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This paper analyzes the concept of belief in contemporary organizations. Most studies tend to envisage belief as something internal to the thinking and feeling person. We argue, however, that belief does not only reside ‘inside’ the individual subject but also in an external economy of objects and rituals. What we call the ‘objectivity of belief’ highlights how various things such as commodities, artefacts, machines and even other people may believe in our place. We develop these ideas by drawing on a rich tradition of social theory that includes Marx and ?i?ek, and apply it to the study of objects, belief and power in contemporary organizations.  相似文献   
The starting point for this paper is that bodies give substance to citizenship and that citizenship matters for bodies. However, the growing literatures on the body and on citizenship rarely 'speak to each other' in any straightforward sense. Feminist theory has made a significant contribution to both fields of thought,but once again the connections between these fields tend to be passing and underdeveloped. Feminist literature on citizenship – for example in discussions of participation – increasingly offers a critique of the model of the disembodied (supposedly universal) citizen as exclusionary and advocates taking bodies seriously (Lister; Yuval-Davis). Yet bodies appear in such discussions in quite limited ways and remain instrumentally conceived. On the other hand,the growing work on the body fromcontemporary feminist theorists has designated the body a political site par excellence (Grosz). Nevertheless, these writings are typically relatively abstract and philosophical, tend to perceive corporeal politics in circumscribed ways, and are positioned at a distance from political theorizing about implications for citizenship. We intend to consider how to flesh out the bodily element in feminist citizenship literature and how to interrogate the contextual sociality of the political in recent feminist theorizing of the body, in order to suggest ways of thinking about citizen bodies and related future directions for policy-making.  相似文献   
This paper intervenes on the contemporary Canadian discourse that equates bourgeois self-making practices of progressive urban subjects with moves towards genuine spatial justice. Emerging from a three-year project assessing gentrification Toronto’s Parkdale neighborhood, the author probes the dissonance between the triumphalist rhetoric circulated by an anti-gentrification elite and the lived realities of displacement and violence in poor, racialized and mad communities. Using ethnographic observation and analysis of extensive interview data, this paper suggests that the ideas of inclusive urban development often rely on the ejection of intolerable bodies from the sphere of urban life and the simultaneous exaltation of ‘enlightened’ middle-class subjects as the authors and protagonists of social change. Yearning for a better future, this paper functions as a cautionary tale, a warning that so long as race and gender remain secondary sites of investigation and action, work for urban emancipation will reinforce those systems of domination it hopes to oppose.  相似文献   
中国有四种主要的生计类型:游猎、游耕、游牧和农业。当上述四种传统生计方式被外力干预而出现不可逆情形的时候,重构一种变化了的新生计生态系统就不得不关注恰当的技术支持和促进文化整合。其中,地方族群的文化主体性地位的保持和尝试、寻找生计方式与文化心理上的转换时空是文化适应的最重要的前提。  相似文献   
习近平关于网络意识形态工作论述是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,彰显了以人民为中心的基本方略。论述中的人民性主要包括人民取向、人民力量和人民立场三个内涵与维度。在网络意识形态工作中,习近平始终把人民放在最高位置,秉承为了谁、依靠谁、服务谁的核心理念,一切为了人民,一切依靠人民,一切造福人民,以人民取向为统领,以人民力量为保障,以人民立场为旨归,体现了关于网络意识形态工作论述人民性的逻辑意蕴。人民取向是网络意识形态工作论述的价值根基,人民力量是网络意识形态工作论述的实践动力,人民立场是网络意识形态工作论述的目标归宿。  相似文献   
约翰.菲斯克的符码系统理论可以把《感动中国》文本归结为三个层次的意义:直接意指分析、含蓄意指分析和意识形态分析。在意识形态层面上可以看出,《感动中国》对于受众现实主体的建构起着重要的作用,这也是为什么它代表着主流文化在众多节目中脱颖而出的原因。  相似文献   
传统翻译观将译者的身份定位为"仆人"和"隐身者",遮蔽了译者的主体地位。互文性理论的兴起,为翻译研究增加了新的维度,使之走向更加开放的空间。文章从互文性理论的视角,探讨译者在翻译过程中兼具的读者、阐释者和作者的三重身份以及译者主体性的体现。译者主体性能否正确发挥,在很大程度上决定着翻译的成败,也是翻译活动之魅力所在。  相似文献   
当代文学生产的传媒化导致了文学生产系列病症,也使得文学的边界问题再次成为学界热点.文学边界纠缠于文学门类的含混化之中,文学主体性被褫夺而病态化.为此,回归文学生产程序,在文学生产、传播与消费的各个程序关键点厘清文学与传媒的关系,发现文学生产主体多元化和传媒建构中心论、文学传播与文学存在方式的被媒介化、文学消费的杂糅与传媒意志本体性等辩证一体.以此为依据重塑文学主体性,才能问解文学生产的传媒化病症,从而回答文学主体性即文学边界的论题.  相似文献   
上世纪40年代舒芜为声援在党内整风中受到批评的陈家康、乔冠华、胡绳等人而作《论主观》,胡风作《置身在为民主的斗争里面》与之"呼应"。然而胡风始终否认这种"呼应",起初他说发表舒芜文是"为了批判",后来又说发表舒芜文是他的"失察"。因而,深入探讨胡风的《置身在为民主的斗争里面》是不是以及是如何"呼应"舒芜的《论主观》,仍是有必要的。  相似文献   
试论自然的内在价值理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对内在价值概念的分析,指出承认自然的内在价值是误把自然物的合生态规律性当作自然物本身所具有的目的性,并由此认为自然存在物具有主体性,有“泛主体化”与脱离实践之嫌。内在价值是人类所特有的并包含于人的本性之中,是人的实践能力的自我肯定。自然的内在价值概念的提出对于我们超越传统价值观念具有启发意义。  相似文献   
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