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和谐一致性与组织绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绩效良好的组织往往在环境、组织、领导和战略(EOLS)之间保持着高度的和谐一致.和谐管理理论认为,和谐的管理可以带来良好的组织绩效,一致性是和谐的基础.该文系统回顾和借鉴了西方战略理论中有关一致性的研究成果,通过对216家中国公司的实证分析发现,绩优组织中的环境、组织、领导和战略,以及表示它们变量之间的一致变动的显著相关性更为明显.对EOLS一致性的实证研究结论支持了和谐理论中一致性的基本假设,同时也丰富和发展了西方战略一致性理论在中国情景下的应用.  相似文献   

和谐管理理论视角下战略领导力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对战略领导力研究进行评述,指出现有研究在一定程度上存在战略领导力核心内涵未达成共识、研究缺乏系统性和动态性、学术研究和管理实践存在脱节3个缺陷。以和谐管理理论对领导的诠释为基础分析战略领导力内涵,指出战略领导力具有强调"提供引导"和"调配资源"2个维度的耦合、研究定位于组织层面、强调组织长期可持续发展、基于未来方向配置当前资源4个特点。和谐管理理论可以在一定程度上弥补现有战略领导力研究的缺陷,促进战略领导力研究的发展。  相似文献   

绩效良好的组织往往在环境、组织、领导和战略(EOLS)之间保持着高度的和谐一致.和谐管理理论认为,和谐的管理可以带来良好的组织绩效,一致性是和谐的基础.该文系统回顾和借鉴了西方战略理论中有关一致性的研究成果,通过对216家中国公司的实证分析发现,绩优组织中的环境、组织、领导和战略,以及表示它们变量之间的一致变动的显著相关性更为明显.对 EOLS 一致性的实证研究结论支持了和谐理论中一致性的基本假设,同时也丰富和发展了西方战略一致性理论在中国情景下的应用.  相似文献   

从3个方面系统回顾了和谐管理视角下的领导研究,分析了和谐管理视角下战略、组织与领导研究之间的关系。和谐管理视角下的战略、组织和领导研究均基于演化、情境、互动的视角,依据不同的基本问题和侧重点对环境、组织和领导三元关系进行探索;领导作为"能动者",串联起了和谐管理视角下的战略、组织和领导的研究。此外,基于管理环境新变化、现有研究不足及和谐管理视角下领导研究特色围绕领导支配权、领导心智和行为以及领导作用讨论了和谐管理视角领导研究的未来发展。  相似文献   

和谐管理理论的数理表述及主要科学问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
席酉民  唐方成 《管理学报》2005,2(3):268-276
力图从基本假定到命题,对和谐管理理论给出一个量化分析框架,并对进一步的发展方向作出预示和展望.首先,通过总结已有的研究工作,界定了和谐这一基本的概念;然后,从企业家对和谐主题的搜索入手,根据企业战略实施的阶段性工作中面临的问题和任务,提炼并给出了辨析和谐主题的方法;最后,通过分析和则、谐则、和谐主题及其与组织、环境、领导和战略之间的一致性关系和动力学机制,得到了和谐管理理论发展和应用需要解决的几个基本问题.  相似文献   

战略的内涵与形成过程历来是众多学者争相探讨的一个问题,但时至今日学者们对该问题的理解与回答仍是一片混乱.首先对战略形成领域各流派进行了系统的回顾,然后基于和谐管理理论视角对现有战略形成流派进行了重新梳理并将其划分为"主谐派"、"主和派"及"和谐交替派"等三类.在此基础上,结合现代组织环境的复杂多变特性,分析了现有战略形成流派思想在解决现代组织管理问题时的局限性,并基于和谐管理理论构建了描述复杂多变环境下战略形成过程的一种新的模型.从宏观、微观及整体等三个层面详尽阐释了上述新模型的基本含义,并探讨了和谐主题对于支撑这一模型的核心作用,最后用一个案例对和谐管理理论视角下的战略形成模型的主要特征及其现实应用进行了讨论.文章致力于在一定程度上为混乱的战略形成领域带来秩序并为复杂多变环境下的战略管理研究提供新的思路.  相似文献   

复杂多变环境下和谐管理理论与企业战略分析框架   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
针对当前环境复杂多变的特征,运用和谐管理理论阐述了战略分析的基本思路.在和谐管理理论看来,战略是企业在某个时期内相对稳定、具有全局影响的发展主题与和谐机制共同作用的结果,环境、组织与领导者构成了发展主题的决定因素,而和谐机制由和则、谐则共同构成,通过不确定性消减与优化两条路径及其交互作用,保证主题有效实现与不断调整.当环境、组织与领导者中某些因素发生重大变化时,将引起主题漂移,企业根据新的发展主题,选择建立新的和谐机制.  相似文献   

