会导致更严重的过度投资、更低的企业价值和更高的负债融资代理成本。  相似文献   

罗琦  吴哲栋 《管理科学》2016,29(3):112-122
学者们围绕公司代理问题与现金股利的关系进行了大量研究,所得结论不尽相同。结果模型认为代理问题越严重的公司发放的现金股利越少,而替代模型认为治理质量较差的公司倾向于支付更多的现金股利以保持良好的声誉。在公司股权结构集中的情况下,公司代理问题主要存在于控股股东与中小股东之间,探讨控股股东与中小股东之间的利益冲突如何影响公司股利决策具有重要意义。 控股股东持股比例不同导致公司代理问题的差异,从而对公司股利政策产生影响。以2006年至2013年中国沪深A股上市公司为分析样本,采用Tobit模型考察控股股东代理问题与公司股利政策之间的关系,并借鉴Fama and French的价值回归模型测量代理问题严重程度不同的公司发放现金股利的价值效应。 研究结果表明,当控股股东持股比例较低时,控股股东对中小股东进行利益侵占的可能性较大,公司发放现金股利可以减少代理成本,股利支付率与控股股东持股比例成正比。当控股股东持股比例上升到一定程度后,控股股东与中小股东之间的协同效应占据主导地位,公司分配现金股利缓解代理冲突的必要性较小,股利支付率随控股股东持股比例的增加而减少。同时,与控股股东协同效应较强的公司相比,当控股股东表现为利益侵占时,公司支付现金股利的治理作用较强,现金股利的价值效应较大。 基于股利支付水平和现金股利价值两个维度的研究结果表明,替代模型对于解释中国上市公司的股利分配行为具有适用性,这在一定程度上丰富了控股股东代理问题影响公司现金股利的相关研究成果,同时也对中国监管部门进一步规范公司现金分红具有理论借鉴意义。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下企业税务筹划问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税务筹划对于企业财务工作来讲具有十分重要的影响作用。立足企业财务工作实际,通过科学合理的税务筹划,降低企业面临的税务风险,从而保证企业经济利益的最大化,是企业财务管理过程中进行税务筹划的最终目的。文章主要阐述了纳税筹划的概念和企业开展纳税筹划的意义,分析了企业进行纳税筹划的方法,并通过实际案例对当前金融危机背景下企业如何合理进行纳税筹划进行了探讨。  相似文献   

试论关联方交易转移定价规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李明辉 《管理科学》2002,15(3):39-43
从税务、会计和公司治理三个方面论述了转移定价的规范.转移定价是关联方交易中的核心问题,是企业的战略问题,恰当的转移定价具有一定积极作用,但是过分偏离公平交易的转移定价也会带来一系列的问题,因此各国往往对关联交易转移定价进行严格规范.在我国,上市公司往往利用不公平的转移定价进行盈余管理,控股股东也利用它从上市公司抽取利益,这损害了上市公司尤其是中小股东的利益,造成资源错误配置.转移定价的规范,从税务上来讲,税务部门应根据"公平交易原则"进行纳税调整;从会计上来讲,应当加强转移定价要素的信息披露;从公司治理上来讲,应引进外部董事等制度,防止控股股东利用转移定价损害上市公司和股东的利益.  相似文献   

企业所得税是企业纳税的主要税种之一,随着我国纳税政策的不断健全,也为企业留出了较大的弹性空间,做好纳税筹划,能够有效促使企业的价值实现最大化。关于对企业所得税的纳税筹划研究是为了更好的提高纳税人的筹划意识,以便推动企业所得税纳税筹划的发展。在经济发展迅速的时代,企业的竞争日益激烈,企业主要是以盈利为主要目的的,但在盈利的同时还要不断节约企业的成本,更好的做到开源节流与资本控制。企业的成本核心包括纳税,在合法纳税的前提下,做到合理纳税筹划就能降低企业成本,实现利益最大化,帮助企业在激烈的市场竞争背景下,全面提升核心竞争力。本文将以此为出发点,对企业所得税的纳税筹划相关概念做初步阐述、并介绍企业所得税的纳税筹划方法,提出企业所得税纳税筹划中的注意事项,以便更好的发挥纳税筹划对于企业进一步发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,企业对经济价值最大化的要求越来越高,为实现这一目的,企业把减轻税收负担列为一个重要的经济目标,而纳税筹划作为实现这一目标最便利的手段,慢慢被一些企业利用。纳税筹划的应用不仅可以减轻企业税收负担,降低纳税成本,也有利于规范企业自身的会计行为,促进了企业的经营管理,降低纳税成本,同时也会给企业带来纳税风险。本文针对制约纳税筹划实施的问题,对企业在进行纳税筹划时面临的风险,提出了相应的解决方式,让纳税筹划在企业中的应用更广泛,更有效率。把企业财务管理与纳税筹划紧密相连,使纳税筹划能融入企业的财务管理活动中,能动地利用税收杠杆,实现企业利润最大化。  相似文献   

