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The article provides a critical reflection on the practice of photographic salon exhibitions in the 1950s. In South Africa and abroad, there was a resurgence of photographic societies from the early 1950s that encouraged amateur photographers to create images based on a distinct visual grammar, thereby offering them not only an opportunity to display their work but to compete amongst each other. Subsequently, salon exhibitions produced work that would be judged on its pictorial rather than strict representational value thereby depoliticising the exhibition space. On the other hand, this article seeks to place this practice in the realm of racial segregation under apartheid by considering the deployment of the “black subject” in the native rural reserve in Joseph Denfield’s (1911–1967) work. Through a study of his ethnographic photographs which were exhibited internationally in this period as pictorial work, as well as his intellectualisation of his practice as native photography, it argues that the space of the salon allowed him to pose the “native question” pictorially, that is, provided a discourse through which the “native” could be “known” and ordered.  相似文献   
Chinese television dramas over the past decades have seen the rise and decline of various narratives, but no other narratives speak to the emerging urban middle class's fear and anxiety more palpably than the stories of the maid. However, despite the growing popularity of the maid stories among urban viewers, most of these stories do not resonate with domestic workers themselves. How do we make sense of the growing popularity of the maid stories among urban viewers? And how do we account for the differentiated capacity to resonate and identify with the characters among viewers? These are important questions to consider if one is to understand the new cultural politics of power and social formations in post-Mao China. In this paper, I explore some of the crucial ways in which a controlling gaze is facilitated and naturalised by the visualisation of place and space in these dramas. Then, through both critical analyses and engaged ethnography, I demonstrate how two sets of controlling gaze—everyday and televisual—reinforce and justify each other. Finally, I advance the concept of “peripheral vision,” which, I show, denies the modernist “master” narrative of the city and, instead, empowers the subaltern figure with an epistemological position of “eye-witness” and anthropologist of the city.  相似文献   
在“互联网+”时代,新技术迅速发展,各种信息变得更为透明,民营经济若想充分利用现有资源,探索出适合企业的发展路径,就必须充分利用好互联网平台,将互联网与企业深度融合,充分发挥“互联网+”中“+”的作用。但是由于在利用互联网探索发展路径的过程中,存在领导层网络意识淡薄、难以改变旧有的商业模式、构建网络平台能力差、与合作企业之间存在信任短板等方面的问题,导致在平台利用上缺少一定的条件。在这种情况下,民营企业要充分认识“互联网+”,并且抓住机遇,融入“互联网+”的大潮中,树立互联网思维模式,努力构建网络信息中心平台,提升民营企业互联网接入水平,政府也应搭建相应的网络平台促进民营经济转型升级。  相似文献   
接受美学是一种强调读者地位与作用的美学理论,在解读与赏析文本中可以拓宽研究的视角,更深层面地挖掘作品的价值与意义。本文基于接受美学视域对莎士比亚经典戏剧《李尔王》的叙事话语与文化内涵进行阐释,从作品情节、人物命运、叙事语言、叙事风格、意象、宗教色彩等方面力求突破文本限制与障碍,以期让独具魅力的经典作品焕发新的生机。  相似文献   
针对工科大学物理在小班化进程中的师生角色转换和课时不足等问题,分析了教师角色、教学内容和模式,并结合高校培养目标,从物理理论和实验的关系着手,提出一种将两者融为一体的课程模式,经由多角色教师团队、“全”和“精”的教学内容和开放的教学模式,搭建起理论和实验“承上启下”的桥梁。学生在实验平台上的具体实践表明,这种小班化教学效果明显。  相似文献   
近年来,随着中国经济的持续增长,中国企业的海外并购活动日益活跃,且逐渐显现出一些新的特征。以2008—2015年766起海外并购事件作为研究样本,对其进行深入分析,探讨后危机时期中国企业海外并购的主要特征。在对中国企业海外并购形势进行 SWOT 分析的基础上,就中国企业如何在海外并购问题上做出正确的战略选择提出了相应的对策与建议,以期助推“走出去”战略的实施。  相似文献   
借助于两性之间的性巫术来促进农业丰产的现象业已消失,但它作为华夏民族的一种集体无意识仍然在农耕信仰当中有所反映。凉州自古以来就是一个农业发达的地方,因此安土重迁、丰衣足食、风调雨顺自然成为当地农耕文化追求的目标。凉州地区的农耕习俗中的送耙齿、送“粪馍”、种子的贮藏、男耕女播等事象中,至今仍留有先民生殖崇拜的印记,它既是凉州人民祈求风调雨顺、五谷丰登的美好愿望的延续,也积淀着劳动人民的理想和追求。  相似文献   
西利亚·撒克斯特是19世纪美国女作家,其作品以其所居住的海岛为背景,记录了她在岛上的生活以及周围的自然景色。她在作品中表达了对自然之美的无尽热爱,这份热爱不仅局限于传统的田园牧歌式的自然景致,也延伸到了神秘而令人胆怯的荒野之中。本文结合当代环境美学家关于“非美自然”的论述,并参考康德对于纯粹审美判断的阐释,从“距离”与“道德”两个角度对西利亚作品中关于灾难性自然景观的言说进行审美意义上诠释。西利亚坚持以自然的名义欣赏自然,希望借助康德式的纯粹审美还原审美自然灾难的合理性。此外,她选择成为灾难的“旁观者”而非“参与者”,克服了“恐惧”对于审美自然灾难所产生的阻碍,证明了欣赏自然灾难的可行性。分析西利亚作品中所体现的自然审美思想,不仅是对自然文学研究领域的进一步延伸,也是对当代环境美学理论的一次反哺与验证。西利亚对自然灾难的审美言说是一次勇敢的尝试,不仅为人类积极地理解自然灾难提供了一种可能性,也扩宽了“非美自然”的审美疆域。  相似文献   
面向用户需要、满足用户需求是公共图书馆馆藏资源共享服务的根本导向。在“互联网+”时代,开展针对性、增值性服务是公共图书馆功能和价值实现的重要体现。“互联网+”时代公共图书馆馆藏资源共享具有多元、服务、共赢的特征,在推动馆藏资源共享的实践中,公共图书馆要借助信息技术建设信息数据和信息共享平台的统一标准,打造用户一体化体验模式,并积极引入社会力量助力资源共享建设,以期实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   
杨明洪  张营为 《民族学刊》2016,7(4):1-10,88-91
“Complementary counterpart assis-tance” to Tibet is one of the earliest ways China conducted regional “complementary counterpart”assistance. As a formal institutional arrangement, it already has had more than 20 years of history. The academic research on “assistance to Tibet”has been gradually increasing. However, there are big differences in understanding many of the is-sues. This article conducts a comprehensive analy-sis on the progress of related research on the“com-plementary counterpart” assistance to Tibet in re-cent years, focusing on the spheres of assistance, the theoretical basis, institutional nature and other issues related to “complementany counterpart” as-sistance of Tibet. It further proposes the direction of future research.  相似文献   
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