和谐管理理论的研究框架及主要研究工作   总被引:39,自引:7,他引:32  
基于和谐管理理论的基本概念和假设,提出了和谐管理的基本函数关系、研究框架及相应的实证研究假设.组织、环境和领导特征的分析是和谐管理研究的起点,和谐主题的辨识、围绕和谐主题的和则、谐则及其耦合是和谐管理研究的重点.对和谐主题辨识,和则、谐则的理论和实证分析,和谐管理的耦合模型等研究工作进行了介绍,并对下一步面向应用方法和技术的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

编者按 中国科学院领导力课题组是国内领先的领导学研究团队之一,先后于2006年和2008年在本刊推出"领导力五力模型"、"和谐领导力模式"系列论文,引起了中组部、人事部等部委以及广大读者的高度关注.当前,我国正处于全面贯彻落实科学发展观、实现跨越式发展的关键时期,亟需大批战略领导者来统率那些领先的组织和努力追求卓越的组织.为此,本刊从本期起陆续发表该课题组今年着力推出的"战略领导力模式"系列论文,期望能够促进我国各级各类领导干部战略领导水平的提升.  相似文献   

组织双元性领导力是指组织在关注目前业务需求的同时,也要拥有适应内外部环境变化的能力。学者们分别从组织学习理论、技术创新理论、组织适应理论、战略管理理论、组织设计理论等视角对组织双元性领导力进行了研究。从相关研究成果来看,组织双元性领导力的前因变量包括结构设计、组织环境和领导力三个方面,结果变量则聚焦于能否提升组织绩效。为此,可以通过设计弹性的组织结构、营造支持整体业务部门发展的环境、培训组织管理人员来提升组织双元性领导力。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2002,13(3):193-215
Leadership research to date has mainly focused on leaders' subjective effects. In this study, we examine the effect of different leadership styles on two financial measures of organizational performance and three measures of organizational climate in 50 supermarket stores of a large supermarket chain in the Netherlands. Our findings show a clear relationship of local leadership with the financial performance and organizational climate in the stores. The findings also show that the leadership styles have differential effects. Charismatic leadership and consideration have a substantial effect on climate and financial performance in the small stores, suggesting the relevance of personal leadership of the store manager in these small stores. Initiating structure leadership had no effect on financial results or organizational climate, either in the small stores or in the large stores. Based on these findings, we have formulated some avenues for further research.  相似文献   

The authors investigate three levels of self-identity in the workplace—self-determination, supervisor identification, and organizational identification—for their mediating effects on developmental leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors. Data from 469 supervisor–subordinate dyads in two Chinese firms show that supervisor identification is the strongest mediator, self-determination is the second, and organizational leadership is the third. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

探讨变革型领导影响下属的深层心理作用机制,即变革型领导是否会通过下属心理资本的中介作用对下属工作绩效和组织承诺产生影响。以230位MBA学员为样本,采用结构方程模型的方法分析了变革型领导行为、下属工作绩效、组织承诺以及下属心理资本各维度间的关系。研究结果表明,下属心理资本中的自我效能、希望和恢复力对变革型领导行为与下属工作绩效的关系起到中介作用;下属心理资本中的自我效能和恢复力对变革型领导行为与下属组织承诺的关系起到中介作用。  相似文献   


The thoughtful behavior analysis of organizational leadership and resistance to change by Goltz and Hietapelto (2002) inspired this follow-up article. Goltz and Hietapelto propose that organizational power is determined by the magnitude, frequency, and quantity of consequences under a person's control, and that people resist change when their consequence control is threatened. This presentation extends the Goltz and Hietapelto article by describing 14 distinctions between management and leadership, and offering 16 guidelines for effective leadership that involve more than consequence control. Thus, while managers obtain their influence by controlling other peoples' consequences, leaders go beyond consequence control to benefit the behaviors and attitudes of their colleagues and coworkers. The leadership guidelines are founded on behavioral research and are relevant and practical for any organizational employee, even those who have only minimal influence on the meaningful consequences of their own and others' work life.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the pattern and impact of change leadership in complex, pluralistic, public sector settings, and specifically in English healthcare. The argument draws on evidence from ten comparative cases, exploring links between leadership patterns and organizational outcomes. Our analysis builds three themes. First, a pattern of widely distributed change leadership is linked to delivering improvements in service outcomes. Second, professional/managerial hybrids are shown to perform crucial lateral facilitation activities, adapting and extending their roles to suit their organizational context. Third, a foundation of good pre-existing relationships underpins the capacity of distributed leadership to implement service improvements. Conversely, poor relationships and conflicts erode the concerted capacity of distributed change leadership. The key contribution of this article thus concerns the establishment of links between situated patterns of distributed leadership, and service improvement outcomes, based on the cumulative effects of actors – managers and clinical hybrids – at different organizational levels.  相似文献   