王敏 《决策探索》2006,(4):68-69
在社会主义市场经济条件下,企业是自主经营、自负盈亏、独立核算的法人实体,其经济行为与经济利益密切相关.对于追求价值最大化的现代企业而言,如何在税法允许的范围内少纳税,减少检查风险,是企业纳税筹划的重心所在.本文拟就纳税筹划的几个问题加以探讨.  相似文献   

税务筹划在现代化的今天应用越来越重要,主要在于其以实现企业税收利益最大化为目标,结合我国税收政策就企业经营活动进行详细的分析,进而制定最佳的纳税方案,降低企业需要交付的税费,以此来提高企业税收利益。所以,在企业中应用税务筹划是非常必要的,能够促进企业更好更快的发展。本文就税务筹划在企业经营中的实际应用进行分析,进而探讨出如何应用税务筹划才能够使其作用充分发挥出来。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der vorliegende Beitrag integriert die Auswirkungen der Regelungen zur Besteuerung von Einkünften aus ausl?ndischen Kapitalgesellschaften in die Discounted Cashflow-Methodik. Bewertungsobjekt ist eine ausl?ndische Kapitalgesellschaft, der von einem inl?ndischen Anteilseigner oder von fremden Dritten Finanzmittel zugeführt werden. Da das Steuerrecht nicht entscheidungsneutral ist, sind die beiden Finanzierungsalternativen Eigen-oder Fremdfinanzierung nicht als gleichwertig zu beurteilen. Unterschiedliche steuerliche Effekte ergeben sich daraus, dass Zinsen bei der Tochterkapitalgesellschaft grunds?tzlich als Betriebsausgaben abzugsf?hig sind, wohingegen Dividenden aus dem bereits versteuerten Einkommen gezahlt werden (sog. Tax Shield). Im grenzüberschreitenden Fall wird mit der Entscheidung für eine Finanzierungsalternative gleichzeitig bestimmt, in welchem Umfang die mit der Finanzierung einhergehenden Kapitalertr?ge der deutschen oder der ausl?ndischen Besteuerung unterworfen werden. Die H?he des Tax Shield h?ngt damit nicht nur von den Abzugsm?glichkeiten der Fremdkapitalzinsen ab, sondern auch vom Steuerniveau im Ausland. Damit müssen in der Unternehmensbewertung die in- und ausl?ndischen Steuervorschriften, die Steuers?tze im In- und Ausland, sowie eventuell bestehende Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen berücksichtigt werden.
Effects of the tax regulations on the taxation of income from foreign corporations
Summary  The present article integrates the effects of the tax regulations on the taxation of income from foreign corporations in the discounted cash flow method. The item to be assessed is foreign corporation that is allocated funds (equity capital or borrowed capital) by a domestic shareholder or an unaffiliated third party. In this cross-border case, the decision in favor of one financing alternative or the other will at the same time determine the extent to which the capital yields associated with the financing are liable to taxation in Germany or abroad. The amount of the tax shield therefore not only depends on the deductibility of interest payments on debt, it also depends on the rate of tax abroad. When assessing the company it will therefore be necessary to bear in mind both domestic and overseas tax regulations, domestic and overseas tax rates as well as any existing double taxation agreements.

