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国内外的通识教育实践在很大程度上代表未来高等教育的方向,也为我国的思政教育转型提供了有益的借鉴.未来思政教育要转向大思政方向,在吸收通识教育的某些理念的基础上,构建“大思政”的“大于思政”、“高于思政”和“等于思政”的格局,即在原来的思政主旨是思想道德修养和政治教育转向以思政为主的包含通识教育在内的大思政格局.  相似文献   
Human mobility is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. While labour migration has been widely and deeply investigated – through theoretical and empirical analysis – other forms of mobility have received much less attention. Students' mobility is a peculiar form of temporary movement that can be considered as neither migration nor tourism. It is rapidly growing: in the period 1975–2005 the number of tertiary education students abroad increased fourfold, from 0.61 million to 2.73 million, following the trend of the internationalization of economy and globalization of culture. In 2009 almost 3.7 million tertiary students were enrolled outside their country of origin, an increase of more than 6% from the previous year.

In this paper we analyse the international mobility of university students, using a unique data set built through surveys conducted at the Sapienza University of Rome. The data collected cover a rich array of information on students' characteristics and backgrounds, provenance places, family conditions, individual aspirations, and job preferences. The empirical analysis of those data offers an opportunity for understanding a relevant part of mobility decisions of (prospective) highly qualified workers. The Sapienza University, moreover, is at present the largest university in Europe for number of students and a pole of attraction for both European and non-European students. This allows us to enlarge our analysis at a global level.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、调查问卷法和数理统计法等,对北京邮电大学拓展训练课程的开展状况和课程开展过程中出现的问题进行分析,为更好地推动拓展训练课程的发展提供参考依据。结果显示,北京邮电大学拓展训练课自开设以来虽然取得了长足进步,但仍存在场地器材缺乏、课程规模较小、课时不足、大纲与教材欠缺等问题。在今后课程的开展中要扩大课程规模,调整课时设置,统一教学大纲,出版专业教材,完善场地设施,提高教师水平,加强拓展训练课程的信息化建设。  相似文献   
五四时期,青年毛泽东为湖南女子解放鼓与呼.同时,他对这一问题的认识也是较全面而深刻的.  相似文献   
推进大学生中国化马克思主义教育是党实现执政兴国的"希望工程",是党实现执政兴国的题中之义;推进大学生中国化马克思主义教育重在建设和创新。高校党委要负起政治责任,把实现党执政兴国要务的目标作为己任,切实加强对大学生中国化马克思主义教育的领导。  相似文献   
新中国成立六十年来,经过20世纪五六十年代的重点大学建设、1990年代的"211工程"和"985工程"建设.逐渐走出一条基于中国国情的高水平大学建设之路,有力地促进了重点大学的跨越式发展,并带动了高等教育的整体发展.当前,面临新形势和新挑战,中国应该实现重点大学建设价值取向的多样化,建立行政推动与市场竞争相结合的重点大学遴选机制,加强重大学建设中的社会问责制度.  相似文献   
何方昱 《学术月刊》2012,(5):145-154
1936—1949年浙江大学史地学系的组建与存废,无疑是民国学科史上较为特殊而重要的事件。受现代知识学科化和专业化的影响,彼时各大学多将历史学系与地理学系分置。竺可桢、张其昀则秉持"史地合一"的通才教育观,创建史地学系,下设史学与地学二组,既造就史学与地学的专门人才,又特重二者的关联,以达专精与通识之间的平衡。浙江大学史地学系不仅在组织结构、课程安排及学术活动等领域独树一帜,还培养了大量史学及地学方面的通才与专才。它的创建与存在是竺、张二人成功掌控了学术机关与思想资源后,贯彻其理念的必然产物。在1949年的政权更替中,竺、张二人相继离开浙江大学,最终导致历史学、地理学分离。浙江大学史地学系的意义,是在西方现代学科体系的影响之下,中国学界有识者面对现代学科体系冲击的一种创新与坚守。  相似文献   
To date little has been known, and less written, about the life of Hugh George Brennan, Glasgow University's first lecturer in Russian. The uncovering of previously unused Russian and British sources throwing fresh light on his life, intellectual development and occupations has made possible a fuller assessment of a significant figure in Glasgow's contribution to Slavonic Studies. Brennan lived and taught in Russia for 20 years. The resulting intense and unusually intimate experience of Russian life probably explains unconventional aspects of his Glasgow appointment. Brennan was an undoubted educational and social success in Russia. Events in the shape of the February Revolution of 1917 forced him to return to Britain. Glasgow's timely offer of a new position was the start of a very different life. This aspect of Brennan's career is reviewed mainly through his commitment to extensive public activities.  相似文献   
建设和谐社会需要和谐的人。大学生是建设社会主义和谐社会的主力军,他们素质的高低关系到国家的兴亡、民族的兴衰,提高大学生的素质关键在教育。而近年来大学生暴力伤害、自杀、他杀等各种漠视生命的现象屡有发生,生命教育正在成为现代高等教育乃至未来高等教育的一个重要话题。在和谐社会视域下,教育要从关注生命出发,教育大学生珍爱生命、尊重生命、欣赏生命。  相似文献   
在当下的文坛湘军中,魏剑美是一位很有实力的作家。他的长篇官场小说《步步为局》、《步步为局2:副市长》自出版后,迅速在全国热销。尤其是他的杂文具有鲁迅风骨,不仅文笔犀利,视角独到,而且思想深邃,逻辑缜密,给人以极大的阅读兴趣与审美愉悦。  相似文献   
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