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马尔库塞是较早地明确使用"消费社会"这一称谓的西方马克思主义者。他认为,消费社会是富裕的,但同时也是病态的。第一,技术理性利用对消遣、娱乐、休闲等的控制,成为消费社会新的意识形态和统治形式;第二,不断发展的技术以及强大的商品和消费逻辑,彻底破坏了文化的传统形式和基础,使其丧失了颠覆和反抗功能,沦为单向度的文化;第三,消费社会不断地制造和满足各种虚假需求,这是所有异化现象的根源。基于对现代性的反思,马尔库塞构建了独特的消费社会批判理论。  相似文献   
This paper will use the concept of time-image discussed by Gille Deleuze in Cinema 1 and Cinema 2 as a heuristic tool for thinking about the Internet films of the Islamic State (ISIS). By considering that ISIS films primarily operate on two different axes: a time-image that presents a recollection of a mythic past, and a movement-image that reverses roles of power and sovereignty with a Western antagonist through mimesis, I discover that although we are unable to consider the ISIS films strictly as documentary, they are nonetheless not representational either. Within this context, I will argue that ISIS films may be experienced as actualizations of a global schizophrenic delirium. The ISIS films demonstrate what Deleuze describes as the “powers of the false.” They show a reality that is unbearable to witness. In the same way that the Marquis de Sade exhibited in life and fiction a physical violence and perversion that were symptomatic of the chaotic and brutal realities of the French Revolution, ISIS itself, and not only its film productions, becomes the foci of a symptomatic and cinematic realization of the failures of our globalized society in the post-Cold War/Arab Spring era. We experience the unbearable violence in the form of schizophrenic delirium, as if this violence is being performed somewhere else, by someone else, to someone else. These forms of spatial and temporal shifts, detachments, and interchanges are emphasized by the arrival of war refugees to the Western world from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In this process of becoming the Other, there is no escaping the delirium of Otherness.  相似文献   

This article describes a seemingly sophisticated, but mostly contrived and often erroneous “false memory” defense, and compares it in a brief review to what the science says about the effect of trauma on memory. Child sexual abuse is widespread and dissociative/traumatic amnesia for it is common. Accused, convicted and self-confessed child molesters and their advocates have crafted a strategy that tries to negate their abusive, criminal behavior, which we can call a “false memory defense”. Each of 22 of the more commonly used components of this defense is described and discussed with respect to what the science says about them. Armed with this knowledge, survivors, their clinicians, and their attorneys will be better able to refute this defense of disinformation.  相似文献   
胡佑爱 《云梦学刊》2012,33(6):58-62
虚拟虚假经济现象催生不良贷款的隐蔽性、欺骗性、危害性很大,但还没有引起广大金融工作者警觉。信贷企业主要是通过虚拟价值体获得贷款必要条件,主要虚拟、虚假抵押物品价值、商品价值、贷款衍生物品价值等诱获贷款。不良贷款内部质量结构不同,风险程度也就不同。不良贷款最终形成和最终造成损失的程度,不是简单地由不良贷款"量"决定的,而主要取决于不良贷款的"质"以及债务者对待债务的"动机"。要高度重视道德风险防范。对不良贷款采用新型的"五级风险量度""五级风险警界区"方法区别跟踪监管。  相似文献   
当下诸多被救助者诬告讹诈救助者事件的背后,无不折射出单纯中华传统道德诉求已经不能协调社会的健康发展。当道德的软性约束作用无法发挥时,通过法律制度的建设惩罚诬告讹诈者就成为必要。然现代“讹诈有罚”并非简单的惩恶扬善呼吁,也并非中国古代“诬告反坐”的直接过渡与顺承。立法惩罚诬告者还需从制度渊源、现行体制、证据认定、责任承担、惩罚措施等多方予以考虑。  相似文献   
判断话语或言语的“真”与“假”有两条标准:一是依据客观事实;二是说写者意欲表达的信息。以此为主要依据,可以看出英语语法中的主谓一致、否定和时态所展示的不一致。主谓的不一致表现在谓语动词的数与结构的不一致和与意义的不一致;否定的“真”与“假”包含了否定的转移、形式的否定与意义的肯定以及结构的肯定与意义的否定;时态的讨论含盖了一般现在时表过去和将来时间,一般过去时表现在和将来时间以及SINCE从句、“假”主动态和“假”被动态等。  相似文献   
消解中国悲剧精神的不是真正的大团圆现象,而是文艺的命定神话。这种命定神话是虚假意识形态的产物。  相似文献   
第一次产业革命后资本主义发展的历史,是在“无限扩张的生产和有限扩张的市场”矛盾运动中踉跄前行的历史,市场扩张是矛盾的主要方面。从马克思主义市场扩张角度看,产业革命后的资本主义发展可以分为三个阶段:资本主义生产与现实市场扩张矛盾主导阶段,资本主义生产与未来市场扩张矛盾主导阶段,资本主义生产与虚假市场扩张矛盾主导阶段。资本主义生产与虚假市场扩张矛盾主导阶段是资本主义发展的最后阶段。市场在时间和空间上将再无扩张的余地,“虚假需求”生产制造的人类必然的精神痛苦构成资本主义自我否定的动力源泉,“资本主义必然灭亡,社会主义必然胜利”的预言将在第三阶段以必然形式出现。  相似文献   
明坊贾伪托宋濂、屠隆之名编印的《篇海类编》究竟本之何书,学术界一直未有确切结论。文章将《篇海类编》、《详校篇海》进行对比研究后,认为《篇海类编》实本之于《详校篇海》,是将《详校篇海》改头换面后重新翻刻而成的一本伪书。  相似文献   
Summary.  The false discovery rate (FDR) is a multiple hypothesis testing quantity that describes the expected proportion of false positive results among all rejected null hypotheses. Benjamini and Hochberg introduced this quantity and proved that a particular step-up p -value method controls the FDR. Storey introduced a point estimate of the FDR for fixed significance regions. The former approach conservatively controls the FDR at a fixed predetermined level, and the latter provides a conservatively biased estimate of the FDR for a fixed predetermined significance region. In this work, we show in both finite sample and asymptotic settings that the goals of the two approaches are essentially equivalent. In particular, the FDR point estimates can be used to define valid FDR controlling procedures. In the asymptotic setting, we also show that the point estimates can be used to estimate the FDR conservatively over all significance regions simultaneously, which is equivalent to controlling the FDR at all levels simultaneously. The main tool that we use is to translate existing FDR methods into procedures involving empirical processes. This simplifies finite sample proofs, provides a framework for asymptotic results and proves that these procedures are valid even under certain forms of dependence.  相似文献   
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