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目前有关在线消费者购买意愿的研究,绝大多数是基于实验统计的方法,分析影响消费者购买决策的因素,网店信息呈现的框架形式往往仅作为其中的关键因素被一些研究提及并加以验证。但是,"形态各异"的信息到底如何影响消费者心理进而影响到他们的决策?商家如何从消费者心理的微观层面来设计信息呈现策略,从而增强其购买意愿?目前关于此的研究尚不多见。本研究从前景理论的决策参考点视角,以价格因素为例,一方面,通过情境实验,验证了价格信息的不同呈现框架对于消费者购买意愿的影响作用;另一方面,在利用情境实验界定了消费者心理价格参考点的基础上,通过决策模型的构建和计算,从微观层面分析了不同价格信息呈现框架下,消费者购买选择大相径庭的原因。研究结果表明:(1)在风险框架下,相对于用不确定的语言来描述商品价格信息,确定性语言描述会使消费者的心理价格参考点和购买意愿更高。(2)在属性框架下,相对于用负面的语言来描述商品信息,正面的语言描述更能提高消费者的心理价格参考点和购买意愿。(3)在目标框架下,相对于强调购买行为可能给消费者带来的收益,强调不购买该商品可能给消费者带来的损失更有助于消费者的心理价格参考点和购买意愿的提高。基于上述研究结果,作者围绕网店如何有效的呈现信息提出了管理建议,并讨论了本研究的理论意义与应用价值。  相似文献   

本文基于消费者决策模式理论、目标理论等,从营销领域的情感—理性决策视角出发,探讨社会比较倾向对消费者购买决策的影响。研究以实验法展开,共设计4个实验进行验证。结果表明,消费者社会比较倾向对消费决策呈显著影响,高社会比较倾向的消费者更偏向于购买享乐型产品,低社会比较倾向的消费者更倾向于购买实用型产品。消费者自我肯定的调节作用以及消费者决策风格的中介作用也得以验证。研究丰富了社会比较倾向这一心理学变量在营销领域的研究,也为商家提供促进不同类型产品销售的建议,同时也有助于规避消费者冲动消费所致风险。  相似文献   

决策柔性的一般定义、模型与价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许多学者和决策实践者认为,决策柔性应当具有价值.但这一直觉推测并未在一般的决策理论框架下得到的证实.文章的目的就是要从理论上证明这一推测.通过回顾关于柔性的文献,归纳出柔性的本质属性(范围和速度).进而在决策理论的一般框架下,给出了决策柔性的数学定义,建立了柔性决策模型,并指出了该模型与经典柔性决策模型之间的关系.最后,应用该模型,证明了"决策选项的价值随着决策(范围和(或)反应)柔性水平的提高而增加"这一基本结论.  相似文献   

刘平 《经理人》2006,(5):96-98
本期案例板块围绕战略上是"做加法,还是做减法",组织了3篇文章。我们看到,用友败务公司该做减法时,王文京等用友集团领导果断出手,削减业务,使用友政务扭亏为盈。而智能集团却因为迟迟不痛下决心,壮士断腕,砍掉亏损业务,聚焦主业,导致公司式微。有趣的是,宅急送公司通过做减法和专业化,使公司做大之后,进入新一轮扩展期。它的扩张能简单重复常规的扩张道路和模式吗?我们的建议是,宅急送要创新,就要放眼世界,将美国西联作为自己的学习标杆,而不仅仅是把目光盯在联邦快递身上。  相似文献   

<正>过去几年中,全球大型化工企业都普遍处于巨大的转型之中。业内观察家们注意到,像壳牌这样的一体化石油公司的业务呈现向上游基础型业务集中的趋势,而像陶氏化学这样的综合化工企业,则呈现出削减基础化工业务权重并逐渐向下游高附加值的功能型业务倾斜的趋势。陶氏化学公司打破原来的地域运作模式,取而代之以按行业组建业务单位和价值中心的结构。这种重组几乎会让公司的成本结构立即  相似文献   

