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Northeast India, a ‘zipper region’ that gives impetus to Southeast Asian and Himalasian studies, is marked by complexities and ambiguities. The paper examines the multiple identity construction in contemporary Assam, the central state of this region and seeks to recover the other experiences that make ethnic life-world possible while challenging the ethnocentric discourses—in academia, politics, public and social movements. Acknowledging the presence of common or possibly universal processes behind the production of such discourses, it aims to interrogate the factors that cut across socio-cultural, political-economical or ecological dimensions. It further examines the multiple discourses and narratives that makes that social possible in the region. In doing so, it locates the strategic positioning of such discourses and how they deal with Indian nation-state and beyond. This paper in essence is interested in the question of possibility of various discourses—as a question of post-history.  相似文献   
In the current decade, the U.S. population reached historically high levels of ethnic–racial diversity and reelected the nation's first Black–White biracial President. Simultaneously, scholars also documented significant ethnic–racial inequities in education, increased xenophobia, and a racial climate that revealed deep-seated ethnic–racial tensions. Given this backdrop and acknowledging the significant role that families play in youths' abilities to navigate their social contexts, the current review focused on the literature on families' ethnic–racial socialization efforts with youth from the 2010 decade. Our review of 259 empirical articles revealed that there has been an exponential increase in research on family ethnic–racial socialization in this decade. Furthermore, although it is clear that family ethnic–racial socialization is a robust predictor of youths' adjustment, the associations between socialization and adjustment must be considered with attention to specific socialization strategies, the confluence of strategies used, and the unique contexts within which families' lives are embedded.  相似文献   
We review theorizations of gendered anti-Blackness and the scholarship on the politics of belonging. Bridging together this literature, we propose gendered anti-Black non-belonging as an alternative framework for addressing African descendant women's expressions and realities of belonging in the United States and Portugal. We select these two cases for their remarkably distinct—yet related—racial ideologies of the state. In the United States, colorblindness is the main ideology of the state whereas in Portugal anti-racial ideology pervades. As we will highlight, the experiences of belonging among African descendant women in the United States and Portugal challenge the veracity of these racial ideologies which work to render gendered anti-Black oppression invisible. In both cases, anti-Black non-belonging means that African descendant women are vulnerable to gendered state violence and racist practices impacting their individual and group belonging; as a result, the right for Black bodies to be in a particular place and space is constantly contested, and, often, violently regulated and disciplined. Yet, anti-Black belonging is both a matter of oppression and resistance. African-descendant women draw from their everyday knowledge of domination to employ resistance. In doing so, as we will argue, they rewrite the national narrative of race, gender and belonging in Portugal and the United States.  相似文献   
Starting from the idea that places are socially constructed, this essay explores how a place is established and lived in Xinjiang by the members of the area’s two largest ethnicities, the Uyghur and the Han. This article demonstrates that there are differences in the ways Han and Uyghur imagine and ‘live’ Xinjiang.11. Xinjiang is not a very fortunate toponym to use here because it is a Han-language term (meaning ‘New Frontier’) that was imposed during the colonization of the region by the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). However, since there is no other term that comprises both regions of Tarim Basin and Dzungaria and also eastern Xinjiang, I am compelled to use it. For a discussion of the complex question of toponym-usage in this region see Millward, Eurasian Crossroads.View all notes At the same time it asserts that Uyghur and Han do not establish distinct spatial relationships just because of their ethnicity, but also to enhance ethnic solidarity and boundaries vis-à-vis the other. This essay also demonstrates that places are historically contingent, and discusses the ways in which the influx of temporary Han migrants and settlers – and Han capital – has generated new layers of spatial meaning and new power differentials.  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以降,华裔美国作家打破美国主流社会强加在华裔美国人身上的刻板形象,力图展示真实的自我,同时通过超越文学作品母题的族裔性,表达了对于种族之间和谐共处的诉求,及其实现的可能性。他们的作品,体现出具有包容品格的族际性。其具体表现为:超越族裔性,走向融合性;能够满足多种族群审美期待的人物塑造。  相似文献   
论民族视角的经济研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出把民族作为中国少数民族经济或民族经济学的分析框架。民族生存的自然环境和民族认同的文化特质构成民族概念的内在规定,并呈现为民族经济生活自然差异和文化差异二重性。把握民族经济生活差异二重性是建构学科理论框架的关键。  相似文献   
西藏小学双语教育研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章是基于作者在2003年在西藏几所小学进行社会调查,运用问卷调查、访谈等形式搜集的部分材料的基础上进行分类整理的。主旨是为了揭示:(1)在人类学、教育学领域梳理有关双语教育的普遍性理论;(2)当前西藏的双语教育状况;(3)老师、家长、学生和校长等群体对当前双语教育的观点和立场;(4)联系到学生在学校的学习成绩、个人发展前景、民族文化保存和继承,藏汉语在学校教育中的如何界定和评估问题;(5)分析学生的社会和家庭两个宏、微观社会语言环境。在研究方法上采用了定量和定性两种方法,亦即文字采访记录和数据统计方法。  相似文献   
左江花山岩画文化景观成功入选世界遗产名录后,依然有未解的千年之谜。经对左江花山岩画中铜鼓的族属、类型、传承发展、文化功能等进行多角度考证,确认左江花山岩画所绘铜鼓为骆越人所有,其类型为万家坝型、石寨山型和东山型早期铜鼓;岩画中的铜鼓不仅是部族首领权力的象征,还是通天礼神、汇聚人心、指挥军阵、人神共娱的重要礼器、响器及乐器;东汉马援缴骆越铜鼓后,左江流域骆越后裔仍有用鼓、尚鼓的习俗,这是对左江花山岩画铜鼓的一种继承与发展。与此同时,骆越人先进的青铜铸造技术亦为铜鼓在这一地区的传承与发展提供了物质基础。  相似文献   
族群认同的血缘性重建--以海村京族人为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对1949年以来海村京族人族群意识的变化进行了考察。认为,客观文化特征的不断消退,族际交流与族群互动的日益频繁,族群认同上功利性取向的不断增加以及“法定”的民族属性对京族认同的冲击,使海村京族人的族群认同面临表述上的危机。为了应对这种危机,海村京族人不得不重新利用血缘关系的不可替代性来重新构建其族群认同,并以此为基础复兴京族传统文化,强化族群成员的族群意识。  相似文献   
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