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江苏省推行课程游戏化项目已四年有余,“观察”在其中扮演重要的推动角色。随着项目的全面开展实施,幼儿园教师的观察能力有了明显变化,但其中仍然存在一些“不够科学”的现象。基于此,教师应养成制定观察计划的习惯,提高获取有用信息的能力以及增强观察记录的实效性,从而深化推进课程游戏化建设。  相似文献   
游戏和关于游戏文化的研究传统深厚。数字媒体技术促进了网络游戏的蓬勃发展,国外关于数字媒体时代的游戏研究已成为专门的研究门类,产生了一大批游戏学家。国外的游戏文化研究大致形成了三种研究范式,即以内容和叙事分析的研究方法探析游戏和社会现实的关系,以理论辨析和案例分析的研究方法理性勾勒现实生活游戏化的若干情况,以调查访谈的研究方法分析游戏玩家的身份认同。借鉴国外游戏学成果,植根中国网络游戏领域,中国的游戏文化研究大有可为。  相似文献   
2019年5月28日,主题为“小学化·游戏化:幼儿园课程改革的经验、困境及路向”专家论坛在贵州师范大学教育学院举办。论坛指出,小学化和游戏化最为本质的区别在于经验的传递方式,幼儿园教育与小学教育在本质上是融合贯通的,小学化和游戏化之间并不是截然对立的两个方面,要“科学做好入学准备”,需要辩证认识二者之间的关系。论坛强调,小学化的产生有着复杂深刻的社会因素,小学化的治理不能一刀切,需要置于“一时一地”的具体情境中进行全面整体考虑。  相似文献   
课程与游戏是幼儿园教育的重要组成部分,作为幼儿一日生活的“课程”与作为幼儿园基本活动的“游戏”之间存在重要联系。本文试图通过对课程游戏化含义的解读,探讨课程游戏化必要性,从而确立游戏在课程中的地位,倡导游戏精神的回归,真正将游戏权还给儿童。  相似文献   
游戏元素对消费者参与行为影响的研究述评与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游戏元素作为新型的营销工具,已经被越来越多的企业用于营销实践,旨在提高消费者参与。鉴于此,通过对国内外相关文献的梳理与回顾,将游戏元素划分为游戏设计对象、游戏设计机制和游戏设计原则这三类,并从工具结果和体验结果上界定了游戏元素与游戏、游戏化以及游戏化营销等概念的关系。在此基础上,通过对背后理论基础的探讨,发现这三类游戏元素会影响消费者的认知、情感和内部动机,进而增强消费者的参与行为,并且产品类型和消费者特征都会调节游戏元素与消费者参与行为之间的关系。最后对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

The contrast between work and play as activities collapses if play is seen, following anthropologist Thomas Malaby, as a disposition towards the indeterminate. Once play is positioned as a state of mind, activities that constitute work need not be disjunct from playful behavior. Yet for most workers, work is rarely if ever playful, and attempts to import play behavior into the workplace (‘gamification’) do not result in greater playfulness. Part of this problem results from specific aesthetic values for games having dominated both work and play. As Roger Caillois warned half a century ago, sport-like values have increasingly saturated the culture of the overdeveloped world. Meanwhile, gamification processes have only been able to export task-focussed reward structures from the domain of play – practices that descend from Dungeons & Dragons, but that have been denuded of their playful qualities. In parallel to the gamification of work has been the gamification of games, namely an increasing emphasis on tasks to structure video game play (e.g., achievements), and thus make them more compelling yet less playful. In so much as this entails forcing particular patterns of understanding onto both players and workers, this makes gamification a parallel to Jacques Rancière's stultification in education: a binding of wills instead of an emancipation. If we want a world where work could be more playful, we must begin by breaking the cultural dominance of sport-like and task-like aesthetics of play, and endeavour to overcome the underlying fears that prevent work from being played.  相似文献   
幼儿园班级的人数影响着一日活动的实施和幼儿身心的发展。巨大的农业人口基数导致农村地区幼儿园超额现象严重,游戏活动大打折扣。为促使大班额幼儿园课程游戏化,幼儿园应充分利用当地乡土资源,开发民间游戏和户外场地,采取混龄分组等方式推进课程游戏化。乡镇中心幼儿园应起带头作用,帮助家长更新教育观念,参与户外游戏,达成家园合力共育;帮助提升幼师游戏组织和课程开发能力。  相似文献   

For many researchers, medical professionals, and politicians, the gamification of mental health treatment is a possibly innovative and efficient means to utilise the popularity of gaming in order to help combat the ever-growing global rates of mental illness. Despite this optimism, critics of gamification point to this trend as an extension of neoliberal governance, warning that gamification only encourages the further quantification and control of life under metrics of utility, productivity, and competitiveness. Accordingly, this article critically examines the politics of gamifying mental healthcare, and the broader question of the link between play and mental health. By engaging with the works of Donald W. Winnicott, and a host of contemporary critical and cultural theorists, this article attempts to open up a space for considering the value of play and games for sufferers of mental illness, that resist the strictures of the neoliberal governance of play.  相似文献   
"“课程游戏化”与“游戏课程化”作为当前学前教育深化发展与幼儿园课程改革推进的代表性理论主张,二者同源、异构, 同趣、共建,是幼儿园课程与游戏有机融合、构建以游戏为中心的幼儿园课程的有益尝试与大胆探索。展望未来,可尝试从推 进幼儿园教育教学的三重重心转向、优化幼儿园课程体系的三度生长空间、搭建幼儿园内生发展的三维教研体系,切实推进构 建以游戏为中心的幼儿园课程与教育生活的实践进程。"  相似文献   
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