动态决策过程中备选项随机出现的序列特征,可以分为较优选项连续出现、间隔出现以及较劣选项连续出现等特征.运用实验室实验的方法研究发现,当较优选项连续出现时会"启发"决策者产生"手热"认知心理偏差,进而导致较优选项连续出现的次数与决策者的搜索数量呈正相关关系.而当较劣选项连续出现时则会"启发"决策者产生"赌徒谬误"认知心理偏差,进而导致较劣选项连续出现的次数与决策者的搜索数量也呈正相关关系.这解释了在动态决策过程中,决策者面对较优或较劣选项连续出现的情境下,为何都采取继续观望等待的非理性决策行为.同时,对"手热效应"与"赌徒谬误"效应的差异性以及出现的情境进行了比较分析.  相似文献   

黄谦  黄梅 《经营管理者》2009,(22):106-106
本文以旅游者消费行为学为依据,运用旅游消费者"刺激——反应"购买决策模型,综合考虑各类影响因素,从而构建了旅游者目的地选择的概念模型,以提供一个较为全面的研究框架来分析旅游者在进行目的地选择过程中经历的整个决策过程。  相似文献   

现状偏见是影响投资者决策的一个重要因素,现有的研究主要利用前景理论对其进行阐释。框架效应、投资者情绪以及信息结构在投资者现状偏见中发挥着重要作用,本文利用实验的方法研究了三者对投资者现状偏见的影响,研究结果表明:差值投资组合框架中投资者被试的现状偏见程度高于比率投资组合框架中投资者被试的现状偏见程度;三种情绪组中均存在投资者现状偏见,积极情绪下被试的偏见水平较低,消极情绪下被试的偏见水平较高;被试选择信息结构确定的选项是选择信息模糊选项的5倍,投资者被试对外在现状赋值的偏见程度小于自我现状赋值。  相似文献   

章璇  景奉杰 《管理科学》2012,25(3):69-77
从在线销售商品在配送环节上的差别以及商品的享乐性角度探索性地研究消费者对不同类型网络商品在线冲动性购买的差异。在实验室环境下采用2(虚拟商品vs.实体商品)×2(享乐品vs.实用品)组间实验检验消费者对4类在线销售商品购买意愿的差异,验证商品与消费者间时间距离的影响及其与商品享乐属性的交互作用。为增加实验室实验研究结论的外部有效性,采用3个在线模拟网上购物的现场实验,以被试的在线订单数据而非自我报告的购买意愿验证实验室实验的研究结论。自变量的操纵是在网络商店中设置不同类型的商品,分别以消费者自我汇报的购买意愿和模拟网店中的订单数据为结果变量进行测量,实验室实验和在线网络购物模拟实验的共同使用增加了研究结果的内部和外部有效性。研究结果表明,总体而言消费者在线购买虚拟商品的意愿和冲动性购买比例要高于在线购买实体商品的意愿和冲动性购买比例,消费者对享乐性虚拟产品的购买意愿和冲动性购买比例最高,虚拟的享乐品购买意愿和冲动性购买比例差异显著高于虚拟的实用品,实体享乐品与实体实用品的购买意意和冲动性购买比例差异不太显著。该结论对在线零售商针对不同产品类别进行销售和采用相适应的促销手段有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

针对由一个线下服务商与一个线上平台组成的O2O供应链,线下服务商通过线上平台销售基本服务且通过自身实体店销售附加服务,考虑线上平台营销努力对需求的影响,构建批发模式与代理模式下的博弈模型,并对比分析不同合作模式下供应链成员的最优决策,研究了线下服务商的最优合作策略。研究表明,线下服务商的最优合作策略选择受到多种因素的联合影响,当佣金比例较高且附加服务购买比例较低时,或当佣金比例与附加服务购买比例都较高但营销努力效应较小时,线下服务商才会选择批发模式;反之,线下服务商会选择代理模式,此时附加服务会抑制线上平台提供营销努力的积极性,且线下服务商从附加服务获得的利润可能超过从基本服务获得的利润。  相似文献   

在很多市场环境中,消费者喜欢尝试不同产品的特性,重复消费同一商品会产生滞留成本。本文通过构建两期动态博弈模型,研究了滞留成本对企业折扣券定价行为的影响,并与其他定价策略的市场绩效进行了比较。本文研究结果表明:(1)企业会通过折扣券奖励忠诚的消费者,即企业会对重复购买自己产品的消费者给予价格优惠,而对新消费者制定高价格;(2)在均衡中,随着滞留成本的提升,消费者剩余和社会总福利降低,企业利润上升;(3)与其他定价机制相比较,折扣券定价策略下的社会总福利较低,政策制定者应当限制此类策略的应用。  相似文献   

