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The paper considers the case of vegetovascular dystonia, one of the most typical and common “Soviet” diseases. This syndrome emerged in Soviet medicine after World War II, and very quickly become a popular diagnosis among physicians. The author describes how the construct of vegetovascular dystonia was formed and developed, what changes it underwent, and what affected those changes. The concept and history of vegetovascular dystonia can provide an understanding of Soviet medicine and health science in general.  相似文献   
王铭铭 《社会》2019,39(3):1-56
本文以康有为完成于1904年底的《意大利游记》为说明性个案,试图呈现其欧亚文明论的基本面貌。文章将文本与这位“先时之人物”所处的时代相联系,勾勒出康氏的旅欧行程、意大利考察和文明叙述的轮廓,梳理了康氏在其“异域志”中表达的有关升平一统(帝国)、中西文明之异、文明关联互动等看法。文章指出,《意大利游记》是古代华文异域志的近代遗响,而康有为借之表达的看法,实构成一种“文明-现代性”主张。本文为作者所写有关法国社会学年鉴派文明与文明研究构想之论文的续篇。文章指出,康有为对文明的界定与其同龄人涂尔干的看法有诸多相通之处,但也有不同点:康氏与涂氏都将现实发生的文明界定为“超社会现象”,视其为国族与世界之间的中间范畴,但相比于从结构观点看文明的涂尔干,康氏在考察文明的存在方式时更关注其历史的治乱轮替动态,也更为重视其政体实现形式。文章最后,作者思考了20世纪康氏欧亚文明论的遭际,指出相比“国族营造”之社会科学,康有为融通“我他”文明的叙述依旧有其启迪。  相似文献   
Reciprocity has core significance for understanding basic human living conditions: our social nature is founded on reciprocal relations, and reciprocity strengthens the ties between people. Reciprocity-based anthropology is a kind of cultural logic, one that stresses the interaction between different groups. Fundamentally, it involves studying forms of the mutually beneficial relations involved in complementary differences. This perspective reconciles differences, creating a communicative space for diverse cultures’ coexistence, symbiosis and sharing. The various channels formed through human activity include ways in and ways out, constant incomings and outgoings, the coexistence of different cultures, ways of life and ideas, and complementarity. The launching of the Belt and Road Initiative includes channels with multiple characteristics and functions, so research on this topic involves the analysis of society and culture based on roadways rather than locations.  相似文献   
张瀝元 《民族学刊》2021,12(4):80-88, 119
择医实践是指当一个人感到不适,为了证实是否有疾病和为了减少疾痛为目的寻求帮助的行为,是医学人类学研究主要课题之一。由于社会文化背景、地理条件等因素,藏族聚居地区医疗模式显现出多元共存,与之对应,当地民众的择医实践也呈现出一种多元状态。正是由于人们多元择医实践的诉求、固守与调适,才推进着多元医疗模式在发展中适应区域群体的文化变迁、需求改变而日趋完善,由此医疗模式与择医实践形成了互动、互构关系。  相似文献   
聚焦人类学者在针对重大公共卫生事件的跨学科研究中应该有何作为这一议题,通过借鉴来自医学人类学哈佛学派的民族志洞见和研究经验,为当下2019新型冠状病毒疫情危机中所进行的田野观察和分析,以期获得灵感和启示,并探索有可行性和操作性的研究策略和方法。  相似文献   
人类学需要走出一种围墙的界限,需要不同学科门类之间的知识交流与合作。知识相互间的分离,也可以说是一种之前文化分离观念的自然养成,由此而要去反思曾经社区的、区域的以及模式的文化研究之缺陷和不足。人的精神是相通的,观念之间不会因为围墙和大门关闭而不发生沟通。人类学未来的希望则在于一种跨出边界的合作人类学的成长。  相似文献   
In this article we outline and demonstrate a design anthropological approach to investigating automated mobile futures as a processual opening up of possibilities, rather than as a process of technological innovation. To undertake this we investigate the example of how the car-smartphone relationship is configuring in the contingent circumstances of the mobile present and the implications of this for automated mobile futures. Our discussion is set in the context of the growing possibility that automonous driving (AD) features are increasingly part of everyday mobilities (even if unequally distributed globally) and in which personal mobile smart technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) will exist in some form and will interface with humans and be interoperable with other technologies. In developing this we draw on ethnographic understandings of how people live with the possibilities afforded by technologies in everyday life.  相似文献   
丽江《木氏宗谱》美藏整理本是《域外汉籍珍本文库》的重要文献,其以美国国会图书馆珍藏的被誉为纳西学之父洛克搜集整理的《木氏宦谱》为蓝本而重新汇编的整理本,是迄今关于丽江木氏土司家族最为完备的史料,对研究近古时期丽江地区乃至整个滇西北具有十分重要的史学价值。从人类学的视野看,《木氏宗谱》美藏整理本是追溯丽江木氏家族渊源最为翔实的记忆文本,是承载丽江木氏的一部家族制度史,也是丽江木氏与元明清王朝国家关系变迁的历史书写。  相似文献   
从文化发生学上对"诗"与"兴"语言结构的考察,陈世骧发现了《诗经》在文化人类学上的文类意义,这为中国文学史研究翻开了新的一页。  相似文献   
生态人类学的理论源流及其后现代特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态人类学是文化人类学的一门新兴的分支学科,已成为西方当代文化人类学的重要流派,并对文化人类学的发展产生了很大影响。生态人类学的不同流派以不同形式反映了“环境决定论”的基本思想,对人类中心主义、科学主义和理性主义等现代性的批判表现出明显的后现代主义思想特征。  相似文献   
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