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以社会性别理论为视角,运用参与观察、深度访谈、问卷调查方法对海南省头塘村进行田野调查,对黎族农民的生育观进行了探讨。研究指出:新时期黎族农民的性别观念和生育观念都发生着系列变化,生育重视是生育观的基础,生育年龄普遍推迟,理想子女数明显下降,男孩偏好依然存在,女性生育健康受到前所未有的关注,夫妻双方的生育健康意识有了大幅提高。社会性别观念是影响黎族农民生育观的重要因素,社会性别观念的改变是生育观变迁的重要原因。  相似文献   

经济文化类型是人类学的一个重要理论概念,它回答的是人类和自然关系的问题。少数民族生活在相对恶劣的环境中,传统生育性别文化积淀很深,影响和支配着人们的生育意愿和行为规范,导致少数民族生育水平和出生性别比都较高,本文以贵州为例,借助人类学中的经济文化类型理论,对少数民族生育行为,传统性别文化的历史根源以及现实情况进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

生育文明与出生人口性别比的平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解读文化与文明、生育文化与生育文明的概念,人们就会发现:导致出生人口性别比失衡的真正原因是由于不文明生育文化及行为造成的。倡导生育文明、构建性别和谐社会,需要家庭、社会和学校的共同努力。  相似文献   

分析以往学界在生育性别偏好研究上的四种主要范式可以发现,传统范式对生育性别偏好问题的解释和分析要么偏重社会,要么偏重个人,忽视了将行为者和社会结构(文化)紧密联系的可能。因此,以布迪厄实践社会学理论作为研究的理论基础,提出了建构一种结构与能动、系统与行动者、集合体与个人联系起来的“场域—惯习”研究范式的设想。  相似文献   

中国古代生育习俗中的性别偏好倾向较浓,这种历史的文化惰性至今仍影响着现代中国人的生育心理及其行为习惯,成为现代文化建设中亟待克服的消极因素。以普及科学知识、弘扬科学精神;传播文明意识、确立文明进步的现代妇女观;推动广大农村居民经济、生活水平来改变传统的生育习俗。  相似文献   

中国古代生育习俗中的性别偏好倾向较浓,这种历史的文化惰性至今仍影响着现代中国人的生育心理及其行为习惯,成为现代文化建设中亟待克服的消极因素。以普及科学知识、弘扬科学精神;传播文明意识、确立文明进步的现代妇女观;推动广大农村居民经济、生活水平来改变传统的生育习俗。  相似文献   

生育文化是基于人们的生育行为和实践所形成的一套意义体系,涵盖了人口再生产与文化再生产的重要议题,更是考察社会再生产机制的切入口之一。文章从生育知识、生育目的以及生育性别偏好等方面入手,分析认为新疆阿克苏、喀什地区的生育文化是以宗教为基础的、有别于现代医学观念的一套观念体系。旨在说明在现代化过程中,当地生育文化的变迁对社会再生产机制产生的内在影响,同时也为我国的少数民族政策的制定提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

近十年国内有关生育性别偏好的研究可从更宏观更系统的层次深入探索,社会性别分析视角可帮助我们分析生育性别偏好的形成机制,并通过社会性别培训和宣传倡导从根本上改变人们对男孩的偏好.  相似文献   

2013年,国家出台了"单独二胎"的计划生育政策,这一政策调整将会对农民工的生育意愿与生育行为产生何种影响?以及当前农民工群体对生育意愿的态度如何?这是迫切需要回答的课题。通过调查问卷和深度访谈,主要针对农民工的意愿子女数、性别偏好、生育时间等现状及其变化的原因进行了探讨,进一步了解到农民工的意愿子女数大幅减少,性别偏好相对弱化,婚育时间进一步推迟的结论。这一变化的背后,蕴含着深层次的原因,综合分析政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的影响,由此,可以归纳和总结出农民工的生育意愿不够强烈、生育行为不够积极,他们更加重视自身的生存和发展的需要,理性决策生育行为。  相似文献   

从历史发展看 ,现代生育文化替代传统生育文化有其必然性 ,在社会转型期建设现代生育文化是完善社会主义市场经济、在计划生育领域实践“三个代表”思想的需要。因现代生育文化对人们生育观的形成和转变有着指导、改造、调控的功能 ,故建设现代生育文化是稳定低生育水平的治本之策  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between religiosity and fertility intentions revealed substantial cross-national differences. In some countries, a strong and positive effect of religiosity on fertility intentions was found, while in others, the effect was weaker or not significant, and the reasons underlying these cross-national differences are still unclear. The aim of this article is to explain these macro-level differences from the perspective of the prevailing gender regime. We argue that in countries with more traditional regimes, a stronger effect of religiosity on fertility intentions could be expected than in countries with a more egalitarian view. We make use of the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey and incorporate data from a total of 12 European countries in our analysis. We examine the influence of gender regime according to various macro-level indicators on gender attitudes and gender equality using meta-regression analyses. We also conduct robustness checks using other indicators such as the Gender Development Index. Our results reveal that the gender regime is only able to explain these differences in certain situations, specifically those relating to the long-term fertility intentions of men.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to assess the extent to which individual-level completed fertility varies across contexts characterized by policies supporting different gender division of labor models. We examine key labor market and care policies that shape gender relations in households and in the public domain. We also consider the role of gender norms, which can act as both a moderator and a confounding factor for policy effects. We hypothesize that, by facilitating role compatibility and reducing the gendered costs of childrearing, policies that support gender equality lead to an increase in fertility levels and to a reduction in fertility differentials by the level of education. Using individual-level data from the European Union Survey on Income and Living Conditions for 16 countries, combined with country-level data, we analyze completed fertility through multilevel Poisson’s models. We find that the national level of childcare coverage is positively associated with fertility. Family allowances, prevalence of women’s part-time employment and length of paid leaves were also found to be positively associated with completed fertility, though the associations were not statistically significant. These variables show a significant positive pattern according to education. A high number of average working hours for men are negatively associated with completed fertility and show a strong negative pattern by educational level. The prevalence of gender-egalitarian norms is highly predictive of fertility levels, yet we found no consistent evidence of a weaker association of gender-equality policies in countries where egalitarian values are less prevalent.  相似文献   

