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The landscape of political humor and satire is changing rapidly, and it is becoming an increasingly relevant aspect of our culture. Although scholars have been actively trying to capture this change, majority of the existing frameworks for understanding humor and satire in politics still reduce these phenomena to mere genres or rhetoric tools. In addition, they provide insufficient accounts concerning the reception of humor and satire, and neglect to interpret and explain what they communicate. In the article, a general understanding of humor and satire outside of a political context, followed by an overview of studies discussing humor and satire in politics through their applications in social movements, as leadership tools, and through their manifestations in mass media has been presented. Lastly, a cultural sociological perspective to the field has been introduced. It has been argued that approaching humor and satire in politics through a structural hermeneutic method of the Strong Program will enable us to recognize and treat political humor and satire as autonomous and complex cultural systems which carry an internal power to move people.  相似文献   
同史诗或纪传体作品一样 ,现代小说可以视为个人传记的变体。自现代主义以来 ,小说叙事从描写人物 (传主 )的行动或行动着的主体转而关注人物的内心生活 ,在某些“新小说”里内在主体也在丧失。小说叙述形式的变化揭示了个人主体性在现代世界的命运。而对叙事可能性的探索或竭力讲出一个故事来 ,则预示着对个人主体性的修复意图。这是关于叙事形式的社会学探讨  相似文献   
2004年少数民族文学创作有较突出的表现,发展迅速,形势喜人,进一步丰富和繁荣了我国多元一体民族大家庭的文学宝库。其总体发展态势依然强劲,中篇小说创作势头抢眼,长、短篇小说和散文创作呈现平稳发展,诗歌创作保持旺盛势头,文学理论批评仍处于相对滞后状态。  相似文献   
Although ‘doing gender’ has been recently defined as an accomplishment, an element of social practice, this understanding of the concept needs to be extended to coercive action such as subtle workplace discrimination. Even though great effort has been invested in revealing the dynamic of such social practices, the researcher's task is not easy for a variety of reasons. This type of study is difficult to conduct by following traditional research design and many alternative approaches have been tried. This article presents the possibility of using fiction as one possible and relatively unexploited venue of research.  相似文献   
陶渊明是魏晋风度的代表,他的特立独行本身就是对那个特定时代社会的嘲弄和挑战。他的作品坦诚而冷静地记录了他内心的波澜,最大限度地展示了自己的内心矛盾,表现出一种诙谐幽默、戏谑调侃的风格。陶渊明的幽默是柔和的,是含着泪的幽默。  相似文献   
在基督教文化的影响下,不少中国现代作家在小说创作中受到《圣经》文本的濡染,构成了小说创作的罪孽与忏悔、堕落与拯救、受难与皈依等叙事模式。他们在创作中,努力摆脱中国古典小说的伦理教诲传统模式,注重人的外部世界的观照与英雄叙事的传统模式;将对人的处境与出路的思考置予重要的位置,注重于人的内在心灵的袒露与展示、平民百姓人生的关注与描写,使中国现代小说的叙事向现代化迈进了一大步。  相似文献   
晚清的小说出现了前所未有的繁荣,这一繁荣与当时的城市发展市民人口的增长并不同步,而是由梁启超发动的小说界革命所推动的。梁启超的努力适应了当时小说家安身立命的需要,他们自觉响应梁启超,政治小说成为当时小说的核心。梁启超的小说观念适应了士大夫文学观念的需要,他们抛弃了鄙视小说的看法,参与到小说的创作和阅读中来,他们对梁启超的认同,大大扩大了小说的市场,帮助小说繁荣。  相似文献   
王安忆的小说擅长通过象征、暗示等手法表现女性的人生经历及她们的内心困惑、抗争,以突现女性的价值意义。她的小说《叔叔的故事》、《长恨歌》,从女性经验出发,以独特的叙述方式建构着女性话语,呈现出强烈的个性色彩,成功地实现了反男性叙述。  相似文献   
随着后现代文艺思潮的盛行,严肃小说和通俗小说界限的消失,对麦尔维尔的研究也不再囿于传统的束缚.从麦尔维尔作品中采用的通俗小说手法入手,尤其是对其在具体作品中采用的讽刺冒险、哥特、城市暴露和言情等通俗小说模式逐一论述.麦尔维尔在创作中吸纳诸多的通俗手法,不只是为了取悦读者,更多的是为了实现自己的创作理念、形成自己独特的创作风格,从而在更深、更高的层次上实现与读者的心灵沟通.  相似文献   
论林纾翻译小说的爱国动机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国难当头的危机时刻 ,林纾甘做“叫旦之鸡”。他在译著的序、跋中大声呼吁 :国人应放弃中国文学优于西方的民族偏见 ,积极向先进的西方国家学习 ;要多读译作 ,以开阔自己的视野。他希望自己的译作能鼓舞国人的爱国热情 ,奋起抵御外侮 ,以达到救国保种、富国强兵的目的  相似文献   
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