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个人主义作为资产阶级意识形态是市场经济的一种价值体现,它孕育了资本主义精神,构成市场经济的道德基础和理论前提;市场经济内在地包含着个人主义的价值诉求和生长基础,为个人主义的形成和发展提供了丰厚的土壤。但从本质看,个人主义源于资本主义私有制,集体主义取决于社会主义公有制。建立社会主义市场经济体制绝不能以个人主义代替集体主义。  相似文献   
本文对哈耶克的名著<个人主义与经济秩序>采用与传统观点不同的视角,认为全书通篇旨在为"个人主义"这一哲学理论和"经济秩序"这一经济学概念间建构一座桥梁.哈耶克借由社会学和经济学两大知识体系全面、客观地分析个人在微观经济社会中所起的作用和影响,以此强化对个人在经济社会中地位和作用的认识,从而更有效地达到经济效率最大化和资源利用的最大效用.  相似文献   
文章从语言性、交际性和个体性三方面来论述外语教学的主要性质 ,提出语言形式必须在使用中学习才能被真正掌握和活化 ;在语言交际中发展语言能力 ,语言能力反过来又促进语言交际 ,最终达到交际能力的完善。外语教学在提供各种交际环境和活动的同时 ,应关注学生的认知和心理需求 ,给他们提供一个自主的、有利于发展创造能力的、轻松的学习环境  相似文献   
论社会主义价值观与市场经济价值观的矛盾统一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义价值观的实质是强调社会利益与个体利益相统一,但社会利益应高于个体利益的"集体主义",市场经济价值观的实质则是以个体利益为出发点和归宿,但又有别于利己主义的"个体主义"(个体主义是本文提出的新概念),二者存在着非对抗性的矛盾.解决集体主义价值观与个体主义价值观的矛盾,是社会主义精神文明建设的一个重大课题.  相似文献   
Current scholarship on the cultural value systems of individualism and collectivism, and the associated developmental goals of autonomy and relatedness, has moved beyond grand divide theories to emphasize variation within individuals and cultures. We present a theoretical model on the dynamic coexistence of cultural value systems (at the macro level) and parents' developmental goals (at the micro level). We contend that cultural values and developmental goals that have largely been classified as polar opposites may be viewed as conflicting, additive, or functionally dependent. Parents may view the developmental goal of autonomy as interfering with the goal of relatedness (and vice versa); parents may endorse both autonomy and relatedness; and parents may consider the developmental goal of relatedness to be a path to the goal of autonomy and/or autonomy to be a path to relatedness. These forms of coexistence are themselves dynamic, changing across situations, developmental time, and in response to social, political, and economic contexts.  相似文献   
诗路花语:李清照与狄金森咏花诗之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从李清照和狄金森诗歌中花意象所呈现出的不同形象、不同内涵、不同基调出发,探索引发这种差异背后的艺术家创作个性以及她们长期浸润的中西方文化传统、思维模式、诗学理念等方面的差异。受中国文学深厚的比兴传统的影响,易安咏花词重神轻形,五彩纷呈的花意象象征着女词人高洁孤傲和卓尔不群的人格。但女词人终不堪封建礼教与传统诗学的重重束缚,哀怨郁结遂成为未走出男权文化樊篱的易安咏花词的主要基调。狄金森以花来象征女性意识,其诗作中“花”意象的变迁充分体现了女性从被动走向自主的转变过程。深受人文主义、超验主义影响的狄金森,其咏花诗所散发出的强烈的个体意识使她成功地突破并超越了男权文化传统和以男性为中心的话语模式,凸显了女性的自强、自立和自尊。  相似文献   
宗教改革是继文艺复兴之后又一次思想解放运动,宗教改革的年代是欧洲资产阶级力量上升的时期,它的发展对西欧社会进步产生了巨大的推动作用,引发了思想观念的变革,为社会转型奠定了思想基础。从根本上说,宗教改革是一场在宗教外衣掩护下,新兴资产阶级反对封建统治的政治变革。从思想观念变革及其对社会发展作用的角度看,宗教改革为资本主义民主核心精神的形成与发展提供了土壤。  相似文献   
杨朱是战国时期著名的思想家,主张“重己”、“贵生”,十分强调个体生命的意义,重视生命的价值.他认为追求物质享受是理所当然的,每个个体都有享受的权利,同时也强调追求有度.其思想被后人所曲解甚至遭到批判,他没有著作留世,我们只能从提及到他的著作入手,从侧面去了解他的思想主张.他的思想和道家一脉相承,当时和墨家学说一同成为显学.他是道家第一阶段的代表人物,客观的对其思想做出评价是十分重要而且有意义的.  相似文献   

Networked individualism is a critical concept about the transition of the societal shift from geographically bounded local groups to the contemporary network society comprised of sparse, permeable, and dynamic communication networks. An underlying assumption about networked individuals thus far in the literature is that they are at a younger age. There are fears that older adults have been left behind in this transition to networked individualism. In this study, we are the first to inquire to what extent ? and in what ways ? are older adults networked individuals. Using in-depth interviews with 41 older adults living in the East York area of Toronto, we used a combination of quantitative coding, thematic analysis, and individual profiling to analyze their social network structure, relational autonomy, and digital media use. Our findings render a rather complex and nuanced picture, showing three types of older adults along the spectrum of networked individualism: networked individuals, socially connected but not networked individuals, and socially constrained individuals. Although most participants are socially connected, those who are networked individuals actively manage and navigate multiple, diverse, and non-redundant social networks. Digital media use is neither necessary nor sufficient in qualifying a person as a networked individual as the great majority of East Yorkers ? even if not networked individuals ? integrate digital media into their everyday lives.  相似文献   
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