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本文从内部控制的三个关键点——内部控制实施、评价和审计师鉴证——分析了内部控制鉴证报告的信号失灵原因和甄别工具,采用我国上市公司数据进行检验并发现,公司披露鉴证报告与否和会计信息质量无关,但披露高质量(声誉)审计师签署的鉴证报告,公司的操控性应计更低,会计信息质量更高。研究结果表明,内部控制鉴证报告作为传递内部控制信息的二次信号是失灵的,而审计师质量具有信号甄别的作用。本文结论不仅有助于公司制定有效的内部控制信息披露策略,还为内部控制信息市场的监管导向决策提供依据。  相似文献   

  上市企业披露的内部控制缺陷信息被很多新闻媒体当作负面报道广泛传播,与此同时,大量上市企业未披露实际存在的内部控制缺陷。在此背景下研究负面偏好对上市企业披露内部控制缺陷信息的影响具有重要意义。         以2012年至2017年中国A股主板市场上有内部控制重大缺陷迹象的企业为样本,从负面偏好的坏消息过度反应和事物类别诊断两个层面分别探究中国强制实施内部控制信息披露以来,上市企业披露内部控制缺陷信息与来自主要外部利益相关方负面后果之间的关系。采用Tobit、Probit和OLS回归估计方法,检验披露内部控制缺陷信息与来自监管机构、诉讼相关方、审计师和投资者4个外部利益相关方的负面后果之间的关系,并研究企业披露的内部控制缺陷信息数量与负面后果程度之间的关系。之后进一步探究内部控制质量对披露内部控制缺陷信息负面效应的调节作用。         研究结果表明,①对于有内部控制重大缺陷迹象的企业而言,披露内部控制缺陷信息更易引起负面后果,现阶段的内部控制监管机制对此没有构成有效的威慑;②外部利益相关方对内部控制缺陷信息的过度反应对企业有实质性影响,披露内部控制缺陷信息显著引起监管处罚、诉讼仲裁、非正常审计师变更和负面市场反应;③披露内部控制缺陷信息的充分程度与负面后果的严重程度之间存在倒U形关系,充分披露内部控制缺陷信息能够削弱与之相对应的负面后果;④内部控制质量能够正向调节充分披露内部控制缺陷信息对负面后果的削弱作用。         负面偏好的影响在一定程度上削弱了上市企业披露内部控制缺陷信息的内生动力,催生上市企业对内部控制缺陷信息的更多隐瞒和不充分披露,即“劣币驱逐良币”。研究结论为研究内部控制缺陷信息的真实性提供一个新视角,也为完善内部控制制度和相关部门开展监管工作提供相应的经验证据。  相似文献   

2012年上市证券公司内部控制自我评价均为内部控制机制和制度方面不存在重大缺陷。对于资产管理、经纪和自营业务等业务中存在的损害客户利益、内幕交易等均未涉及。通过分析我国证券公司内部控制缺陷信息披露现状,建议采取明确内部控制重大缺陷信息披露相关主体职责和标准、加强内部控制缺陷信息披露的监管等措施,提高和改善内部控制重大缺陷信息披露质量。  相似文献   

本文以2006-2009年沪市A股上市公司为研究对象,实证考察了内部控制信息披露的市场反应。研究发现,从总体上看,我国上市公司内部控制信息披露具有明显的市场反应,但从不同侧面看,内部控制信息披露的市场反应存在显著差异:从披露内容看,内部控制有效引起股票价格上涨,而内部控制缺陷则引起股票价格下跌;从披露类型看,强制性披露较自愿性披露更具有价值相关性;从披露详略看,详细披露会引起股票价格上涨,而简单披露则不一定。此外,与单独的强制性披露或自愿性披露的市场反应相比,内部控制强制性披露和自愿性披露交互影响的市场反应更加显著。据此本文认为,在进一步加强强制性披露的日常监管的同时完善自愿性披露的激励政策,是当前规范我国上市公司内部控制信息披露行为和提高内部控制信息披露质量的关键。  相似文献   

以 2010 年 ~ 2018 年存在内部控制重要缺陷和重大缺陷的 A 股上市公司为研究样本,基于信任修复理论,考察了管理层责任承担的市场反应. 研究发现: 1) 管理层对内部控制缺陷的责任承担引起消极的市场反应; 2) 在区分内部控制缺陷程度后发现,上述消极反应在重大缺陷的样本中更为明显; 3) 财务报告内控缺陷更多时,管理层责任承担产生了更加消极的市场反应. 进一步研究发现,内控缺陷整改和高的媒体关注度降低了投资者对管理层责任承担的 负向反应; 从长期来看,管理层责任承担充分地释放了内控缺陷的负面消息,降低了公司股价未来崩盘风险. 研究有助于深入理解管理层责任承担在我国资本市场中的作用,并为监管部门完善内部控制信息披露提供了参考.  相似文献   