基于社会性别理论,以贵州道真、雷山少数民族地区已婚育龄妇女为例,从家庭责任承担、家庭事务决策、家庭暴力认知、子女期望、村民自治参与、生殖健康意识和能力方面研究分析了少数民族地区已婚育龄妇女的社会性别意识,指出现代社会性别意识的构建需要社会、家庭和女性自身的共同努力,构建中还应注意借助民族地区社会民俗文化的传承教育功能。  相似文献   

This article compares how the British and Greek national press debated the phenomenon of low fertility between 2001 and 2009. Specifically, it presents an overview of each set of newspapers?? perspectives on the issue, and the most prevalent causes, consequences and solutions with which they associated it. Differences between the print media??s representations are not only attributed to the distinct ??policy climate?? and ??demographic experience?? of each country but also to culturally specific ideologies concerning the nation, gender, motherhood and personhood. Newspapers do not simply mirror reality but also help to construct it by legitimising dominant discourses about how persons, especially women, ought to manage their fertility. Studying the media is, therefore, a means of understanding the broader contexts in which individuals?? reproductive lives are shaped and experienced.  相似文献   

通过调查问卷和入户访谈的方法,对湖南省常德市安乡县4村100名留守妇女进行实地调研,从留守妇女对社会地位、劳动分工、家内事务和两性性别角色的认知四方面可以看出,新时代农村留守妇女的性别平等意识呈现出有所觉醒却依旧保守的特点。造成这一现象的主要原因是经济发展落后且结构单一、基层行政主体的性别平等意识欠缺、传统性别观念根深蒂固及农村留守妇女自身局限等。只有立足于农村留守妇女的现实境况,建立针对性强的就业保障体系,增强公共政策与管理中的社会性别意识,注重性别平等的文化教育,调动妇女们的主体积极性,使她们从意识层面摆脱传统观念的束缚,才能提高社会生产力,从而推动农村经济和整个社会的和谐与发展。  相似文献   

We address the relationship between family policies and fertility in Norway, including three somewhat different policies: parental leave, formal childcare, and the childcare cash benefit. We use administrative register data covering the period 1995–2004. Norwegian family policies are designed both to improve reconciliation of work and family and to improve childcare choices for parents. The analysis shows different patterns of work–family reconciliation and fertility choices among one-child couples and two-child couples. The parental leave policy is the most influential of the three policies on second-birth intensities, especially if parental leave is also taken by the father. The introduction of the childcare cash benefit is most influential on third-birth intensities. This means that policies that promote paternal involvement in childcare and gender equality are positively associated with second births, while policies giving more general family support are positively associated with third births.  相似文献   

There have been many studies of how the number of children in a family affects the parents’ or the children’s lives. One strand of this research focuses on the implications of fertility for the parents’ level of self-reported well-being or happiness. It is argued in this paper that an overall “happiness effect” is not very informative because of the presumably large variation in individuals’ perceived gains from having children. Furthermore, it is explained that such an effect would be difficult to estimate. Most importantly, the highly varying ideas about how a child will affect life quality are important for the decision about whether to have a child. Many of those who have few or no children have chosen this because they think their life will be best this way, and their happiness therefore tells us little about how happy their more fertile counterparts—who to a large extent have different views about the consequences of childbearing—would have been if they had few or no children. This estimation problem that arises when effects of a certain event (here childbearing) are heterogeneous, and the individuals who experience that event tend to be among those for whom the effects are particularly positive or negative, is acknowledged in the treatment effect literature. However, there is little consciousness about it in the fertility–happiness research. In addition, there is a more “standard” selection problem: factors with implications for childbearing desires, or for the chance of fulfilling these, may also affect or be linked to happiness for other reasons. Unfortunately, even the most advanced statistical approaches that have been used in this research area fail to handle all these problems, so reported results should be interpreted very cautiously.  相似文献   

通过对福建省九个地市区不同所有制企业的女职工生育保障状况的调查,发现这些企业女职工生育保障状况喜忧参半,一部分企业按照法规较好地保障了女职工的生育权益,但仍有不少企业没有落实生育期特殊劳动保护和生育保险制度,侵害了女职工的生育权益。其原因在于政府相关部门监督职能不到位,企业决策层性别意识、法律意识不强,企业工会、女工委作用发挥不够,女职工法律意识不强、自我保护意识较差等。应针对其原因采取相应对策,以有效改善企业女职工生育保障状况。  相似文献   

基于对嘉峪关市新城镇3个行政村的问卷调查,以第二、三期中国妇女社会地位调查数据为对照,对西部农村女性性别意识现状进行历时性和地区性比较研究。结果表明,西部农村女性性别意识与10年前相比取得了很大进步,但是,与当前全国女性性别意识相比,则表现出明显的滞后性,并反映出诸多的矛盾性。据此,从地域发展、培训教育、宣传普及、制度设计等方面提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

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