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道教对于梦的研究由来已久,它既有关于梦的形成机制的理论,又有以“占梦”“禳梦”等为目的的操作系统,其中以“辟恶梦”之法最为重要。在“辟恶梦”方面,道教既通过默念咒语以祈求于神灵,又采取“叩齿”“咽液”和按摩有关穴位或身体特定部位的方法,并且还运用某类药物,要求“慎无语人”。道教的“辟恶梦”之法对于古代中医学的发展,无论在理论研究方面还是在临床实践方面。均起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   
Researchers have proposed that hospitals with excessive statistically unexplained mortality rates are more likely to have quality-of-care problems. The U.S. Health Care Financing Administration currently uses this statistical “outlier” approach to screen for poor quality in hospitals. Little is known, however, about the validity of this technique, since direct measures of quality are difficult to obtain. We use Monte Carlo methods to evaluate the performance of the outlier technique as parameters of the true mortality process are varied. Results indicate that the screening ability of the technique may be very sensitive to how widespread quality-related mortality is among hospitals but insensitive to other factors generally thought to be important.  相似文献   
Few studies have examined academic researchers' understandings of or attitudes toward conflict of interest policies even though these understandings and attitudes represent a crucial component of both compliance and educational efforts. This study reports the results of a large-scale, cross-sectional survey of research faculty at the nine campuses of the University of California regarding their understandings of and attitudes toward campus conflict of interest policies. We gathered information on their general assessments of investigators with financial ties to industry sponsors and reactions to the process of implementing conflict of interest policies at their respective campuses. We surveyed 1,971 faculty members from the nine-campus University of California system and had 779 responses (39% response rate). The sampled faculty were in the ten departments with the most number of financial disclosures at each campus. We utilized the WebSurveyor software to create a secure, online, 21-item survey. Our study reveals faculty with complex, sometimes contradictory, feelings about academic-industry relationships and highlights perceived gaps in policy and process. Most respondents were concerned about unlimited financial relationships, but a sizable number also viewed campus policies as irrelevant. Some expressed considerable anger over the process of policy implementation, rejecting the policies on the basis of professional and individual self-determination and moral integrity. Our study suggests the need for renewed efforts to encourage awareness of the relevance of conflict of interest policies for all faculty, new efforts to increase understanding of the situational nature of conflicts of interest, and a reexamination of the processes of policy implementation at the campus level.  相似文献   
老庄哲学本意并非论艺术技巧,而是论"道"。"道"是他们为实现现实生活中不能实现的自由而找到的一种实现精神自由的方式。先秦学术文、史、哲不分,老庄的艺术技巧理论就融汇于其道学思想,其本体是其哲学范畴之"道"向艺术层面的演化。老庄没有直接论艺术技巧,但其道学处处展示着如何实现自由的技巧和方法,对文艺创作技巧产生直接影响,甚至相通。"道"之"无"的特性揭示了艺术技巧的本质与表现形态;通过无目的而达到目的技术创造论阐发了艺术创作主体理论,触及了艺术技巧的实质;"道"的社会实践性理论阐发了艺术技巧的社会实践基础,并论述了背道的艺术技巧反面存在。因此老庄的"道"技论也就演变成了艺术技巧论。  相似文献   
王弼的《老子注》形成于汉魏之际,由两汉经学向魏晋玄学的学术转向时期。结合当时的社会需要,王弼在《老子注》中创造性地提出了崇本息末的观念和名教本于自然的基本原理,并以此为基础对道儒关系进行了系统的论证。这不仅从理论上解决了汉魏之际道儒融通的时代课题,而且对于推动《老子》解释学和中国道学史研究的发展也具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   
赫德在中国工作长达52年,他兴办了近代海关,使关税成倍增长;设置了近代助航设备,便利了航运;创办了近代高等学校,设置了天文台、物理实验室;翻译了西方书籍,引进了西方科技;兴办了近代邮政,为中国培养了各方面的人才。成效卓著。他曾受到清政府多次表彰,官至太子太保,以肯定他为中国近代化作出的巨大贡献。  相似文献   
龙王信仰是传承较为久远、分布非常广泛的民间信仰。历来为广大学者所关注,但大都是从文献典籍出发,探讨龙王的有关传说及龙王与佛、道二教的关系。本文通过实地田野作业,对当地民间龙王信仰的内容及相关民俗活动进行了调查分析,认为唐日台村龙王信仰作为地方及民族文化系统中的活态民俗事项,是围绕农业生产(生活)而展开的具有地方性、民族性特征的信仰活动。  相似文献   
元代萨都刺《雁门集》中保存有数十首涉道诗,是萨都刺寻访江南道教的历史记录。萨都刺作为东来的回回人,注意了解中国传统的儒释道文化。他足迹遍及江南道教名山宫观,与道门人士结为方外之友,这反映出在多元一体的中国社会中,不同民族宗教间的对话与交流。  相似文献   
中国共产党第三代领导集体关于民族干部的理论和政策的基本观点包括努力造就一支宏大的德才兼备的少数民族干部队伍,是做好民族工作和解决民族问题的关键;培养选择少数民族干部是一件关系全局、具有战略意义的事;少数民族干部队伍状况是衡量一个民族发展的重要标志;培养少数民族干部,既要有计划地扩大数量,更要提高素质、改善结构;要注意培养少数民族中高级干部和各种科技管理人才.  相似文献   
先秦至魏晋是桃文化的滥觞和形成期。古人对灵魂不死的信仰以及在生活中对桃的崇拜,奠定了桃为仙品的文化内涵的基础。而汉、魏、晋出现的大量的有关桃的神话、仙话小说推动了这一内涵的发展,而此时兴起并不断发展的道教更是强化了这一民俗信仰,使桃成为民俗生活中的仙桃。  相似文献   
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