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There has been a global increase in the number of adults who were adopted 1 1 To make the text more readable, we use the term “adult adoptee” rather than our preferred term “people who were adopted.” We prefer the latter term because it does captures our understanding that adoption is a practice and a life experience and not necessarily a permanent fixture of the identities of people who were adopted.
searching for their origins. This trend has promoted the interest of social sciences researchers, as well as carry out the obligations of states to provide specialized services. In this article, we present some results from the first qualitative study that explores the experiences of some Chilean adults who were adopted and searched for their origins in Chile through the National Service of Minor's Search for Origins Program. The narratives of the participants show that, in spite of legislative changes, a series of barriers and contradictions continue to exist, which make it difficult to guarantee the right to know one's origins. The legal and technical frameworks and practices analysed show how difficult it is to dismantle the “clean break” principle. They also highlight the persistence of the image of adoptees as “minors” who need the “protection” of their parents or professionals. We discuss the different challenges to be considered by researchers, practitioners, and policy‐makers involved in adoption policies and practices.  相似文献   
This commentary critiques Betthäuser, Bourne and Bukodi's (2020) paper which finds that cognitive ability does not substantially mediate class of origin effects on educational and occupational outcomes. From these results, they conclude that cognitive ability is only of minor importance for social stratification, reasserting their view of the primacy of class origins for social stratification. The central issue surrounding cognitive ability in social stratification is its effects on socioeconomic attainments vis-à-vis socioeconomic origins, not the extent that cognitive ability mediates classorigin effects. Their analytical strategy of estimating the extent that cognitive ability mediates class origineffects is misleading because: it ignores the only moderate associations of socioeconomic origins with educational and occupational outcomes; the stronger direct effects of cognitive ability; the associations of parents’ ability with their own socioeconomic attainments; and the genetic transmission of cognitive ability and other traits relevant to social stratification from parents to their children.  相似文献   
跨语言爱情隐喻异同的认知理据与哲学文化渊源考辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种思维方式,是对抽象概念认知和表达的强有力的工具和武器。爱情作为一种极其抽象复杂的概念,常常需要借助隐喻机制才能得以最充分的演绎和阐释。在汉英语言中,采用隐喻机制来表达"爱情"的语言形式比比皆是。本文以认知隐喻理论为背景,在大量搜集和整合跨语言爱情隐喻表述的基础上,从共时角度对比汉英语言在爱情概念的异同,尝试性地探索人类思维及文化因素对隐喻生成与阐释的影响,挖掘其背后深层次的认知理据和哲学文化渊源。  相似文献   
近年来德语中出现的成对表达、中性表达以及其他改写形式,均有助于体现语言上的两性平等。要彻底消除语言中的性别歧视,只有从其产生的社会文化根源着手,改变以男性为中心的价值取向和社会心理认同。  相似文献   
西方城市管治研究的产生、理论和进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪 90年代以来 ,世界的经济、政治、社会等诸多方面都发生了深刻的变化。这些变化了导致了西方城市管治及其研究的产生。由于城市管治的研究时间不长 ,因此其概念仍在争论中 ,但基本思想还是明确的。 90年代以后的城市管治研究大致有以下几个特点 :( 1 )城市管治在全球化的背景下研究 ;( 2 )学者们对城市管治的实践进行了总结 ;( 3)理论研究取得了较大进展。在当今的时代背景下 ,中国的城市管治研究也将开始 ,但由于中国的国情 ,不能照搬西方经验。  相似文献   
和谐民族交往要求各民族和睦相处、和衷共济、和谐发展;和谐民族交往的思想渊源是中国传统文化中所蕴藏的"和"、"礼"、"善"等思想。这些思想对于民族交往过程中保持政通人和、实现利益共享、认同传统文化、在社会生活中宽容互纳进而实现和谐民族交往具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
文章论述了茶马古道的由来和研究现状,论述了茶马古道和百越古道的区别,对百越古道的研究进行了回顾和前瞻。  相似文献   
目前,中国特色社会主义的人本化特征,正成为一种伴随着社会主义和谐社会建设而得到全党上下广泛认同的重要社会现象,成为一种富有凝聚、稳定、激励和促进作用的社会发展力量。但是,在我们的现实社会中,还存在着许多背离人本原则的非人本化的具体问题,“以人为本”思想的巨大资源潜力尚未得到更为深刻的认知,尚未有效地转化为干部行为的自觉性。加深以人为本和人本原则教育与实践的任务,还十分浩繁与巨大。因此,贯彻以人为本的理念和要求,是社会主义社会建设的一项重大任务和全党全社会的共同任务。  相似文献   
本文认为以礼说《诗》的因缘、源头在于《诗经》反映周礼的客观实际。《左传》可以证明以礼说《诗》的阐释实践早在孔子之前,孔子的言论不是以礼说《诗》的源头。以礼说《诗》应该遵循实事求是原则。  相似文献   
习语作为一种特殊的语言形式,是人民大众口头上习用的定型词组或短句。它们是相沿已久、约定俗成、具有完整而独特意义的词语。英汉两个民族在长期的劳动中创作了大量的习语,但由于民族文化的不同,使用亦不同。通过比较英汉两个民族在地理环境、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、历史典故等几个方面的文化差异来探讨英汉习语之间的民族文化特点。  相似文献   
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