A mass customization strategy enables a firm to match its product designs to unique consumer tastes. In a classic horizontal product‐differentiation framework, a consumer's utility is a decreasing function of the distance between their ideal taste and the taste defined by the most closely aligned product the firm offers. A consumer thus considers the taste mismatch associated with their purchased product, but otherwise the positioning of the firm's product portfolio (or, “brand image”) is immaterial. In contrast, self‐congruency theory suggests that consumers assess how well both the purchased product and its overall brand image match with their ideal taste. Therefore, we incorporate within the consumer utility function both product‐specific and brand‐level components. Mass customization has the potential to improve taste alignment with regard to a specific purchased product, but at the risk of increasing brand dilution. Absent brand dilution concerns, a firm will optimally serve all consumers’ ideal tastes at a single price. In contrast, by endogenizing dilution costs within the consumer utility model, we prove that a mass‐customizing firm optimally uses differential pricing. Moreover, we show that the firm offers reduced prices to consumers with extreme tastes (to stimulate consumer “travel”), with a higher and fixed price being offered to those consumers having more central (mainstream) tastes. Given that a continuous spectrum of prices will likely not be practical in application, we also consider the more pragmatic approach of augmenting the uniformly priced mass customization range with preset (non‐customized) outlying designs, which serve customers at the taste extremes. We prove this practical approach performs close to optimal.  相似文献   

以移动广告为研究背景,研究地理定向和消费者产品偏好定向相结合的混合定向方式下企业的定向广告投放策略,同时通过对比企业投放定向广告与大众广告,研究企业的广告策略选择问题。研究发现,企业运用定向广告策略应针对不同的消费者群体提供差异化较大的营销策略:对属于企业近距离范围且偏好企业产品的优势市场,企业应加大广告投放力度并实行高价;为了争取部分远端劣势市场的收益,企业应向其投放一定力度的广告并实行低价;对属于双方的竞争市场,企业应选择中等程度的广告和价格。同时,通过与企业投放大众广告相比较,发现竞争企业使用定向广告策略反而不如使用大众广告策略。  相似文献   

不同购物环境下消费者享乐主义/功利主义态度测评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
享乐主义和功利主义并不是一个单纬度量表上的两个极端,对于一种消费行为而言.往往同时具有一定程度的享乐主义特性和功利主义特性.不同的购物环境下消费者享乐主义(功利主义)态度倾向会有差异以及差异是否明显,对这些问题的研究将有助于企业制定促销决策和其他管理决策.使用和开发有效的态度测量问卷,测量在不同购物环境下的消费者享乐主义/功利主义态度倾向,结果表明消费者在购物过程中虽然享乐主义和功利主义态度兼有,但仍会以某一态度为主;通过对两类态度倾向比较,表明两组购物环境中的消费者享乐主叉态度有显著差异,而功利主义态度没有显著差异.  相似文献   

Sequential choice processes are ubiquitous in consumer decision making. In each attribute decision, consumers are often faced with different numbers of options which they must trade off in order to make the best possible choice. Thereby, complicated high variety choices at the beginning of a choice process produce a larger trade-off conflict and, thus, initially a greater mental depletion than more simple low variety choices. We examine the strength of mental depletion in sequential choices on individuals’ perceived attractiveness of the firm’s recommended default option at a target choice. We show that consumers who are confronted with difficult high variety choices early in the decision sequence followed by low variety choices initially deplete more than consumers who encounter exactly the same attribute decisions in reverse. As a result, depleted consumers are more likely to fall prey to the recommended default or some perceptually focal options close to the default anchor at target choice succeeding a sequence of decisions.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a decision model of consumer inertia. Consumers exhibit inertia when they have an inherent bias to delay purchases. Inertia may induce consumers to wait even when it is optimal to buy immediately. We embed our decision model within a dynamic pricing context. There is a firm that sells a fixed capacity over two time periods to an uncertain number of both rational and inertial consumers. We find that consumer inertia has both positive and negative effects on profits: it decreases demand (in period one) but intensifies competition among consumers for the product (in period two). We show that our model of inertia is consistent with well‐established behavioral regularities, such as loss aversion and probability weighting in the sense of prospect theory, and hyperbolic time preferences. We offer practical recommendations for firms to influence the level of consumer inertia. These include offering returns policies (to mitigate potential consumer losses), providing decision aids (to avoid perception errors), and offering flexible payment options (to lower transaction costs).  相似文献   

