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马富英  依乌 《民族学刊》2018,9(3):37-42, 109-111
中国工农红军长征时期,党高度重视民族问题,制定和实施了一系列符合中国革命和民族实际的民族纲领政策,开创了一条运用马克思主义民族理论解决中国民族问题的探索之路。中国共产党早期的民族纲领与民族政策主张是从马克思列宁主义关于民族独立、民族分离、建立联邦或区域自治等方面去阐释。随着我国革命形势的发展变化,党已认识到民族独立或联邦制并不符合中国的国情,不主张民族自决和实行联邦制,并最终确认了在统一的国家中实行民族区域自治的政策。认真分析长征时期党民族理论政策的发展演变进程,对新时期科学总结党民族工作经验和指导民族工作实践,不断发展和完善中国特色社会主义民族理论体系,实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重要意义。  相似文献   
民国学者胡怀琛著有《中国小说研究》、《中国小说概论》、《中国小说的起源与演变》等普及型文学史著作,其研究理念与著述体例有别于鲁迅的《中国小说史略》。胡怀琛的中国小说史学以小说类型为经,以时代为纬,讲求小说学与小说史学的融合互渗,注重把握小说文体演变的内在逻辑与宏大结构。胡怀琛以现代意义的小说观为参照,重新整合经史子集中具有"小说"意味的文本,藉此重新发现中国的"小说",并重建各种历史文本与文类的关联性和有序性。胡怀琛将"长时段"的历史思维与解释方法运用于中国小说史研究,从"形"与"质"两方面勾勒出中国小说历史演化的基本轮廓。  相似文献   


Meconium stained amniotic fluid commonly occurs postdates (?>40 weeks gestation) indicating fetal maturity. Previous literature indicates that different ethnicities mature at different rates.


To compare the rate of meconium stained amniotic fluid of Australian-born and non-Australian born women.


A retrospective correlation study design was implemented, using data collected in the birth outcomes system at one tertiary hospital. Data was collected from all women who gave birth to a term (>/=37 weeks gestation), singleton, liveborn baby between January 1st to December 31st, 2014. Maternal country of birth was used for comparison. Categorical data was analyzed using Chi-Square test for Independence. Continuous variables were assessed for normality, and differences were compared using an Independent t-test or a Mann–Whitney U test. All tests were two-tailed and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


3,041 women were included; 1131 Australian-born and 1910 non-Australian born. Meconium stained amniotic fluid occurred more frequently in non-Australian born women compared to Australian-born women (23.5% vs. 19.8 p = 0.02). Their babies were significantly smaller (Mean = 3265 g, Standard Deviation 463.8 vs Mean = 3442 g, Standard Deviation 499.2, p < 0.001), with no difference in gestational length (Mean = 39.4, Standard Deviation 1.28 vs Mean = 39.5, Standard Deviation 1.18, p = 0.06). Increasing gestational age had the strongest association with meconium stained amniotic fluid;?>/=42 weeks gestation occurring 3.52 (95% Confidence Interval: 2.00, 6.22, p = <0.001) more than <40 weeks gestation.


Maternity health services should record ethnicity and region of birth to provide individualised care as women born overseas often have poorer perinatal outcomes when compared to Australian-born women.  相似文献   
古永继 《民族研究》2007,4(3):96-100
国内有关哈尼族的研究近年来硕果累累,但有的论著中对某些史料的理解存在误区.本文以原始资料为依据,针对哈尼族研究中涉及到的<尚书·禹贡>记载与梯田的关系,明初黔西北、滇东北有无"和泥芒部府",康熙时参与反清起义的龙韬之地位与族属三个问题,进行了相关的考证分析,提出了不同于以往的看法.  相似文献   
晚清广西著名学者型的文人龙启瑞,其诗、词、文皆工。他的文学创作与所受的教育密切相关。学校教育、家族教育、社会教育等教育,分别从不同层面塑造了龙启瑞的文学创作观念与文学审美理想,最终影响到他作品的内容与形式,催生了具有“龙氏特色”的一系列文学作品。  相似文献   
《文心雕龙·练字》篇既是对文章作法理论的论述,又涉及了文章书写具体技巧,在文学艺术史上极为可贵。《练字》篇中述及文字的产生、发展、六书之结构、书体之演变、汉律之法规等一系列问题,保存了我国早期关于文字理论的研究成果,为我们今天探讨、研究古代文字以及书体的发展演变过程提供了不可或缺的资源。而文化作为书法的根基和土壤,其重要性日渐凸显,因此从古代文学理论中汲取营养并指导书法实践是可行之路。《文心雕龙·练字》篇及其他相关篇章所涉及到的批评方法和理论范畴对当代书法的价值和意义亦在于此。  相似文献   
We propose a specific general Markov-regime switching estimation both in the long memory parameter d and the mean of a time series. We employ Viterbi algorithm that combines the Viterbi procedures in two state Markov-switching parameter estimation. It is well-known that existence of mean break and long memory in time series can be easily confused with each other in most cases. Thus, we aim at observing the deviation and interaction of mean and d estimates for different cases. A Monte Carlo experiment reveals that the finite sample performance of the proposed algorithm for a simple mixture model of Markov-switching mean and d changes with respect to the fractional integrating parameters and the mean values for the two regimes.  相似文献   
在"名即概念"的传统研究范式中,被公孙龙本人称之为成名之作的《白马论》,也遭到了曲解与误读。因此,重新疏解《白马论》,对于恢复公孙龙思想的本来面目,重新认识和评价公孙龙思想,具有重要的基础性意义。  相似文献   
With the rapid development of e-commerce, online consumer review plays an increasingly important role in consumers’ purchase decisions. Most research papers use the quantitative measures of consumer reviews for statistical analysis. Here we focus on analyzing the texts of customer reviews with text mining tools. We propose a new feature selection method called maximizing the difference. Various classification methods such as boosting, random forest and SVM are used to test the performance of the new method along with different evaluation criteria. Both simulation and empirical results show that it improves the effectiveness of the classifier over the existing methods.  相似文献   
李腾 《北方论丛》2016,(1):103-107
孟子云“夭寿不贰,修身以俟之,所以立命也”,其中包含着“夭寿(生死)与命之间的关系”以及“修身立命”这两方面的问题。海德格尔《存在与时间》在时间的视域下,将此在解读为“向死而在”,与言说“生生之大德”的儒者形成一种互补关系。命定的偶然性(个体的人必然有具体的实质限定)、必死性(有限个体必有其死)和使命义(人禀受善性而有道德使命)这三者构成了《孟子》中的“命”义。孟子反求诸己,追求人的本然善性和生之尊严;海德格尔则认为面对死亡的决断,是个体成为本真存在的关键,而儒者的生活方式可视作本真存在的一种可能性。  相似文献   
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