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At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Brazil took advantage of its economically and politically privileged position to challenge global normative structures. In 2004, the concept of “non-indifference” was integrated into the Brazilian vocabulary of foreign policy, justifying and legitimating the country’s acceptance of the invitation to command the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). On the one hand, non-indifference can be read as a discursive maneuver that enabled Brazil to accommodate its non-interventionist agenda to an old geopolitical game, given the pressure imposed upon “global players” to respond effectively and assertively to threats to international peace and security. On the other hand, the “Brazilian way” could also be seen as an alternative to a highly masculinized geopolitical approach to international security. This paper explores possible limitations, tensions and/or opportunities that emerge from the encounter between a feminist diplomatic agenda and a masculinizing ordering of the international space. It does so by contrasting Brazil’s ambition for a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the club of powerful states, with Brazil’s diplomatic and military performance during MINUSTAH, widely evaluated as a success due to characteristics such as solidarity, generosity, flexibility and the “warm conviviality” of Brazilian culture.  相似文献   
国际政治的参与情境决定行动者的博弈行为类型,参与情境变迁将导致行动者行为发生变化。能源安全是国家对外政策的核心议题之一。1973年爆发的第一次石油危机,凸显了能源安全问题的重要性,改变了二战后国际能源政治的参与情境,构建了行动者新的博弈类型,调整了国际能源政治行动者的博弈策略。为了有效应对国际能源政治的情境变迁,美国通过协调与其他国家的能源关系,设置能源安全国际议程,最终确定了新的国际能源秩序。当前,我国在积极参与国际能源合作的过程中,第一次石油危机后国际能源政治的情境变迁以及国际社会的应对策略具有十分重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
开发区是我国改革开放进程中重要的"制度安排",在制度转型、市场机制培育、产业结构升级和带动地区经济增长等方面发挥着引领示范作用,但同时也存在政策效应边际递减、土地资源浪费、创新不足等诸多问题.梳理我国开发区过去三十多年的发展经验和不足,并展望其未来定位是一项重要的研究课题.在详细讨论我国开发区的缘起、动力机制、发展阶段、功能演变、面临问题的基础上,文章从制度安排、比较优势、产业集聚和商业环境四个方面总结了我国开发区取得的成功经验.未来,开发区的发展应实现从生产到生活、从效率到公平、从地的繁荣到人的繁荣、从外围到中心、从专业化到多样化、从高速增长到高质量发展、从对外开放到国内国际双循环等方面的转变.  相似文献   
梅英  彭海林 《民族学刊》2018,9(4):64-70, 118-121
缅北动荡局势下,我国中缅边境地区面临传统安全与非传统安全双重威胁。从前期系列缅北冲突导致的问题处理经验看,我国中缅边境地区安全应对体系建设在预防意识的主动性、应急制度的协调性、应急体系的系统性方面仍有待进一步提升。立足中缅边境地区安全问题的特殊性,其应对可从立足跨境民族众多的实情主动应对、立足边境安全事件的复杂性系统应对、立足边疆经济的落后性持续应对等方面予以加强。  相似文献   
In many countries, new, broad, and normative “conceptions of society” gained prominence that represent fundamentally different discursive alternatives to the classical welfare state. We present two political projects that contain radical alternative conceptualizations of the classical welfare state, the “Big Society” in Britain and the “Participation Society” in the Netherlands, and contrast these with Norwegian developments, where no such a radical alternative conceptualization of the welfare state can be found. We show that the British and Dutch political projects were attempts to replace the welfare state, whereas there is no comparable big idea about a radical overhaul of the welfare state in Norway. Our analysis contributes to a better understanding of a fundamental shift in welfare state reform, namely a radical reconsidering of the ideational and normative foundation that defines and underpins what the welfare state is or should be.  相似文献   
金融危机以来国际贸易保护主义色彩浓郁,中国内部粗放型经济增长方式存在一定的不可持续性和人口红利开始逐渐消失,中国加工贸易嵌入发达国家主导的全球价值链低附加值和低生产率问题引起了学者的注意。随着外部贸易环境、国内新常态要素禀赋结构的变化和深化供给侧结构性改革的需要,推动加工贸易企业升级已经成为中国经济结构调整的一个重要部分。通过分析中国加工贸易的起源、发展和现状,描述全球价值链背景下加工贸易的若干特征和“低端锁定”问题,引出了融资约束对企业经营决策、出口行为以及企业全球价值链上地位的影响,并围绕以生产过程、产品升级和功能升级为主的产业内升级和以劳动密集型向技术密集型转变为特征的产业间升级两个角度,提出了中国加工贸易企业在全球价值链上攀升的路径。研究认为,着重强调人力资本积累、本土企业技术外溢的吸收能力以及自主研发能力的培养,同时结合国际产能合作和“一带一路”倡议等现实背景,实现东西双向开放,塑造以我为主的包容性的区域价值链和国内价值链等,是中国加工贸易企业升级的路径和新机遇。  相似文献   
As the international guardian of social justice, the ILO is witnessing a global revolution in accounting, which has culminated in international accounting standards (IAS-IFRS). Previously, accounting measured the economy in relation to the capacities and responsibilities of workers and their employers. Today, the exact opposite is the case: the IAS-IFRS no longer measure work and enterprises, referring instead to the abstract concept of a cybernetic entity capable of constant restructuring, at the cost of unprecedented inequality. The author points to the incoherence of this system and to the need to restore the full carrying value of labour.  相似文献   
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