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孤山智圆是北宋天台宗山外派的著名学僧,也是宋代倡导儒佛互融的代表性人物。智圆一生致力于天台三观,同时又“刻心净土”,力求以天台宗圆教的“心性”论统摄净土法门的“唯心净土”,又以“心性”为诸法之体来消解净秽二土之别。智圆不仅是“唯心净土”论者,也是“实在净土”的坚定信仰者,其净土思想具有鲜明的“唯心净土”和“实在净土”两重性。  相似文献   
While migration has been found to enhance welfare across a range of settings, most of the literature focuses on rural‐to‐urban migrant flows. Using a unique dataset from north‐western Tanzania, this article probes an important, yet overlooked, link between land markets and rural‐to‐rural migration. A mixed‐methods approach is used to discern how these two forces are intertwined in village life. Results indicate that household decisions to migrate are particularly influenced by the ease of market‐based land access in their new communities. This suggests that labour mobility may be facilitated through the development of a well‐functioning land market.  相似文献   
弱势群体保护问题是当今社会,尤其是公法学界所面临的严峻课题。为了有效应对这一问题,应采用比较研究、实证研究、文献研究的方法,在继续完善传统公法意义上的相关保障性制度的基础上,积极构建弱势群体的社会帮扶制度。弱势群体的社会帮扶制度一方面以服务行政理论为理论依据,要求弱势群体保护由当下的“政治负责”向“社会负责”过渡;另一方面,社会帮扶制度又以公共服务理论为理论支撑,要求政府由高权强制型向怀柔服务型转变。在实践中,弱势群体的社会帮扶制度应遵循政府与社会“两条腿走路”的基本逻辑,而该制度的构建应秉承若干基本思路:破除观念束缚,培育和构建公民社会;丰富社会主体形式,弥补行政保障不足;完善其他社会帮扶途径。  相似文献   
This article presents methodological solutions aimed at presenting the spatial distribution of flood risk and quality of spatial management (land use), indicating both those areas used reasonably and those requiring modification. The purpose was to identify key risk areas and risk‐free areas from the point of view of human security and activity on the floodplains, based on the examples of the vicinities of Wroclaw and Raciborz in the Odra Valley, Poland. Due to recent climate change, Poland has suffered the effects of severe flooding (e.g., 1997, 2001, 2010). The analyses conducted were motivated by the European Parliament and Council's recently implemented Directive 2007/60/WE, as well as by the demand for studies for local spatial planning. The analysis indicates that reasonably developed areas do not account for the majority of those studied, making up 36% of the Wroclaw area and 15% of the Raciborz area.  相似文献   
Major accident risks posed by chemical hazards have raised major social concerns in today's China. Land‐use planning has been adopted by many countries as one of the essential elements for accident prevention. This article aims at proposing a method to assess major accident risks to support land‐use planning in the vicinity of chemical installations. This method is based on the definition of risk by the Accidental Risk Assessment Methodology for IndustrieS (ARAMIS) project and it is an expansion application of severity and vulnerability assessment tools. The severity and vulnerability indexes from the ARAMIS methodology are employed to assess both the severity and vulnerability levels, respectively. A risk matrix is devised to support risk ranking and compatibility checking. The method consists of four main steps and is presented in geographical information‐system‐based maps. As an illustration, the proposed method is applied in Dagushan Peninsula, China. The case study indicated that the method could not only aid risk regulations on existing land‐use planning, but also support future land‐use planning by offering alternatives or influencing the plans at the development stage, and thus further enhance the roles and influence of land‐use planning in the accident prevention activities in China.  相似文献   

This article examines two density-based value-capture mechanisms – community amenity contributions (CAC) in Vancouver, Canada, and transfer of development rights (TDR) in New Taipei City, Taiwan – that planners use to finance public goods. To understand the differences in the design of the mechanisms, negotiating dynamics, actors involved, and types of public goods financed, we propose three perspectives on development rights: absolute ownership, bundle of rights, and public asset. We find that the public asset perspective underpins Vancouver’s CAC, whereas in New Taipei City’s TDR development rights are treated more as a commodity, a concept rooted in the absolute ownership perspective.  相似文献   
目前我国农户的地权诉求已经发生了很大的变化,即由地权稳定、自主经营向农地资源的优化配置和高效利用转化。这一变化的内在动力是农户急切希望改变承包地过于细碎化以及改善农业生产经营基本条件。考察我国农地制度的发展史可以发现,我国农地制度变迁的基本逻辑就是农户的地权诉求决定农地制度的发展方向,这一点在当下一些地方的农地制度创新试验和经验中再次得到证明。今后我国农地制度创新必须遵循这一逻辑,根据我国农户地权诉求的变化,实施农户自愿前提下的承包地连片重划,争取国家对承包地重划制度的支持,强化农民集体民主决策制度,地方政府也要给予必要的支持。  相似文献   
土地流转是实现规模化经营的前提之一,然而土地流转中却出现大量小农复制,从而影响土地流转的质量和效果。运用12省(自治区)2 553份农户问卷,详细分析土地流转中小农复制的现状及其形成原因。研究发现:(1)农户流转耕地面积不大,转入户流转面积20亩及以下的约占总转入户数的60.3%,转出户流转面积5亩及以下的约占总转出户数的74.38%,转出户中仍然经营土地的约占总转出户数的74%。(2)农业分工发达使生产更加方便、文化传统形成路径依赖、禀赋效应产生“价值幻觉”以及公共服务不健全使未来存在不确定性导致转出户流转部分土地。乡土社会限制土地流转范围和经营风险增加风险感知导致转入户流转小规模土地。  相似文献   
土地承包经营权是一种有期限的新型物权,合理、恰当地设置其期限,可以稳定农民与土地的关系,进而稳定土地经营权使用者的未来土地收益,有利于规范农村土地流转市场秩序,稳定地实现农民的土地财产性收益。新通过的《农村土地承包法》修订草案对耕地承包期届满后作出“再延长三十年”的修订,需要警惕落入形式化的“长久不变”而掩盖风险,因此要反思“自动续期三十年”背后的原委及可能的调整。从农村土地承包关系及其期限设置的政策与法律变迁着手,论证了“长久不变”并不等于没有期限以及设置“每轮”的政策合理性,并阐述了实践中土地流转需要的差异性、变动性与土地承包经营权期限设置的不匹配困境,凸显法律“适当调整”的必要性。将“长久不变”由“土地关系”的调整转向“土地利益”的调整,土地利益协调由形式公平转向实质公平,这直接体现出“适当调整”以均衡土地利益关系来回应“长久不变”的实质性与精准性。最后,从确保我国农村土地承包关系实质“长久不变”的层面提出了“确保大稳定”“预期小调整”的优化路径。  相似文献   
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