The European Commission is currently finalizing a tax system based on a Common Consolidated Tax Base (CCCTB), which multinational corporations throughout the European Union will be able to use to determine their tax burden in accordance to this system. Besides the CCCTB, we present and analyze an alternative tax reform proposal, the European Tax Allocation System (ETAS). Our analysis is based on a dynamic capital budgeting model. The effects of the underlying European tax concepts on marginal investment of multinational groups are investigated by determining the influence of taxation on the required minimum rate of return and herewith the pre-tax cost of capital. Performing analyses for different scenarios enables us to draw more detailed conclusions about whether implementing ETAS and CCCTB can foster or discriminate real investments. Our investigation shows which tax concept and which of the analyzed parameter particularly affects the multinational’s tax burden. E.g., we find that a CCCTB can foster real investments particularly by means of retention policy and profit shifting, whereas ETAS can foster real investments effectively exploiting the Member States’ tax rate differentials and taking advantage of differing national tax regulations.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Beitrag diskutiert Tarif- und Zinseffekte anhand der begünstigten Besteuerung nicht entnommener Gewinne von Personengesellschaften, die 2008 in Deutschland eingeführt wurde. Bei Eigenfinanzierung und Betrachtung von Grenzsteuers?tzen zeigt der Beitrag, dass die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung stets nachteilig ist, wenn eine abgeltend besteuerte private Kapitalmarktanlage die Alternativanlage darstellt. Müssen Gewinne thesauriert werden, weil Mittel im Unternehmen ben?tigt werden, so entf?llt die private Alternativanlage und die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung kann bei hohen Zins- und Steuers?tzen vorteilhaft sein. Wird die Einkommensteuerprogression berücksichtigt, zeigt der Beitrag, dass bei schwankenden Gewinnen die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung oftmals vorteilhaft ist, auch gegenüber der Abgeltungsteuer. Bei fremdfinanzierten Investitionen kann die Inanspruchnahme der Thesaurierungsbegünstigung sehr vorteilhaft sein, da die geringere Steuerzahlung bei Gewinnanfall den Umfang des ben?tigten Fremdkapitals mindert. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass sich Reformen von Steuertarifen wesentlich st?rker auf die Vorteilhaftigkeit von Investitionen auswirken als Zinseffekte.
Tax reforms by tax rate effects or timing effects? An analysis based an the German tax privilege for retained earnings
Summary  This paper analyzes two typical effects of tax reforms, tax rate effects and timing effects. The example chosen for the analysis is the tax privilege for retained profits of partnerships and sole proprietorships, which was implemented in Germany in 2008. Taking equity-financing and top marginal tax rates into account, the so-called tax privilege turns out to be a disadvantage under most assumptions. If the alternative investment is private capital income taxed at a flat-rate tax, the tax privilege will always be disadvantageous. If profits have to be retained and business income is the alternative investment, then the tax privilege will be advantageous in case of high income tax rates and interest rates. Analyzing progressive tax rates instead of top marginal tax rates reveals favorable results in case of fluctuating profits if the tax privilege is claimed. The same is true if debtfinancing is taken into account. All in all, the paper shows that a reform of tax rates influences the attractiveness of investments much more compared to timing effects.

The German Corporate Tax Reform Act of 2008 requires an adjustment of classic valuation concepts because it limits interest deduction from taxable income depending on the operating performance of the company. By using time- and state-contingent discount rates in a risk-neutral valuation with predetermined debt levels, a theoretically sound valuation result is obtained. However, a modified APV-concept which assumes deterministic debt over the planning horizon and constant leverage in the terminal value phase also yields consistent valuation results when two types of tax shields with different levels of risk are distinguished.  相似文献   

对企业实行债转股的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
启动财务杠杆给企业带来的效益一直是理论界关注的焦点.本文所介绍的是在西方较为流行的两种对启动财务杠杆实行馈转股的企业进行效益分析的理论模型.第—种模型强调资本成本在债转股中的重要性,认为企业制订是否实行债转股的决策依据就是对企业破产成本,委托代理成本和无形资产成本的评估.而对投资者来说,在投资中选择持债还是持股也依据他们对委托代理成本和无形资产的评估.第二种模型则建议企业在启动资本杠杆实行债转股中注重对风险的规避. 对于中国国有企业实行的债转股,本文以为它在所有制、市场条件及社会经济制度背景等方面具有完全不同的性质.但我们仍可以利用财务杠杆的工作原理将国有企业的债务转为股份公开上市交易,以实行中国国有企业的民营化,减轻企业的债务负担,同时减少国有银行的呆坏帐.  相似文献   

