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中古道教仙传中,"食桃修仙"母题的产生有其相应的时代背景和文化背景。在探究该母题产生的基础上,从内外两方面分析了"桃"被仙化的多重原因。就外因而言,桃被仙化与神仙信仰的广泛流传有关。就内因而言,桃被仙化与桃特殊丰富的文化内涵紧密相连。进而以"食王母桃"这一母题为中心梳理"食桃修仙"母题的流变。该母题的流变与桃被赋予的神效和异形密切相关,由此导致"食桃修仙"母题呈现出神异浪漫的美学风格。  相似文献   
《瓦尔登湖》(Walden)是亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)经典文学作品,已经成为美国文学宝库中的经典之作。中国译者徐迟首先将其译入国内,译名为《瓦尔登湖》。此后不断出现译者和译本,《瓦尔登湖》一度重译,频繁出版。进入21世纪以来,我国出现了重译《瓦尔登湖》的热潮,这也引起了学术界和翻译界对《瓦尔登湖》汉译本的关注。通过将徐迟译本作为研究对象,从翻译美学新视角切入,对《瓦尔登湖》译文之美进行解构,分析其中作为变量的美学因子,以期为研究《瓦尔登湖》做出一点贡献。  相似文献   
农村互助型社会养老是具有中国特色的社会养老的发展形式,是对农村传统家庭养老的重要补充。它扎根于农村传统的亲邻互助网络,其本质在于经济互助,表现为有组织地发动邻里、志愿等社会力量,充分利用以老年人为主的各类人力资源的闲置时间、资源低成本地相互帮助和服务。社会各界应将其作为重要实施方略,纳入积极应对人口老龄化战略和乡村振兴战略之中。其发展路径可以概括为:以资金互助为基础,以组织动员为抓手,以服务互助为重点,以社区居家养老为主要阵地,创新各类互助养老模式,着力形成稳定多元的资金来源,培育互助队伍,增加互助内容,从无偿到无偿、低偿相结合,探索建立标准规范的服务管理评估制度,机构养老与社区居家养老互联互通,最终尝试建立圈层化、整合化、网络化、制度化的农村互助型社会养老体系。  相似文献   
自信是一种信念及精神,中国道路自信是中华儿女对中华民族发展能力及前途的信任,其形成与中国百年发展辉煌成就息息相关.中国道路自信源自中国道路的正确选择.建党百年来,中国共产党带领中华儿女历经千难万险,先后成功开辟新民主主义革命道路、社会主义改造及社会主义建设道路、中国特色社会主义道路.全国人民在百年磨砺中增强了中国道路自信.这种自信承载着中华儿女的无数梦想,是中华民族复兴的软实力.树立中国道路自信的理论前提,关键在于对中国道路优越性的彰显.只有将其置于不同参照系中进行多维度比较,才能使其优越性得以全面彰显,并愈加坚定不移地沿着这条道路阔步前行.显然,站在新时代历史方位上,通过梳理、总结建党百年来中国道路发展历程,将中国道路置于自身与"他者"之历史与现实中,进行共时态与历时态之比较,以唯物史观回望并厘清建党百年来中国道路自信生成逻辑,具有极其重大意义,既能彰显中国特色社会主义道路的优越性,又能激发全体中华儿女愈加自信地"走自己的路"——中国特色社会主义道路,筑牢中华民族共同体意识,阔步迈向全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程.  相似文献   
在中国智库朝气蓬勃发展的大背景下,构建具有中国特色的科学合理的智库评价体系,有助于引导各类智库切实深化体制机制改革、完善智库内部治理、推动智库提质增效,进而形成内外兼修健全发展的中国智库生态圈,以高质量的智库产品助推国家治理体系和治理能力现代化建设。笔者通过梳理国内外智库评价实践动态与学术研究现状,归纳总结我国智库评价工作存在的现实问题及其成因,并指出它们可能给中国特色新型智库建设带来的影响。由此建议:我国应基于中国经验、中国国情及智库发展建设的实际情况,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,以时代背景为依托,构建中国特色智库评价体系,促进我国智库体系的整体发展。  相似文献   
中国是世界上开展社会调查最早的国家之一中国共产党是世界上社会调查经验教训最丰富的政党西方现代社会研究方法的引进,既取得了历史性成就.又存在着许多问題中国至今尚未形成充分体现自己特色的社会调查学必须立足中国,借签国外.在马克思主义指导下,在中国社会主义现代化建设实践和中国社会调查史实基础上,正确处理“马克思主义与中国、西方的关系”“历史与理论、方法的关系”“现实与历史、虚拟的关系”以下简称“马中西”“史论法”“实史虚”关系融通古今中外各种资源,创建充分体现中国特色、中阒风格、中国气派的社会调查学。  相似文献   
Porter and Kramer’s concept of creating shared value (CSV) has been welcomed as an approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) among corporations that also provides a practical opportunity for dialogue in public relations, but it has been little examined from the general population’s (i.e., the public’s) perspective. Such scrutiny is important because its findings enable public relations to contribute to the debate and development of CSV from both the public’s and the organization’s viewpoints. Additionally, if public relations professionals understand how the public perceives CSV, they can give a strategic perspective to top management for maximizing moral capabilities of the business and formulate effective communication to promote CSV initiatives. This study investigates whether the public prefers corporations to practice CSV as opposed to intrinsic CSR as a separate pursuit from business interests. It also explores the role of leadership as an influential and ethical construct in implementing effective CSV as perceived by the public. The public’s preference for CSV over intrinsic CSR was revealed in a survey of 1784 participants in the United States (US), Germany, and China. Factor analysis results further suggested that effective CSV competencies of CEOs were construed as a unidimensional concept in the US, but German and Chinese participants viewed it as two-dimensional. The public perceived that leaders’ moral character played a more important, core role in effective CSV than did altruistic and behavioral attributes, across nations. Network analysis of the perceived effective CSV-characteristics provides further implications for CSV communication.  相似文献   

This study extends generational research by delineating actual versus perceived cohort differences through a theoretically grounded model using the Social Identity Approach (SIA). Subjects rated how much they valued 15 workplace characteristics and then provided value ratings for generational cohorts based on their perceptions of said cohorts. This allowed for the determination of actual and perceived cohort differences by characteristics. Results revealed actual cohort value differences across seven characteristics; however, perceived differences exceeded actual ones. Post-hoc, an examination of cohort values by characteristics revealed generational identities and the presence of prototypical distancing between cohort in groups and out groups.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and critically analyzes the Canadian Association for Social Work Education—Association Canadienne Pour La Formation En Travail Social’s (CASWE-ACFTS’) Accreditation Standards and Procedures from a Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIESC) lens to examine how such are addressed in relevant documents. The CASWE-ACFTS Queer Caucus undertook a lead role in examining ‘diversity’ in the documents as it serves as an umbrella term for SOGIESC and other intersecting positionalities. This paper iterates an initial response in the CASWE-ACFTS Queer Caucus’ ongoing consultation with the CASWE-ACFTS’s Education Policy Committee’s work on Education Policy and Accreditation Standards 2019 (EPAS2019). The content analysis of the documents reveals that SOGIESC issues are not adequately addressed and this has implications for undergraduate and graduate social work curricula in Canada. The authors provide recommendations that address the integration of SOGIESC in CASWE-ACFTS’s Accreditation Standards and Procedures documents.  相似文献   
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