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在刑事非法证据排除规则的具体运用中,"非法证据"的界定是当然前提。非法证据并非是任一证据合法性要件欠缺的广义非法证据,而专指取证主体通过严重非法的手段或者侵犯公民基本权利的方式所获取的证据材料。我国刑事非法证据包括非法言词证据和非法实物证据两类,两类非法证据在实际判断中虽存在差异,但都应围绕取证手段的非法性展开,分别考察取证手段是否违反法律规定以及违法的严重程度,以准确界定刑事非法证据的范围。  相似文献   
从跨文化交际的角度对英语习语中的非言语交际行为及其特征进行探讨研究,认为英语习语在非言语交际中具有民族性和修辞性的特征,通过身体动作、面部表情、颜色、服装容饰等非言语行为的表达,强调和加强了言语内容,使得习语更加形象、生动、传神。  相似文献   
李白三十多岁初入长安时期创作的乐府诗歌《蜀道难》、《行路难》、《将进酒》是其诗歌创作第一高峰时期的代表作。本文运用汉语韵律学的理论,分析李白《蜀道难》等三首乐府诗歌中运用同音重复手段所产生的一唱三叹、突出主题、加重感情等音韵魅力和语言风格,揭示了作品中语言风格与托物言志的意境、“挥斥幽愤”的思想感情是融为一体的,让读者从新的角度体味李白乐府诗歌崇高的浪漫主义意境。  相似文献   
反讽叙事在萧红的小说中是进行国民性批判的主要叙事策略,这种对反讽的自觉运用使作者以一种更具审美性的方式含蓄而诗意地表现国民性批判的意图,同时也是萧红小说语言诗化特点形成的原因之一。反讽机制的运用使萧红的小说叙事实现了对现实世界和人性世界的深层揭示和哲学反思。  相似文献   
Research on the functional independence of verbal operants (Skinner, 1957) has demonstrated inconsistent findings. One explanation may be that these studies have not manipulated the motivating operation (MO) to facilitate the emergence of mands (Hall & Sundberg, 1987; Lamarre & Holland, 1985). In the current study, 1 participant, diagnosed with autism, was taught to tact high-preference and low-preference leisure items, and emergence of mands was tested under varying MO conditions. Results showed the emergence of mands following periods of arranged deprivation, and greater maintenance for a highly preferred relative to a less preferred stimulus. However, mands only emerged when presession tact trials were conducted. These results suggest that in a state of deprivation, transfer of stimulus control from discriminative to motivational conditions may occur without direct training.  相似文献   
This study was a systematic extension of Karmali, Greer, Nuzzulo-Gomez, Ross, and Rivera-Valdes (2005) and Ahearn, Clark, MacDonald, and Chung (2007). We investigated the effects of a tact correction procedure on stereotypic vocalizations in 4 children diagnosed with autism who ranged in age from 6 to 16 years. Participants had limited vocal verbal repertoires and were primarily dependent on prompts for the emission of appropriate vocalizations. A multiple-baseline design across participants was used. Data were collected on instances of stereotypic vocalizations and independent tacts during baseline conditions and on instances of stereotypic vocalizations, independent tacts, and echoic-tacts during intervention. Procedural integrity and social validity data were also obtained. The results indicated a decrease in stereotypic vocalizations for 3 of the 4 participants and a slight increase in appropriate vocal verbal behavior (i.e., tacting) for all participants. The study provides support for the use of tact correction procedures to decrease stereotypic vocalizations and increase appropriate vocalizations in children with autism.  相似文献   
This study examines how preadolescent African American students in Washington, D.C., used a linguistic practice called ‘joning,’ a style of verbal play similar to ritual insults, in peer interactions. Sociolinguists have focused on how children socialize each other into vernacular styles appropriate for peer group use but often assume that they disalign with social and linguistic norms for classroom behavior. Drawing from a nine‐month ethnographic study that the author conducted in an after‐school program, this article analyzes the structure and function of joning as a vernacular style of African American Vernacular English and its uses in constructing classroom identities. Joning often facilitated student learning, but it was perceived as a socially and physically risky linguistic practice because of its uses as conflict talk in the local community. Focusing on preadolescence as a key stage of language socialization, this article shows how minority students modify peer‐learned linguistic practices to pursue academic success on their own terms.  相似文献   
蓄意歧义是一种独特的语言艺术,为语言研究提供了新的语料,它体现了语音、词汇、语法、语用等规则。通过分析言语交际过程中产生的蓄意歧义现象及其制造的不同效果,可以促进语言使用者更好地了解整个语言体系,以及包含语用学、词汇学、语音学和语法在内的语言体系分支之间的关系。  相似文献   
Gutierrez (2006) experimentally demonstrated the effects of joint control and particularly the role of response mediation in the sequencing behavior of adults using an unfamiliar language. The purpose of the current study was to replicate and extend the procedures used by Gutierrez by comparing the effects of joint control training with the effects of a prompt-and-fade procedure on the acquisition of a sequencing task. The effects of each procedure on delayed sequencing behavior were also tested. Ten undergraduate students participated in 2 experiments. The results indicated that all participants acquired the sequencing response in fewer trials and maintained accurate delayed responding when the component responses necessary for joint control were directly taught. Finally, when the self-echoic mediation component was blocked, accurate responding deteriorated in 8 of 10 participants.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of a language-training procedure that emphasized reinforcing vocal “reasonable attempts” (any response directed at an interventionist and within a broader class of correct responses) was compared with a procedure that emphasized shaping (reinforcing successive approximations that more closely resembled the target vocalization). Three preschoolers who had been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders participated in the study. Data indicated that the children mastered vocal skills more rapidly when they learned through shaping than in the reasonable attempts condition. Implications for teaching children with autism spectrum disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
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