财务报表重述是内部控制缺陷的一大重要信号,而我国上市公司财务报表重述现象严重,这暴露了公司内部控制制度可能存在不健全或者失效的情况,本文将以2011年1月1日至2013年12月31日发生财务报表重述的79家沪市上市公司为样本,对其内部控制状况及缺陷披露问题进行分析和研究,并提出了相关建议和对策。  相似文献   

内部控制缺陷的认定是内部控制有效性评价的核心,而现有的准则规范在这方面存在空白,国内外学者也未对内部控制缺陷认定做出系统研究。鉴于此,本文对我国上市公司内控缺陷认定和披露现状进行分析,并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

齐保垒  田高良 《管理评论》2012,(4):133-140,176
以2007、2008沪深两市2195家上市公司为研究样本,构建了一个关于内部控制缺陷影响因素的概念模型,使用Logit回归分析验证内部控制缺陷的影响因素。把影响内部控制缺陷的因素分为经营复杂性、会计风险和内部控制建设三个方面。在控制上市公司是否为国有和是否为ST或*ST后,发现存在内部控制缺陷的公司一般经营更加复杂,存在的会计风险更高,内部控制建设相对更不完善。  相似文献   

关于审计师变更是否会导致审计收费折扣存在交易成本和信息披露两种理论.通过收集中国自2001年年报公布审计收费数据以来的所有审计师变更数据,研究了审计师变更与审计收费的关系,以验证两种理论在中国的适用性.研究发现,审计师变更时存在明显的审计收费折扣现象,其折扣幅度为5.5%,进一步研究显示只有2001年的监管性变更存在显著的审计收费折扣现象,而自愿性变更不存在这一现象,上述结果更多地支持了信息披露理论,即审计收费信息公开披露后不存在明显的审计收费折扣现象,这说明在中国审计市场上并不存在明显的低价揽客行为.  相似文献   

上市公司内部控制缺陷与财务报告信息质量   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
企业内部控制的主要目标之一是提高财务报告信息质量,如果上市公司的内部控制存在缺陷,无论是管理层无意识的误报财务信息还是出于自身利益的目的故意操纵财务信息,都会降低财务报告的信息质量.利用 2007年~2008年中国A股上市公司财务数据,从会计稳健性、应计质量和财务信息价值相关性3个视角,考察内部控制缺陷对财务报告信息质量的影响.研究结果表明,在控制公司的经营特征和行业特征以及公司是否为国有控股和是否为ST公司后,发现存在内部控制缺陷的公司其会计稳健性和应计质量均显著低于不存在内部控制缺陷的公司,但是这两类公司财务信息价值相关性的差别并没有得到很好证实.  相似文献   

This article aimed to examine the impacts of reporting‐type corporate responsibility activities (CRA‐R) on corporate social and financial performance. Academic research has explored how varying attributes of markets, industry sectors and firms might shape corporate social and financial performance, but includes little effort to examine the impacts of different kinds of CRA on corporate performance. We build on debate about the value of firms' reporting activities related to corporate responsibility. Recent literature suggests that CRA‐R is superficial marketing or “greenwashing.” Despite this viewpoint, corporate reporting activities related to responsibility are rising. In order to solve this puzzle, this article explores the impact of CRA‐R on corporate performance. First, drawing from the institutional perspective, we propose that CRA‐R will positively impact corporate social performance (CSP) oriented toward secondary stakeholders. Second, combining the stakeholder–agency perspective and corporate responsibility literature, we motivate the hypotheses that CRA‐R positively influences corporate financial performance (CFP). Empirical testing with a unique dataset of large US corporations selected in the Fortune 500 support the proposed hypotheses. In particular, both corporate social responsibility and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) activities positively influence corporate environmental performance, and financial performance. In particular, GRI reporting is a strong indicator to impact both social and financial performance. Our findings indicate that CRA‐R should not simply reflect shallow motivations, but deliver value to noninvestor stakeholders as well as investors.  相似文献   