In today's increasingly technology‐mediated world, individuals are often confronted with a decision of whether to obtain services through online, self‐service technologies or traditional, nontechnological alternatives. Understanding the mechanisms by which consumers choose among these competing service channels represents an important concern for organizations, consumers, and Web site designers. This study develops a research model based on Social Cognitive Theory to explain and predict service channel preferences that arise in the early stages of adoption, before a consumer conducts business using a particular channel. The model is subsequently tested in the brokerage services context, using observations obtained via survey. Given the growing popularity of online investing combined with the challenging prospect of making optimal decisions in an inherently risky environment, the context offers insights of practical and theoretical importance. The results suggest that task‐specific self‐efficacy beliefs serve as the activating mechanism kicking off a chain of psychological events that entice consumers to favor a particular service channel. Higher levels of self‐efficacy induce individuals to prefer the online approach. In addition to its direct effect on preference for the online service channel, higher levels of self‐efficacy influence one's propensity to take risks and expectations of performance‐oriented rewards, which, in turn, sway consumers to favor the online service channel. Furthermore, self‐efficacy and perceptions concerning the credibility of online information interact to affect service channel preference. Consumers are more likely to prefer the online service channel when they view themselves as capable and perceive online sources to be credible. Implications for theory and practice are discussed in light of the findings.  相似文献   

We propose a new multiple criteria decision aiding approach for market segmentation that integrates preference analysis and segmentation decision within a unified framework. The approach employs an additive value function as the preference model and requires consumers to provide pairwise comparisons of some products as the preference information. To analyze each consumer’s preferences, the approach applies the disaggregation paradigm and the stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis to derive a set of value functions according to the preference information provided by each consumer. Then, each consumer’s preferences can be represented by the distribution of possible rankings of products and associated support degrees by applying the derived value functions. On the basis of preference analysis, a new metric is proposed to measure the similarity between preferences of different consumers, and a hierarchical clustering algorithm is developed to perform market segmentation. To help firms serve consumers from different segments with targeted marketing policies and appropriate products, the approach proposes to work out a representative value function and the univocal ranking of products for each consumer so that products that rank in the front of the list can be presented to her/him. Finally, an illustrative example of a market segmentation problem details the application of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper is motivated by observing that an increasing number of firms are offering modular products assembled with multiple option choices for the consumer. Starting with the PC offerings by Dell which allowed (and still allows) users to configure their product by choosing among multiple choices for each option, the current market place seems to have evolved to a make‐to‐stock scenario where Apple offers its IPAD series with multiple models each with a unique storage size, color, and wireless chip technology. The focus of our work is on determining the optimal stocking level of modular end‐products. Our analysis is based on a benchmark model with the aim of maximizing expected profit subject to an aggregate fill rate constraint as well as variant‐specific individual fill rates under a make‐to‐stock setting. To further assess the robustness of our finding, we consider the extensions of correlated market preferences over options, price‐dependent demand, and alternative probability distributions for characterizing uncertainty in market preferences or aggregate demand. Finally we also show how to extend the single period model into a multiple‐period setting. Through extensive computational analysis, we find that more precise estimates of market preferences for various modular options constitute extremely valuable information that goes beyond the usefulness of forecasts of aggregate market demand. From a practical perspective, this might be indicative of another classic marketing‐operations trade‐off. Offering more options for consumers would be preferred by marketing managers since this would reach more consumers and hence, enhance product sales. On the other hand, the ability to obtaining greater forecast accuracy would decline when the number of options increase. Hence, from an operational perspective, it would be preferred to limit option choices (so that better forecasts can be obtained) since this would lead to lower stocking costs and hence, higher profits.  相似文献   

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