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In Indonesia, the politics of ‘sociable piety’ has been reinvigorated by local Islamic sermon groups opposed to a range of public behaviours labelled as ‘fanatik’. United by an intra-Muslim alliance self-identified as being ‘not fanatical’, members of urban middle-class sermon groups shrewdly redraw moral boundaries across the long-term ‘traditionalist’ and ‘modernist’ divides. As revealed by my fieldwork between 2009 and 2012, the improvisation of ‘sociable piety’ is so prominent that not only optional rituals such as tarawih but obligatory prayers such as salat can be negotiated contextually. Using the multi-religious city of Salatiga as a window to see the broader religious trends in many religiously pluralistic Indonesian cities, this paper contends that the general appeal of Islamic self-cultivation in Indonesia has been simultaneously an individual ethical cultivation and social, even national, improvement. Theoretically, this study of the everyday Indonesian strategies to deal with the tension between piety and sociality is a modest attempt to rethink subjectivity that moves beyond either the docile or the deliberative self and towards the dialogic subject in a world of conflicting heterogeneity.  相似文献   
This paper probes the effects upon people of defining knowledge primarily in economic terms. It asserts that the language of commerce increasingly appropriates 'knowledge' by defining it in such terms. Theoretically, the analysis draws on the work of Jacques Derrida to explore the effects of metaphors in human resource management and development environments. The paper explores the ways that metaphors can become powerful signifiers of knowledge at work. As critical technologies of representation, the metaphors that have emerged out of recent theorizations of knowledge at work have contributed to a powerful discourse that defines people as 'knowledge workers'. It is argued here that dominant views of 'what constitutes a knowledge worker' imply that subjects are both 'knowledge workers' (cogito) and 'human resources' (economic) - thus the title 'cogito-economic subjects'. By defining people in this way, it is argued that there are potential dangers of metaphors becoming reified with knowledge becoming describable only in economic terms, and people describable only in cogito-economic terms.  相似文献   
应以《黑格尔法哲学批判》这部马克思的早期著作为理论摹本来研究马克思的民主理论。"民主"问题及其所包含的"主体性"倾向不仅是马克思早期所关注的焦点,也是影响其一生理想追求的逻辑起点。马克思在批判黑格尔法哲学的基础上,将民主理解为能够现实地为主体参与公共事务提供有效途径以调整个体同政治共同体及其他特殊群体之间关系的制度和运行机制。这种以承认人的主体性为前提条件的民主观念对当代中国的民主政治建设具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
"原始"与"自然"不仅是海明威创作中最为清晰和富有传奇色彩的亮点,也是贯穿他全部作品乃至人生的主题和旨归。以海明威的人生经历和作品为参照来探究其"原始"情结的形成过程及其与时代之间的互动关系,有助于我们更好地理解"原始"与"现代"、"自然"与"理性"之间的辩证关系,也为我们深入了解20世纪美国乃至整个西方世界的思想变化提供了一个绝佳的视角。  相似文献   
客观真理论与相关哲学原理相冲突,不能合理地说明意识论、真理论与谬误论之间的关系,造成哲学体系内在的矛盾。真理问题具有厚重的人学意蕴和坚实的人性根据,是一个社会的、历史的、属人的问题。有什么样的人,就有什么样的真理,人的本质怎样,真理的本质就怎样,真理的本质与人的本质具有内在的一致性。  相似文献   
在社会工作专业实习过程中,学生主体性的发挥对培养学生的专业技能和素养起关键作用。而在传统社会工作实习模式中,由于专业性强的实习单位少,学生对实习单位和实习时间缺乏选择的权利,实习方式形式化等原因,学生在实习中缺乏自我做主的能力和自由。因此,在主体性的视角下,构建一个合理的义工体系,对完善传统的社会工作实习模式具有现实意义。  相似文献   
动画之“动”,首先在于画面连动,但这与影视画面的运动性本质不同,根源在于动画画面的反摄影性。基于此,中西动画虽皆通过动作主诉来进行叙事,但是由于哲学基础和审美思维的不同,二者最终企及的生命之动也各有千秋。廓清此三层境界上动之美学蕴涵,系对水墨动画的开拓艺术精神的阐述。  相似文献   
哲学是自然、社会和人的思维的最普遍的特性、层面和关系的反映,哲学是“时代精神的精华,”是人类社会实践的高度抽象。从主体性到主体间性再到交往实践,昭示了人类理论思维的深层变革,也就是经知识论的范式向生存论和人类学实践论范式的转换,同时也是对实践层面暴露出来的人类生存困境和文化危机的反思与批判,这见证着人类社会从不和谐走向和谐的历程。  相似文献   
作为中国当代文学的中心话语,"人民性"不仅是一种文学立场或观念,也是对于"人民共和国"主体的想象,并参与和支配着20世纪50年代"中国当代文学"的建制与生产。从"国民性"的知识分子启蒙叙事到"人民性"的国家论述,表征着20世纪中国新文学主体想象发生了深层的衍变,也表征着作为"普遍现代性"的"民族国家"观念在近现代中国社会变革中的另种可能性。  相似文献   
In recent years, bicycle infrastructure has been emerged as a valued part of urban development policy in many American cities, and a process that depends on the normalization of cycling practice in three respects. First, the various ‘less confrontational’ mutations of Critical Mass have redefined the politics of cycling in cultural and consumerist terms. Second, this ‘bike culture’ is mediated through Internet networks that generate concepts of proper cycling practice. Third, both spatial models and standards of ‘correct’ ridership circulate through these networks, linking ‘bike culture’ to institutional networks of implementation. While positive from the standpoint of increased ridership, this may reinscribe the exclusions that are constitutive of the contemporary American city and may limit cycling’s egalitarian potential.  相似文献   
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