Risk Perception and Symptom Reporting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Corporate social responsibility encompasses a multiplicity of different concepts, such that its nature is confused, and it remains difficult to operationalize because opening dialogue with and responding to the various expectations of diverse stakeholders is beyond the capacity of many companies. This paper adapts Mayston's normative “information beneficiaries” framework and focuses on intermediaries who might potentially use published financial information to open a restricted form of dialogue with companies, which might benefit unsophisticated stakeholders. The paper examines the Mayston framework using interviews conducted in organizations that might act on behalf of three stakeholder groups associated with gas and electricity suppliers in the United Kingdom, these being: consumers, employees, and the environment. While a long chain of communication exists between utility company and stakeholder, and many organizations do not fulfill their full potential as information intermediaries, there is some evidence that Mayston's framework might well operate in practice.  相似文献   

Max Boholm 《Risk analysis》2009,29(11):1566-1577
The study addresses the textual representation of risk and causality in news media reporting. The analytical framework combines two theoretical perspectives: media frame analysis and the philosophy of causality. Empirical data derive from selected newspaper articles on risks in the Göta älv river valley in southwest Sweden from 1994 to 2007. News media content was coded and analyzed with respect to causal explanations of risk issues. At the level of individual articles, this study finds that the media provide simple causal explanations of risks such as water pollution, landslides, and flooding. Furthermore, these explanations are constructed, or framed, in various ways, the same risk being attributed to different causes in different articles. However, the study demonstrates that a fairly complex picture of risks in the media emerges when extensive material is analyzed systematically.  相似文献   

The reporting of quality of health care to the governing board has long been an enigma. Now we are in the midst of a revolution in health care, as we shift our focus from solely the clinical performance of individuals to a broader scope of assessing and improving all activities around patient services and patient care--i.e., management outcomes integrated with clinical outcomes to help identify opportunities to improve patient care. In addition, apprised of corporate liability for the quality of care provided in health care organizations, governing boards are raising questions and demanding more information. To maintain this high degree of interest in quality of health care, information should be restricted to what the board needs to know. This article will be confined to the hospital's organizationwide quality system of monitoring and evaluating. While medical staff credentialing and privileging are also board responsibilities and quality management activities should be used in the privileging and credentialing process, they will not be addressed in this article.  相似文献   

Regulation and Enforcement of Financial Reporting in Austria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an overview of financialreporting instruments and enforcementmechanisms in Austria, with special emphasis onthe role of the courts in this process. Formerresearch in this area has either focused on thecontent of judicial rulings and interpretationsof the law or on the interplay betweenregulation and creative accounting, whereasthis paper focuses on the involvement of courtsand administrative authorities in theregulation and enforcement process by means ofa statistical analysis of judicial rulings andinterpretations of the law in the case ofAustria between 1990 and 2003. TheAdministrative Court, in its role as thehighest court of appeal in all tax matters,emerges as by far the most active enforcementagent in Austria. This is a direct result offiscal authorities fulfilling the role of anenforcement agency of financial reportingregulations in Austria. Regulation andenforcement of financial reporting regulationsoccur less frequently in the civil and criminalcourts and emerge as a by-product of companylitigation issues. Almost fifty percent ofcases are not primarily concerned with theenforcement of accounting regulations, but withthe enforcement of filing regulations.  相似文献   

The Impact of Insider Power on Fraudulent Financial Reporting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the relationship between top management team duality and the decision to release false financial information. Using a matched sample of 103 firms that were convicted of issuing fraudulent financial statements in the period from 1992 to 1996, the results show that this form of illegal corporate behavior is more likely to occur when there is a concentration of power in the hands of insiders. For these firms, insiders control the top management team and the Board of Directors by simultaneously occupying the key managerial positions of clout within the firm while also sitting on the Board (duality), and through their ownership interest in the firm.  相似文献   

论互联网条件下的按需报告模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文分析了公司报告中多样化和标准化之间的联系。我们认为,“ 围绕标准报告进行按需报告 ”(Customization Around a Standard Report,以下简称CASR)是未来财务报告的一种可行方法。在此方法下,通用财务报告作为基准,保持了信息的可靠性、可比性,以满足使用者的共同信息需求,而附加的按需报告则满足了使用者的不同信息需求。CAS R 仅靠报告公司本身是无法有效实施的。CASR 应当由报告公司、信息中介和最终使用者共同担当,才能发挥更大的效力。这种联合的 CASR 能在 P2P(Peer-to-Peer)的网络互联环境下实现。在此环境下,原始财务数据(如报告公司)以及财务分析师提供的报告均可通过因特网互联和共享。网络环境将对按需报告和标准化产生极大需求。在这种数据互联和文档共享的条件下,为提高未来网上可能出现的大量按需报告的合法性和可靠性,对鉴证服务的需求将大大增加。  相似文献   

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