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如何引导大学生既积极学习和正确吸收人类优秀文明成果,又自觉鉴别和抵御各种腐朽落后的思想文化,是胡锦涛同志在全国加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作会议上面向全国高校提出的要求。学习和落实总书记的讲话精神,是摆在高校学生思想政治教育工作者面前的一项重大任务。文章从物质文明、政治文明和精神文明方面,论述了高校要积极探索加强大学生思想政治教育的有效途径,拓宽工作思路,创新工作方法,以大学生全面发展为目标,深入进行素质教育,努力学习人类优秀的文明成果,使学生成为一个有民族理想、中华传统道德、社会责任感、团队合作精神、诚信、意志力、有综合素质和能力的德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业的合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   
论创新型高校组织文化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面向21世纪的高等教育改革实践中,突出加强大学生创新知识的传授、创新能力和创新素质的培养,以造就适应知识经济时代和我国社会主义建设事业需要的创新型高级专业人才,无疑是一项十分紧迫的任务。我们比以往任何时候更坚信国家真正的财富是人民的素质,高校组织文化对开展全面创新素质教育起到了至关重要的作用。对创新型高校组织文化特征的浅析将会为高校进行全面素质教育提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   
绿色设计中的材料选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
绿色设计首先要选择绿色材料,使用环境友好性的材料,以减少产品对环境的危害;尽量减少材料的种类和数量,不仅可以节约能源,还可以减少废物的排放量;还要使材料具有循环性,以延长产品的寿命,减少废物,使人和自然和谐发展。  相似文献   
人学是关于人的存在、本质及其产生、运动、发展、变化规律的新兴科学。人学首先以人自身为研究对象,并将人纳入自然界和宇宙之中予以通观。人是肉体和精神的物质辩证统一体,精神的实质也是物质。人与自然界物质存在形态在根本上是一致的,人与宇宙在本质上是同一的。人生的意义和价值存在于为他人、为社会、为人类做出的贡献之中。正确的宇宙观、人生观、价值观、时空观和发展观的确立,将会使人走上真正彻底自由和解放的道路。  相似文献   
通过对改性沥青SMA面层试验段结果分析,从原材料、拌和、摊铺、碾压等方面对改性沥青及SMA混合料在施工中需要注意的问题及解决的方法进行了阐述。  相似文献   
中华优秀传统文化是中华民族的精神命脉。推动中华优秀传统文化融入教材,对于建设培根铸魂、启智增慧的新时代中国特色高质量教材体系,培养具有高度文化自信的社会主义建设者与接班人具有重要意义。中华传统文化教材建设百年来经历了从“沉寂”到“复兴”的曲折发展历程,反映出中华优秀传统文化顽强的生命力。在中国特色社会主义新时代,中华优秀传统文化“进教材”既是一种注重文化传承与精神引领的知识建构,也是一种凝聚文化教育合力的协同发展。新时代中华优秀传统文化教材建设,应以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持创造性转化与创新性发展的基本方向,探索教材基于新时代语境的现代化诠释、基于全球化语境的本土化编写的发展向度,塑造中华民族优秀文化形象,开发数字教材资源,让中华优秀传统文化渗透、融入教材。新时代中华优秀传统文化教材建设也应强化规范意识,积极规避“人文关怀式微”的价值危机、“学科视野窄化”的认识误区、“教材泛德育化”的理念偏差以及“教育逻辑缺失”的路向偏移等失范问题,增强责任之心,勇于担当作为,落实立德树人根本任务,在固本与创新中肩负起推动中华优秀传统文化传承和发展的历史使命。  相似文献   
Ubiquitous learning (U-learning), a potential shortcut for China to modernize its education, is treated in this discussion as a mentality and means for citizens in high-tech society to seek a lifelong education. Thus situated, this article presents an exploration of “superb competences”—material intelligence, internet thinking, and brain-related neuro knowledge—in college teachers outside their trained professional areas. It is believed that once the teachers are equipped with the material intelligence, internet thinking, and brain-related neuro knowledge, real U-learning practice is ensured and its rationale will be developed. Material intelligence and internet thinking are evolved from and closely related to technological development, and therefore constitute the essential requirements of U-learning in terms of technical and educational cognitive framework. A good knowledge of brain related neuroscience, the third competence, guarantees the scientific rooting of every element in the designing of U-leaning tasks, whose success resides in a serious respect of cognitive nature and rules of the brain. The building of such superb competences, as is argued at the end of the paper, relies on various supports, like policies and technological aids, from all levels of educational administration in the country as well as each individual teacher’s personal understanding and efforts.  相似文献   
陈英群 《阅江学刊》2012,(6):128-134
阎连科出生在贫困的乡村,由于童年和少年时期的缺失性体验而产生一种向往城市的心理。这种心理在他的小说中体现为贫瘠土地上的青年农民拼命逃离土地、渴望进入城市的迫切心情。他的小说可以让人感受到主人公在逃离土地之路上挣扎的痛苦心声,同时也可体味到作者希冀精神上回归土地的殷切心情。  相似文献   
由材料发展引发的一系列关于建筑装饰设计创新的概念,其主要的目的就是更好将建筑装饰设计与材料运用结合起来。只有通过建筑装饰材料的更新与发展,才能达到将建筑装饰设计艺术、技术结合起来快速发展的目标。从建筑装饰材料发展的历史入手,分析建筑装饰材料使用现状,结合材料特性、绿色环保、智能材料、节能材料、低碳等角度对未来材料的可能性发展方向及其对建筑装饰设计的影响进行探讨,总结归纳材料发展对建筑装饰设计影响的一般性规律,促进建筑装饰设计文化的发展与繁荣,营造宜居人居环境。  相似文献   
This article examines the change in Turkish domestic space through modernization and, in particular, the artifact of lace, as a nonchanging object in Turkish home in its relationship with the “traditional” and the “modern” domestic settings. Thereby it investigates how traditional and modern settings are defined in Turkish society and, this leads to a further analysis of the modernization process in Turkey within the scope of Turkish house and its domestic settings. The aim of the article is to analyze lace as an agent, which is an actant of the change in domestic settings, to read the connection between the daily life of people and social lives of artifacts. Therefore, examining the dialogue of lace with traditional and modern domestic settings provides to deconstruct the network of the artifact, the house and the individual during the modernization process that Turkish society has been through. The theoretical perspective of the article relies on a material‐semiotic approach with an emphasis on Latour's Actor‐Network Theory and, the methodology of the article is based on ethnography: It includes observations and semi‐structured interviews conducted with people from different social environments focusing on the meaning and the use of lace in domestic environment.  相似文献   
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