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从医疗救助的本质看医疗救助政策的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗救助作为一种支持和帮助弱势群体获得基本卫生服务的制度。是社会救助体系的重要组成部分,是多层次医疗保障体系中的最后一道保护屏障。对弱势人群实施医疗救助是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要。文章通过对我国医疗救助的本质进行分析,找出政策与目标偏差,以及问题的根源。在此基础上.提出进一步完善医疗救助体系的建议,以确保医疗保障的公平性。  相似文献   
两汉社会救助思想   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
两汉时期是中国传统社会救助制度和救助思想形成与发展的重要时期,救助对象主要包括“高年、鳏、寡、孤、独及笃癃,无家属贫不能自存者”等社会弱势群体。以国家救助为主要救助方式,救助内容和措施有蠲免徭役、赋税,减轻刑罚,赈济生活用品,问医施药,掩埋遗骸等。同时,大力提倡宗族救助和民间义行,作为国家救助的有效补充。  相似文献   
转型期东北老工业基地出现了下岗失业人员构成的新的弱势群体。解决这一问题有助于社会稳定、实现社会公正和完善社会主义市场体制。为此,必须构筑以政府为主导、社区为依托、社会力量广泛参与的综合全面的社会救助体系。  相似文献   
Research on networked services aimed at the (re)employment of groups marginalised from the labour market has gained momentum in different scholarly traditions (e.g., public administration, healthcare and social policy), but the topic remains somewhat fragmented. In this paper, we systematise and synthesise this research with the aim of outlining distinct research approaches, facilitating increased cross-disciplinary understandings and promoting interdisciplinary research. Based on a systematic review of the literature (1990–2018, n = 273), we highlight four dominant research approaches: rehabilitation, disability, welfare and governance. We show that these research approaches involve distinct conceptualisations of labour market inclusion, networked services and the target groups. Nevertheless, the research approaches also apply similar terms and concepts (e.g., partnership, collaboration) but with different (more or less implicit) connotations, which lead to fragmentation. We do not suggest that there be a unified use of concepts across traditions; however, we argue for the necessity of increased awareness of the similarities and differences between these research traditions in order to increase understanding of the networked employment services available to marginalised groups.  相似文献   
Welfare conditionality is both ambitious and ambiguous for the frontline workers who put policy into practice. Since January 2017, the Norwegian frontline service should require social assistance benefit recipients under the age of 30 to participate in some sort of work-related activation, so-called mandatory activation. Drawing on qualitative interviews with frontline workers at local offices in the Norwegian Public Welfare Service (NAV), we investigate how the requirement is implemented in a context of a professionalised social welfare service. Mandatory activation is arguably a paternalistic measure. Drawing on Bernardo Zacka's concept of moral dispositions and Laura Specker Sullivan's concepts of maternalism, our findings indicate that at the frontline, mandatory activation policies are implemented by maternalistic decision making, emphasising the interpersonal relation between trained caseworkers and clients. The caseworkers use their discretionary powers in the implementation of conditionality and sanctions by emphasising care and support as embedded in the strict rules.  相似文献   
有效贫困治理需要强有力的村社集体,然而,废除农业税之后,乡村基层组织越来越“悬浮”于农民。随着国家扶贫政策的实施和大量扶贫资源持续输入农村,软弱涣散的村社集体却失去了与国家资源对接的能力,造成贫困治理的“内卷化”。村社集体的内生活力某种意义上需要外部力量予以激活和再造,以”第一书记”为代表的“驻村帮扶”是贫困治理的一种有益探索。驻村帮扶本身是连续性的,成员通常由同一单位选派,类似于接力赛,故称之为“接棒治理”。“接棒治理”能够为理解驻村帮扶贫困治理实践提供一种可取视角。在“接棒治理”的框架内,由同一单位选派的驻村帮扶成员有着共同的身份认同,在目标上是一致的,都旨在最大限度地为帮扶对象争取更多的资源、多办实事。作为外部嵌入力量,驻村帮扶不可避免地对村庄内部治理秩序产生影响,但由于退出机制的确定和可预期,驻村帮扶下的“接棒治理”不会完全改变村庄内部权力格局,更不会对村庄自治造成破坏,其旨在培育并回归自治,将“接力棒”最终交接给村社集体。  相似文献   
A quarter of a century has passed since lawmakers enacted the New Jersey Holocaust education mandate, and it seems responsible and timely to ask if it, the original Holocaust education mandate, actually encouraged substantive learning about the Holocaust. Despite repeated fanfare about the mandate and its inclusion in educational curricula throughout the state, no existing studies have tested its impact. To fill the gap, this article examines the effectiveness of the New Jersey Holocaust education mandate. It does this by reviewing and analyzing a survey of teacher candidates at a large public university in New Jersey to develop data on the knowledge and attitudes about the Holocaust. The teacher candidates comprised a pool whose primary and secondary education took place under the mandate and who intend to teach within the state-mandated framework. After a review of the current state of Holocaust education, the article examines the New Jersey mandate and curriculum more carefully. It then moves on to explore the results of a mixed-methods survey given to teacher candidates at a public university in that state to offer a measure of the mandate’s success. Finally, it ends with implications for revisions of curriculum and instruction.  相似文献   
阐述了国家助学贷款政策出台的历史背景 ,具体分析了助学贷款在实际运作中暴露出的三个问题 ,即银行放贷积极性不高、一般院校学生贷款比较困难、学生在短期内不能还清贷款。建议逐步完善国家助学贷款偿还机制、采取多种方式发放助学贷款、加强对学生诚信教育 ,建立学生诚信档案等。  相似文献   
财政支出对收入分配的影响是一个重要的问题,已有文献往往关注其中直接转移性支出部分,而对价格补贴等间接调整居民收入分配的政策研究不足。文章以取暖财政支出为例对这一问题进行讨论。具体回顾了地方财政支出的政策实践,并用中国住户收入调查数据估算了各项取暖财政支出的受益对象、支出规模和再分配效果。文章发现取暖价格补贴是占比最高的财政支出,然而它使中高收入家庭更多受益;取暖救助瞄准了城镇低保和低收入家庭,但其覆盖面很低,再分配调节作用很小;对机关和国有企事业单位职工发放的取暖补贴使财政资源流向了收入稳定的非脆弱群体。为保障供暖进行的财政投入并未使城乡居民享受均等化的公共服务,并且事实上提高了居民家庭实际可支配资源的不平等性。经济进入新常态后,财政收入的高增长率不可持续,在财政政策设计引入收入分配视角非常重要。  相似文献   
心性论发源于原始宗教,其源头可追溯至商初,而西周的天命观则明确了道德教化的天命依据(此即“德命观”)。周人的立国叙事中隐含着其天命观的两个重要分支:一为文、武受命,为“人为论”之渊薮;一为太王、王季受命,为“天意论”之理论根源。两者均承认天命的道德性,信奉善恶报应,坚持德福一致;其区别在于前者认为从善或作恶取决于人自身,而后者则认为心性的善恶由天而定。但自西周晚期起,“人为论”逐步沉寂,“天意论”日渐兴起。“天意论”的理论延伸是为“命定论”,孔子的天命观可为其代表,不过,孔子“圣人”神话的破灭却促使儒家德命观向“时命观”转化,而儒家的道德哲学也因此摆脱了功利主义的藩篱,进而获得独立性与自足性。  相似文献   
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