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"三鹿"案的余波使食品安全问题成为众矢之的,而为虎作伥的虚假广告中代言人的角色也受到了极大质疑。事后,《食品安全法》的出台带有极强的政策导向性,该法第50条对代言人课以严格责任和连带责任,缺乏逻辑性和法理基础。广告代言人与经营者的地位、性质不同,广告中的代言人的言行不具有可信赖性,代言人在广告中也不具备独立的法律人格,其权利、义务统一于合同行为之中,而非与消费者的对立之中。既然代言人不是经营者,那么,法律就不应当课以比经营者更重的严格责任,也没有理由让其承担所谓的连带责任。  相似文献   
翻译中的“假朋友”现象是指在字面意义、语义结构上相似或相同,但含义却截然不同的词汇或表达方式.本文从翻译思维的活动过程、语际转换以及符号学翻译理论等角度对“假朋友”现象进行了解析,并从中西方思维差异和文化差异两个方面分析了英汉互译中“假朋友”现象产生的原因,在此基础上进一步探讨了翻译者避免此类现象出现的方法.  相似文献   
工商代理机构名义上帮助发起人设立公司,实质上提供虚假垫资服务,致使虚增公司注册资本的现象在实践中愈发普遍。针对这一问题,最高人民法院曾出台了〔2001〕民二他字第4号司法解释予以规制。但该解释存在制度预设的偏差,原因在于对帮助设立公司所发生的工商代理法律关系的误读,由此导致了司法解释中对代理机构承担责任形态的错误规定。在还原制度预设的前提下,阐述了工商代理应然的二元法律关系构造,并在此基础上提出工商代理机构对公司债权人的损失所应当承担的具体责任形态。  相似文献   
在发达工业社会,人对技术的依赖形成了近乎崇拜的“技术拜物教”,在此思想背景下,人变得越发“单向度”,虚假需求遮盖了真实理想。技术作为资本增值的手段,理当守护人的“革命的本钱”,因此,应当抵制虚荣的发展观,正确处理人与技术、经济利益与沟通理性之间的关系,拯救正在或将会步入单向度的人。  相似文献   
我国上市公司会计信息失真的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于上市公司是公众公司,其会计信息的质量影响着社会资源的配置和市场效力。本文拟研究我国上市公司会计信息质量的相关问题,并试图将博弈论引入到会计研究领域,以博弈论的相关知识分析我国上市公司会计信息不符合质量要求、甚至“虚假”的根源,并提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   
学术界虽然对马克思主义哲学中国化的逻辑前提做过探讨,但这一探讨有两个缺陷。一是没有将逻辑前提真正作为问题提出,似乎马克思主义哲学中国化是不言而喻,无须讨论的;二是提出的观点大有商榷之余地。文章首先认定马克思主义哲学中国化的逻辑前提是一个需要着力探讨的问题,然后提出这一前提就是人类所具有的“共通感”,并对之进行了较充分的论证。在此基础上,进一步探索了阻碍共通感发挥作用的根本原因及恢复共通感的途径。  相似文献   
To investigate individual differences in theory of mind acquisition, this study examined whether different aspects of early mother-child relationships contributed to the development of false belief understanding at the close of the preschool period. Forty-six mother and child pairs were seen when children were two and again at five years of age. At age two, home-based Q-sort observations of attachment security and maternal sensitivity were made, and mothers completed a number of self-report measures to create an aggregate of maternal emotional distress. At age five, attachment security and maternal distress were reassessed, and false belief tasks were administered that were based on unexpected identities and locations of objects. In addition, attachment-relevant false belief tasks involving separation from caregivers were also used, which children found significantly more difficult than tasks involving objects. Age five security predicted object location task performance. Maternal sensitivity and emotional distress at age two predicted later caregiver location task performance, even controlling for age five measures. These results support a growing literature on the importance of relationship processes and parenting context to theory of mind acquisition.  相似文献   
试论马克思主义中国化过程中的得与失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义中国化、民族化的科学命题从提出到现在的60多年的历史进程深深地扎根于我国革命和建设的实践,产生了毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和江泽民"三个代表"等三大理论成果,取得了巨大成功,但同时由于文化传统的不同,马克思主义中国化过程中也曾陷入过把马克思主义偶像化、片面化、教条化、凝固化等理论"误区",给我国革命和建设带来不可估量的损失。正反两方面的经验教训启示我们不仅要研读马克思文本,而且要研究中国传统文化,立足现实,大胆创新,与时俱进,不断把马克思主义推向前进。  相似文献   
Multiple Hypotheses Testing with Weights   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we offer a multiplicity of approaches and procedures for multiple testing problems with weights. Some rationale for incorporating weights in multiple hypotheses testing are discussed. Various type-I error-rates and different possible formulations are considered, for both the intersection hypothesis testing and the multiple hypotheses testing problems. An optimal per family weighted error-rate controlling procedure a la Spjotvoll (1972) is obtained. This model serves as a vehicle for demonstrating the different implications of the approaches to weighting. Alternative approach es to that of Holm (1979) for family-wise error-rate control with weights are discussed, one involving an alternative procedure for family-wise error-rate control, and the other involving the control of a weighted family-wise error-rate. Extensions and modifications of the procedures based on Simes (1986) are given. These include a test of the overall intersec tion hypothesis with general weights, and weighted sequentially rejective procedures for testing the individual hypotheses. The false discovery rate controlling approach and procedure of Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) are extended to allow for different weights.  相似文献   
Case-control studies of genetic polymorphisms and gene-environment interactions are reporting large numbers of statistically significant associations, many of which are likely to be spurious. This problem reflects the low prior probability that any one null hypothesis is false, and the large number of test results reported for a given study. In a Bayesian approach to the low prior probabilities, Wacholder et al. (2004) suggest supplementing the p-value for a hypothesis with its posterior probability given the study data. In a frequentist approach to the test multiplicity problem, Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) propose a hypothesis-rejection rule that provides greater statistical power by controlling the false discovery rate rather than the family-wise error rate controlled by the Bonferroni correction. This paper defines a Bayes false discovery rate and proposes a Bayes-based rejection rule for controlling it. The method, which combines the Bayesian approach of Wacholder et al. with the frequentist approach of Benjamini & Hochberg, is used to evaluate the associations reported in a case-control study of breast cancer risk and genetic polymorphisms of genes involved in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks.  相似文献   
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