Shareholders can decide if their corporation issues risky or risk-free debt. We identify tax systems in which the choice between risky and risk-free debt is not distorted by taxes. These credit default neutral tax systems make it possible to make capital structure decisions and firm valuations neglecting credit default risk, even after taxes. Thus credit default neutrality is a characteristic of a tax system that helps to reduce planning costs. Moreover, credit default neutrality is a necessary condition for financial neutrality of taxation. We find one class of credit default neutral taxes that preserves and another class that modifies the expected tax distribution between creditors and debtor firm. Finally, we show the influence of personal taxation on credit default neutrality.
Jochen HundsdoerferEmail:

The subject of this article is the explication, investigation of the relevance and the analysis of the advantages of tax morale. Tax morale is defined as the rejection of tax evasion and also as the rejection of special tax avoidance strategies. One argument in favor for tax morale is that tax payment can be interpreted as an elementary component of a fictitious social contract. In accordance with deontology ethics it can be traced back to the maxim “pacta sunt servanda”. Tax morale is relevant because tax evasion and tax avoidance strategies cannot be fully prevented by the tax law. The implementation of a social contract therefore requires a regulation for tax payment. The realization of a tax payment regulation would be simplified if tax payment would be beneficial. If economic income is accepted as an approximation of the financial utility from the social contract, the tax payment is absolutely beneficial in principle. In relation to the (immoral) non-payment of taxes, tax payment can be relatively advantageous or disadvantageous. One possible advantage is that (immoral) non-payment of taxes can result in punishment when detected. Another result of tax payment is the prevention of an impairment of the social contract.  相似文献   

An irrational strong importance of taxes in an individual’s decision-making behavior is one of the most popular assumptions about the behavioral effects of taxation. However, empirical research about this phenomenon is rare. In a study of German physicians, this paper analyzes whether tax aspects are over weighted in entrepreneurial decision-making. Furthermore, factors that may influence the irrational decision-making behavior of actors are analyzed. As research method, a conjoint analysis is used that permits measurement of the relative importance of tax aspects in decisions. The first result of the study is that the majority of the respondents (practicing physicians) misestimate their own marginal tax rate. The main result of the study is that––in comparison to the neoclassical model of rational maximization of consumption utility––most of the respondents overweight tax aspects. No evidence can be found for any relationship between indicators of a possible tax aversion (e.g., low satisfaction with the tax system) and attention to tax aspects in the decisions analyzed.
Christina SichtmannEmail:

This paper deals with the question if the new valuation procedure for rental property established by the German Inheritance Tax Reform Act 2009 provides more consistent tax values than the previous valuation procedure which has been abolished as a result of the jurisdiction of the German Federal Constitutional Court. Our empirical findings show no improvement of the valuation results in terms of statistical spread. The only effect of the new valuation procedure is increasing tax values on average, and hence, tax values often exceed market values. But higher tax values could have been achieved with less effort by simply raising the multiplier of the previous valuation procedure. The findings of this contribution and the results of other papers suggest there is no standardised valuation procedure for rental property which provides a proper performance. Valuation of real estate remains one of the unsolved and presumably permanent problems of the inheritance tax in particular and of capital-based taxation in general.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes whether taxation has an influence on the location decisions of multinational enterprises. We employ a novel set of 22 tax variables, such as the taxation of dividends and capital gains, withholding taxes, the existence of a group taxation regime, and thin capitalization rules. Furthermore, we use the Tax Attractiveness Index, a new aggregate measure containing the 22 tax variables. Our count data regression analysis is based on a novel hand-collected dataset consisting of the subsidiaries of German DAX30 companies in 97 countries. Controlling for non-tax effects, we find that a country’s tax environment has a significantly positive effect on the number of German-controlled subsidiaries and, therefore, on the location decisions of German multinational enterprises. Specifically, our analysis reveals that German multinational firms place affiliates in countries that offer favorable statutory tax rates, withholding taxes, double tax treaty networks, and holding incentives. Additionally, we find that the Tax Attractiveness Index has explanatory power in subsidiary location decisions and, therefore, it can be used as alternative composite measure, for example, when 22 single tax variables are not at disposal.  相似文献   

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