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徐鹏  徐向艺 《管理世界》2020,(1):122-129,238
人工智能作为社会发展和技术创新的产物,已经成为新一轮科技创新和产业变革的核心驱动力,正在对世界经济、社会进步和人民生活产生极其深刻的影响。人工智能的商业应用会改变企业内部运作和生产经营的过程,为企业管理带来了诸多挑战和变革机遇。本文结合人工智能的特征与发展趋势,从管理对象、管理属性、管理决策和管理伦理四个方面对人工智能时代企业管理变革的逻辑进行了梳理,得出如下推论:第一,人工智能时代,被管理者将出现越来越多的"人工智能员工",以"社会人"为中心的管理理论和管理手段的适用性降低,如何管理"人工智能员工"以及协调人类员工与智能机器人的关系将对管理者提出挑战;第二,人工智能时代,管理属性不仅包括管理理论的科学性、管理实践的艺术性,还包括管理过程的技术性;第三,人工智能时代,将出现一批优秀的技术管理者,此时,技术管理者指的不是管理技术的人,而是掌握智能技术的管理者;第四,人工智能时代,管理者的决策环境得到优化,管理活动中的决策准则将由"满意决策"过渡为"最优决策";第五,人工智能时代,管理手段的智能化发展可能会加剧管理效率和管理伦理的冲突,管理者必须提升管理道德,经营过程中强化社会责任的履行;第六,随着人工智能技术发展,政府、社会团体和行业协会有必要从政策、法律与行业标准等多个方面构建人工智能发展伦理的多层次约束机制。  相似文献   
The present article is based on a small-scale research that took place with third-year students in the department of social work at Technological Educational Institute of Patras. During class the students, who undertake the laboratory course ‘Social Work with Families’, were asked to discuss family roles and depict them on drawings. Analysing their drawings in a qualitative approach the findings suggest that students adopt traditional views on family issues and the family roles. Various gender stereotypes and prejudices were reflected in students' drawings and this is alarming for both social work education and practice.  相似文献   
This study examined the prevalence of workplace flexibility and the mechanisms that allow workplace flexibility to influence turnover intentions through work–family and family–work conflicts and job satisfaction among low‐wage workers in South Korea. Participants included 250 low‐wage workers whose monthly salary was less than 2 million Korean won (approx. $1,900). The study results indicate that low‐wage workers have limited access to workplace flexibility and that workplace flexibility plays a significant protective role in reducing their turnover intention, indirectly by decreasing work–family conflicts and enhancing job satisfaction. This article also discusses the implications of these findings for labor policy and social work practice.  相似文献   
对初始情境中受难者“陷困”功能的探讨,是“动物叙事”叙事语法研究中不容忽视的一环,其中贯穿了一个最为基础的叙事功能指向——“抉择之痛”。强调“动物与人”两类受难者角色在身体、心理抑或情感维度陷入某种矛盾与纠结的状态,并且彼此间时常呈现出一定的矛盾悖反性。这一角色身份由动物形象与人类形象分别或共同承担,均指向一种叙事伦理层面的现代境遇的表达。在题材范畴方面,这一功能指涉涵盖了家养类与野生类“动物叙事”各自的叙事范畴。其效力边际已不仅仅局限在单纯生态视域与人性指涉的层面,而是凸显现代语境下人类所面临的共通性的伦理困境:一种挥之不去的矛盾、困惑与不安的情感和心境的写照。  相似文献   
袁了凡(袁黄)以其《了凡四训》闻名于世,该书亦被当作训子家书。其实,了凡所作家训并非《了凡四训》,而是《训儿俗说》。作为王龙溪(王畿)的及门弟子,了凡在思想上是阳明后学的一分子,其人生轨迹属于典型的儒家士大夫,其日常修持及著述呈现三教汇通的思想特色。了凡家风淳朴,家学深厚,以儒为宗,兼收并蓄,强调道德主义,注重积德行善,具有出世情怀,对其人格产生深刻影响。  相似文献   
A central issue for family therapy is the critical question of how to define its role in influencing social change. Family therapy has tended to focus on how to liberate and empower individual clients, not communities, from the travails of tradition. This article highlights social change mechanisms implemented by the oppressed majority in South Africa during the apartheid period. It draws inspiration from the pedagogy of the oppressed articulated by Steve Biko and other members of his generation. This enabled the Black majority in South Africa ‘to name their world by reflecting on their conditions, imagining a better world, and then taking action to create it’ (Freire, 1968, p. 253) through the use of revolutionary songs that resulted in the collapse of the cruel apartheid system. The implications for family therapy are discussed.  相似文献   
一稿多投是学术界由来已久且难以医治的顽症。究其原因,主要是科研压力之下作者的投机心态、作者投稿经验的匮乏、稿件时效性的压力以及网上投稿的便捷与低成本等因素使然。一稿多投会造成编方人力资源的浪费,容易引发一稿多发,挤占宝贵的版面资源,引起版权纠纷,破坏学术诚信,扰乱科研秩序。要从加强制度建设、加大惩罚力度、利用高科技进行防范、健全监督机制、加强学术道德教育、提高编辑效率等方面,把"他律"与"自律"结合起来,惩防并举,标本兼治,多管齐下,齐抓共管,从根本上规范科研活动,根治一稿多投顽症。  相似文献   
英国自都铎王朝后期至斯图亚特早期,立宪君主论或混合君主论者抵制君权神授论,坚持家庭是一个自治的、涉及臣民私人权益的小政府,受到自然法、古代宪法或神圣法的保护。《复仇者悲剧》中公爵王室言行映射詹姆士一世在《皇家礼物》中所宣扬的君权神授论,温迪斯兄弟俩及追随者的复仇隐含当时的政治抵制学说,公爵王室与温迪斯兄弟俩的对立象征君权神授论与普通法理论的对峙。温迪斯兄弟俩却以威胁新君为由被处死,司法斗争简约为复仇冲动,维权英雄陡变为暴徒,暴君化身为明君,这暴露出君权神授论的悖论性和剧作家含混的复仇伦理。  相似文献   
This research note reflects on the gaps and limitations confronting the development of ethical principles regarding the accessibility of large-scale data for civil society organizations (CSOs). Drawing upon a systematic scoping study on the use of data in the United Kingdom (UK) civil society, it finds that there are twin needs to conceptualize accessibility as more than mere availability of data, as well as examine the use of data among CSOs more generally. In order to deal with the apparent “digital divide” in UK civil society – where, despite extensive government rhetoric about data openness, organizations face not only the barriers of limited time, funds, and expertise to harness data but also the lack of representation within existing data – we present a working model in which ethical concerns accompanying data utilization by civil society may be better accounted. This suggests there is a need for further research into the nexus of civil society and data upon which interdisciplinary discussion about the ethical dimensions of engagement with data, particularly informed by insight from the social sciences, can be predicated.  相似文献   
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