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Information and communication technologies (ICTs) play an increasingly important role in the preventative and planning work carried out by rescue services, but to date there has been little research investigating how these technologies may be involved in the gendering of the organization. In this study, I seek to complement existing analyses of the gendered rescue service by focusing on a web portal used to collect, process and publish data about accidents in Sweden. Through the figuration of the ‘modest witness’ I suggest how an apparent absence of gender in the accident reporting process may actually be part of a wider organizational process of gendering in which only certain bodies are allowed to be visible and allowed to witness officially.  相似文献   
Although the contours of the ‘disabled person’ category are questioned by anti-ableist activists, they remain rigid regarding transabled people (who want to become disabled). For anti-ableist activists, transabled people do not count as disabled. They are perceived to: be falsely disabled; steal resources from disabled people; and be disrespectful by denying, fetishizing, or appropriating marginalized realities. By combining critical discourse analysis, genealogy, and deconstruction, I examine these negative discourses to encourage alliances between anti-ableist activists and transabled people. Ideas developed in disability and trans studies reveal the limits of these discourses anchored in ableist and cisnormative* assumptions.  相似文献   
This paper is an autoethnographic account of the “racialized activist body” in the White academy and in tandem the bio-politics and bio-ethics of its right to be an affective body or to possess its senses against the trauma of anti-racist struggles in higher education institutions. The paper argues that in the postrace university, the “activist body” birthed through trauma becomes a conduit for the pain of others enacting it as a site for the deposition and transmutation of trauma in the quest for racial and social justice. It employs Bracha Ettinger’s notion of “matrixial borderspace” to examine the interplay of social relations between of the activist body and other traumatized subjects in the provision of care as an activist. Two narratives unfold in the paper fusing the articulations of the main text with the paratext to unleash the tumultuous psyche of the activist and her journey of voicing resistance in her anti-racist struggles. In the process, the activist body emerges as a “diseased site,” overloaded with the trauma of others, yet numbed in its inability to reconnect with its own corporeality and professional identity in its interface with White governmentality. The paper asserts that anti-racist struggles reassemble the activist body, tightly welding it with exhaustion which manifests in the pervasiveness of racial battle fatigue in the ivory tower.  相似文献   
人体观是医学的首要问题之一。对人体的认识是一个渐进的过程 ,唯物主义的人体观也大致经历了朴素唯物主义人体观、机械唯物主义人体观、辩证唯物主义人体观三个认识阶段 ,它们也是一定时期医学实践与认识的反映。  相似文献   
日记体小说是“五四”时期出现的一种新的小说样式,并在“五四”前后形成一股创作热潮。“五四”日记体小说作为“个人”文学的典型文本,具有独特的叙述方式:它的叙述主体是“夹缝中生存的边缘人”,提供了反理性、反常规的审视角度;它以人物的情绪脉络为结构,是“片断中倾吐的心灵絮语”;它的叙述时间是“此在中体验的进行时态”,最大限度地还原了生活;它以“封闭中内省的我———我自诉”为聚焦方式,给予隐秘灵魂最深切的观照。  相似文献   
《野草》别解   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
《<野草>英文译本序》仅解释八篇针对现实的散文诗之写作背景和寓意,而回避了与当时现实无直接关联的另一半内容。由《野草·题辞》可知,这另一半重点是作者忏悔其"过去的生命"。"过去的生命"之必须忏悔,不仅因它是期以"乔木"而终得"野草"的"失败",而且因为作者通过对失败的长期反思,悟出那其实是一种"罪过"。于是,现在之"我"在继续挑战现实的同时又不断为过去之"我"所纠缠,由此深切地忏悔其早期"立人"(即立人之"心")主张。但这种反思也无结果,于是《野草》实际的精神主体("游魂")破裂为三,一归于曾经轻视的身体,强调一切都须亲身承受,"心"之所思须与肉身体验相合;一变为天地间虚妄的"求乞者";一化为渴望融入客观强力的战士。如此复杂的精神架构遂使《野草》既显示为一个战士的挑战,也显示为一个失败者的求乞与忏悔。但最后仍然"争天拒俗"并"指归在行动",故无论其反思、忏悔与求乞,都未能彻底。  相似文献   
高科技产业化对于我国经济发展具有重大意义 ,为促进我国高科技产业化 ,必须注重传统产业和高新技术产业的协调发展 ;实施技术引进与自主创新有所侧重的“两步走”战略 ;充分发挥政府在高新技术产业化过程中的启动、引导、协调、规范作用 ;积极培养高新技术产业化创新主体以及开展高新技术研究与开发的国际合作与交流  相似文献   
身体政治:国家权力与民国中山装的流行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
服装是人类文明发展以来重要的文化产物,是一整套文化的象征系统,它所反映的历史与时代精神是服装作为符号的本质内涵。中山装因由孙中山设计并率先穿着而得名,随着国民党统一中国、推广孙中山崇拜而成为公务员制服。在国家权力的推广与影响之下,中山装在全国各地广为流行,逐渐成为代表中国形象的国服。中山装具有规训身体的重要政治功能,影响着人们的观念意识,是中国现代民族国家建构过程中出现的具有特别意义的服装,既体现出民族性,又具有现代性。从某种意义上说,中山装是时代的镜子,它折射出中华民国作为新兴民族国家力图通过推广国家服装重塑中国人的身体政治。  相似文献   
身体在西方哲学和美学史的不同发展阶段有着截然不同的生存境遇。在某种意义上,整个西方哲学和美学史就是一部身体由“缺席”到“出场”,再到“登堂入室”的历史。身体美学的出场,无疑是对柏拉图以降,经中世纪宗教神学,至黑格尔以终的身心二分、扬心抑身的哲学传统的一种反思与纠拨。尼采、梅洛-庞蒂等现代派哲学家反对传统的身心二元论,为身体正名的努力,对身体美学的学科建构提供了思想理论资源。身处后现代社会的福柯、费瑟斯通等思想家对权力话语之于身体的宰制,身体与消费文化的共谋关系之思考,加速促成了身体美学的诞生。  相似文献   
体态语言是指通过人的面部表情和手脚肢体等活动来表现个人情感的身体动作,在人们的日常交际过程中起着不可估量的作用。它是心理语言的外露,也是民族文化形成的印记。一方水土养育一方人,不同人群拥有不同的体态语言。文章从跨文化非语言交际视角着手,通过比较中日手势语言,阐述中日跨文化非语言交际过程中的注意事项。  相似文献   
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