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广西三江县梅林乡车寨村是典型的侗族传统村寨,灵魂观是当地侗族人观念世界的核心。复杂的宗教信仰及信仰礼俗蕴藏着侗族人独特的灵魂观。车寨的宗教信仰体系中不仅有草木、山石崇拜等自然崇拜,萨岁、土地公等神灵崇拜,还包含信奉灵魂不灭的祖先崇拜。这些复杂多样的信仰及相关祭祀仪式,镶嵌着当地侗族人的生态伦理观和灵魂观。  相似文献   
在一个实际上靠天吃饭,精神上靠神支撑的时代,宗教活动本身就是农业生产力,它渗透于农业生产的各个环节中。人类一方面顶礼膜拜,祈神降福,把音韵最优美的媚词献给神灵,祈求降福;另一方面又不甘于自然的摆布,不懈抗争,把最威严、铿锵的咒语念给鬼怪,胁迫神灵。这矛盾双方的相互消长,使人类文化以不同的形式打上了它的烙印。古代农事诗也是如此,祭祀的媚词、巫术的咒语和揣度神意的卦爻辞,都是农事诗诞生的温床。  相似文献   
To incorporate newcomers into membership, a group employs socialization strategies to transform the characteristics of the newcomers, so that it can admit them with the confidence that their behaviour will not endanger group unity. Analyses of socialization emphasize that novices' interiorization of an institutional definition of group behaviour is a necessary condition to ensure successful socialization. The contemporary Religious Society of Friends in Britain, however, is a non-doctrinal religious movement that avoids defining the content of its beliefs and practices. To analyse the socializing interaction between members and newcomers in this movement in Britain, and among co-religionists in the USA, this inquiry applies a model of socialization that does not include assumptions about the role played by cognition in socialization (Long and Hadden 1983). My results show that: (a) the diffuseness in Friends' collective explanations of institutional conduct supports novices' identification with institutional practice, and (b) experimental and affective components in socialization motivate novices to imitate institutional behaviour despite the fact that Friends have no authoritative explanations of such behaviour. The data suggest that socialization and social cohesion are not necessarily as strongly cognitive-oriented phenomena as they were previously thought to be. This finding has important implications for thinking about social cohesion in postmodern society.  相似文献   
纵观基督教、佛教、道教三种宗教的传教历史,从权柄、权力与道场、市场各自在宗教传播中所起的作用可以看出,权柄、权力可以兴教,却不必然兴教,权柄、权力可以是一个兴教的方便之门,然而,无此方便,却不可以说教不可兴。历史上的许多宗教派别,是因为得了权力而兴了教,却因此而失了市场,最终衰落了;同样,有的宗派从来没有得到权力,却得了市场,最后兴盛了。道场、市场,乃是兴教的方向,也为宗教的土壤。如果说传道者的眼睛需要朝上看,就更需要朝下看,那才是人间正道。  相似文献   

The role of women in American congregations is a topic that has gained attention in the past twenty years. The majority of work has focused on leadership and clergy roles and the willingness, or reluctance of, denominations to ordain women. In this article, we report on women as members, lay-leaders, and clergy in Philadelphia congregations, and we assess the factors that explain the rate of women in any of these roles. We find that regardless of the advancement in many areas of society, women are still the majority members yet are a minority among the clergy. Finally, we study how the gender composition of members, lay-leaders, and clergy explain the congregation's involvement in social service provisions. In this respect, gender composition of members, lay-leaders, and clergy made little impact on the congregational social service involvement. A variety of explanations are provided to account for women's little impact in this domain.  相似文献   
本文在调查研究的基础上,分析了宗教与社会主义社会不相适应的具体表现,并就如何积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,提出了具体的对策建议。  相似文献   
在将"信仰"与"宗教"混同的情况下,西方一些人很难了解中华文化中的信仰状况,甚至以为中国人没有信仰。实际上,在中国传统文化的主流中,看似"无"宗教,却是"有"信仰的。从《周易》开始,中国人就确立了以"天"为最高信仰,以人为关怀对象,追求"顺天应人"的人本主义信仰方式。这种信仰方式有其合理先进之处:它借多元宗教和非宗教的外壳,保持了"以人为本"的内核,有利于避免西方特别是欧洲历史上多次发生的那种流血的宗教冲突,给社会的发展多保留了一点难得的稳定和安宁。但也有不合理的一面:它对现实中很严肃的重大问题关注得不够认真、不够执著、不够彻底,甚至对于自己的信仰对象也缺少彻底的追究和一贯的把握,而是任其含混不定,随意改变;对于"信仰"这种心理和行为本身,它更少有正面的、开诚布公的自觉、反思、追问和交代,而是将其当作心照不宣的约定,满足于"运用之妙,在乎一心",停留于自发选择和盲目运用的水平。其结果便是,使人容易满足于眼前的、似是而非的所"得",而忽略在那些更大、更深远、更宝贵的东西的所"失"。在新的时代,人们既要深入理解它的特点,这是解开中华文化之谜的一把钥匙;又要充分挖掘它的资源,依据民主法治原则处理好信仰与宗教的关系,这是中国当代先进文化建设的一项重要任务。  相似文献   
"琅歼比"又称"还山鸡节",是川西南尔苏藏族时本族一个重要传统节日名称的汉语音译.该节日定期举行于每年的农历九月初一,主题是敬奉山神以及历代先祖.本文以甘洛县新民村尔苏藏族的"琅矸比"为例.通过民族学田野实地考察与访谈并结合相关文献记载,指出该习俗系尔苏藏族远古时期万物有灵的多神崇拜的文化遗存,认为"琅玕比"反映了人与自然和谐相处理念.  相似文献   

This empirical study compares the perceptions of social work supervisors about the needs of novice and experienced social work supervisees. The respondents, 211 supervisors in public welfare agencies in Israel, provided novice workers more supervisory time in 6 of the 8 content areas examined: administrative matters; inspection and control; inter-organizational communication; client issues; job-related tensions; and personal tensions. Projects in the community were given priority to experienced rather than novice supervisees, and professional development was regarded by the supervisors as equally important for novice and experienced workers. Comparisons were also made between the actual and preferred supervisory time allotment.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the pious practice of sab?r (patience) within the context of the weaving neighborhoods in Konya, Turkey. Through an ethnographic analysis of the everyday politics of the practice of sab?r, which is central to labor relations, this article adds to and complicates feminist analyses of labor politics and the economy by highlighting the interconnected nature of ethical religious practice and labor politics. Additionally, I argue for the need to go beyond the question of whether women have or lack agency as subjects in feminist analyses of labor politics and relationships, and instead point out the need for the empirical examination of specific, contextually-bound practical conditions through and within which women cultivate various forms of ethical action and subjectivities. In pointing out the importance of a project that analyzes operations of power with a keen awareness of context, this essay presents an ethnographically grounded discussion of pious practice within the context of Konya's weaving neighborhoods, underscoring the effects of the coexistence of exploitation and empowerment on the construction of women weavers’ selfhoods.  相似文献   
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