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长期以来关于诸葛亮事迹的展览一直阙如,今成都武侯祠决定将听鹂馆重点改造,更名为孔明苑。文章详细论述了新一届领导班子上任后克服重重困难,进行了从展陈内容、展陈方式和展陈效果方面充分体现游客的参与性的大胆改造。通过此次尝试,成都武侯祠博物馆获得了一定的经验,为使孔明苑成为专门展示诸葛亮文化的地方,并最终形成“三国文化收藏、研究、展示中心”,奠定了基础。  相似文献   
依据国际法,主权国家可以对危害国际社会共同利益的国际罪行行使普遍管辖权。但是,从以往的国际实践来看,这种间接管辖的方式效果不尽人意。特别是对某些特定的国际罪行,如战争罪,侵略罪,种族灭绝罪,危害人类罪等等。在国际刑事法院建立之后,这些国际人道法中的罪行在法定条件下可以由国际刑事法院直接管辖。国际刑事法院必须尊重国内法院的管辖权,并符合相应的条件。本文试图讨论2003年的美伊战争中是否存在违反国际人道法的行为,这些行为是否可成为国际刑事法院管辖的对象。  相似文献   
明代宫廷的书画收藏十分丰富,嘉靖以后虽多有散出,但仍具有一定规模,直至明清鼎革之际宫廷所藏书画才散佚殆尽。明代宫廷所藏书画主要包括接收前代遗存、查抄籍没书画以及帝后臣工新创作书画几个部分。宫廷所藏书画主要由宦官机构司礼监负责保管,存放于质慎库中;另有部分历代帝王、君臣画像由印绶监保管,存放于古今通集库中。明代中叶以后,宫廷收藏书画通过充抵官员俸禄、偷窃等方式大量流散出宫,但同时也存在一定的补充和回流。明清易代之际,宫中所藏书画散佚殆尽,这为明末清初私人收藏家群体的崛起提供了机遇。  相似文献   
《大傩图》中人物极具符号性的装饰及道具所蕴含的民俗信仰因素,可以证明此图所画为仲春民间兼有驱傩、祈雨、娱乐功能的社火表演,更名为《社火图》较准确,不更名亦可。图中人物妆饰有“溪蛮”色彩,保有南方民族融合的痕迹。以执帚者为一号人物的一般说法可能有误,领队或一号人物当为蝶冠者。他们且行且吹打,滑稽搞笑,显然领队的临时掉头导致了队伍一团混乱,但此乱非真乱,抽去表象便可见队形乃呈反“S”或“龙抬头”状,属于(何意?)太极图式,具有深刻的寓意,且能最优化集中定格12个人物,如此匠心不能不令人击节。人物衣袍多着补子,而补子至明代方形成制度,故此图断代为宋值得怀疑。人物假面黑符至今仍存在于社火及戏曲脸谱中,当为我国戏曲脸谱之早期形式。  相似文献   
This study investigates the visual correspondences of gender posing behaviors, specifically exhibited by female figures, between historical European painting and contemporary American photographic advertising. While utilizing Erving Goffman’s Gender Advertisements as an analytical framework, the study focuses on the visual legacy of gender ritualization that is salient in contemporary mass media, proposing five semiotic codes to concretely analyze it. Although Goffman’s gender posing is traditionally associated with female vulnerability and indolence, the study proposes that such qualities are exploited as indicators of luxury within Western visual culture and advertising specifically. It seeks to deconstruct and re-frame the interconnected connotations of luxury and gender display, both expanding Goffman’s framework and providing a unique interpretive resource for critical readers of media texts.  相似文献   
Jurisdiction-stripping has long been a questionable component of Congress's power to supervise the judiciary's policymaking role. It has gained notoriety in recent debates surrounding judicial involvement in areas including religious establishment and privacy issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Most scholarship equates the advocacy of jurisdiction-stripping measures with symbolic position-taking that is unmotivated by the goal of traditional policy success. This work, a quantitative case study of the first such measure to pass the House of Representative since Reconstruction, seeks to isolate legislative motivations for exerting jurisdictional controls against the Supreme Court. Legislators’ votes on this measure were multifaceted. While those decisions were guided in part by the symbolic and representational considerations that traditionally underlie the advocacy of such legislation, there is also evidence more substantive motivations played a part. The study highlights the evolving objectives of jurisdiction-stripping's advocates and, more broadly, Congress's objectives vis-à-vis the courts.  相似文献   
The onset of German colonial rule in Africa brought increasing numbers of black men and women to Germany. Pre-1914 the vast majority of these Africans can best be described as visitors or sojourners and the black population as a whole was a transient one. This makes recovering their presence in the archival record exceptionally difficult and it is not surprising that the existing historiography is dominated by biographies of well-documented lives. Through utilising a number of recently digitised archival materials, particularly the Hamburg Passenger Lists, this article draws upon a database with information on 1094 individuals from sub-Saharan Africa who spent time in Germany over the period 1884–1914 in order to widen our understanding of the black presence as a whole. It offers new insights and detail into the composition and character of this fluid population – where visitors came from, why they came to Germany, their age on arrival – as well as more accurate information on the temporal and spatial distribution of African visitors.  相似文献   
张军 《阅江学刊》2010,(5):56-64,97
两晋时期军府制度逐渐发展定型,并对以尚书制度为核心的国家政治体制产生重大影响,其表现为:在中央层面,加兵公常领录尚书事,或兼领尚书令;地方镇将常兼领尚书省长官。这样,在国家政治生活中就出现了军府制断尚书事,甚至在非常时期成为替代尚书省的“国务总汇”机构,以及军府掾属权过尚书干涉政务等等不正常的现象。这些现象的产生,在一定程度上表明了两晋时期国家政治体制的孱弱。  相似文献   
在"尊孔崇儒"文教政策的影响下,辽朝西京地区官学教育取得了较大发展。首先,是西京地区建立起以西京学、州学、县学为核心的官学教育体系。在官学的带动下,私学教育也获得了长足发展。其次,是在西京地区培养出一批名臣儒士,在辽朝社会生活中发挥了重要作用。西京地区官学教育的发展,使得居住于西京地区的汉、契丹等族能够大规模、系统地接受中原儒家经史教育,使北方游牧民族对中原儒家文化的逐渐认同产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
澳门基本法第七条规定,澳门境内的土地和自然资源,除在澳门特区成立前已依法确认的私有土地外,属于国家所有。土地制度的改变、土地所有权的改变,除了涉及澳门土地所属问题,还涉及澳门特区的成立和基本法的实施对澳门原有法律制度和司法程序的影响。具代表性的案例是去年澳门特区终审法院就观音堂地段的所有权和使用权的民事诉讼案所作出的裁决:在特区成立前未获依法确认为私有的土地,特区成立后就成为国家所有,也不能通过司法裁判确认这些土地的所有权或利用权为私有,无论有关诉讼是在特区成立之前还是之后提起的。也就是说,澳门从此再也不会有新的私人业权土地了,连"和平占有"也不能了。土地制度改变所带来的影响,可从上述观音堂地段的官司反映出来,未来可能还涉及棘手的离岛土地"纱纸契"的法律地位问题。本文以终审法院的有关裁决为例,进而讨论土地制度的改变对于土地"纱纸契"问题的影响。  相似文献   
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