Ethical leadership predicts important organizational outcomes such as decreased deviant and increased organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). We argued that due to the distinct nature of these two types of employee behaviors, ethical leadership decreases deviance in a linear manner (i.e., more ethical leadership leading to less deviance), but we expected ethical leadership to reveal a curvilinear relationship with respect to OCB. Specifically, we expected that, at lower levels, ethical leadership promotes OCB. However, at high levels, ethical leadership should lead to a decrease in these behaviors. We also examined a mechanism that explains this curvilinear pattern, that is, followers' perceptions of moral reproach. Our predictions were supported in three organizational field studies and an experiment. These findings offer a better understanding of the processes that underlie the workings of ethical leadership. They also imply a dilemma for organizations in which they face the choice between limiting deviant employee behavior and promoting OCB.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on forms of leadership that in one way or other imply plurality: that is, the combined influence of multiple leaders in specific organizational situations. We identify four streams of scholarship on plural leadership, each focusing on somewhat different phenomena and adopting different epistemological and methodological assumptions. Specifically, these streams focus on sharing leadership in teams, on pooling leadership at the top of organizations, on spreading leadership across boundaries over time, and on producing leadership through interaction. The streams of research vary according to their representations of plural leadership as structured or emergent and as mutual or coalitional. We note tensions between perspectives that advocate pluralizing leadership in settings of concentrated authority and those concerned with channeling the forms of plurality naturally found in diffuse power settings such as professional organizations or inter-organizational partnerships. It is suggested that future research might pay more attention to social network perspectives, to the dynamics of plural leadership, to the role of power, and to critical perspectives on leadership discourse.  相似文献   

We systematically review the recent impactful leadership succession literature in three types of organizations/contexts, namely publicly-traded, privately-owned (mostly family businesses), and political organizations. We compare and contrast these literatures, and argue that business and political leadership succession researchers and practitioners can learn from each other. The purpose of the review is fourfold. First, to take stock of the existing leadership succession research in these three related literatures – that examine the same essential phenomenon – but that have evolved separately. Previous reviews have focused mostly on CEO succession (not the broader phenomenon of leadership succession) mainly in publicly-traded firms; and to our knowledge no (recent) comprehensive literature reviews on the important topics of privately-owned and political organization leadership succession exist yet. Second, to develop an overarching integrative conceptual framework (ICF) that structures the overall leadership succession literature and shows the potential areas of integration and difference among the three literatures. Third, to develop three organizational frameworks – one for each organization type – that review what we know and what we should know about leadership succession in each type. Fourth, to critically compare the ICF, the three organizational frameworks, and the three literatures to better understand the similarities and differences among these literatures. By doing so and using a multidisciplinary approach we aim to contribute to the field in the following ways. Firstly, we seek to synthesize the field of leadership succession to identify important research questions that are ripe for study in the near future in the business and political science disciplines. Secondly, we strive to uncover what succession researchers and practitioners across these disciplines may learn from each other.  相似文献   

The present study examines whether transformational leadership is associated with clan culture, affective commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior and whether affective commitment is positively related to organizational citizenship behavior. The study also examines whether affective commitment mediates the effects of clan culture on organizational citizenship behavior and whether clan culture mediates the effects of transformational leadership on affective commitment. The results of this study indicate a positive relationship between transformational leadership and clan culture as well as between transformational leadership and affective commitment; no significant relationship between clan culture and organizational citizenship behavior as well as between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior; and a significant positive relationship between affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior as well as between clan culture and affective commitment . Thus, the results clearly show that affective commitment fully mediates the relationship between clan culture and organizational citizenship behavior and that clan culture partially mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings as well as interesting avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent scandals involving executive leadership have vaulted the topic of executive corruption to a central concern in the organizational literature. History suggests that power can corrupt and that absolute power can be an especially toxic influence. In this paper we propose that the propensity for corruption (as measured by CEO responsibility disposition) of leaders and the degree to which leadership is shared are key factors in understanding the potential for executive corruption. More specifically, shared leadership is proposed as a moderator that can deter corruptive tendencies by providing checks and balances capable of reducing the potential for corrupt behavior. A conceptual model is offered along with propositions to help guide future research and practice.  相似文献   

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