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摘    要:夏商周三代时期的艺术,以其多方面的辉煌成就,形成中华艺术发展史上第一个古典高峰,为后来艺术的发展确立了基调,奠定了基础.其中,诗乐舞三位一体的"乐舞"艺术和青铜器艺术所取得的成就最为突出.<诗经><楚辞>作为三代语言艺术最重要的收获,成为中国古典文学的不朽经典和范本.建筑、书法、绘画等艺术门类虽然尚未迎来它们各自的最为辉煌的时代,但它们在三代所取得的成就仍十分重要,为其以后走向成熟与高度发展奠定了最初的基石.三代除了上述一些主要艺术门类之外,还存在着其他一些工艺艺术门类,这些工艺门类,大多在原始社会已经存在,在三代时期,又有新的发展.在艺术思想方面,春秋战国时期出现的诸子百家的艺术思想是中国古代艺术思想史上最为灿烂的篇章之一.由孔子开创、由孟子、荀子从不同方面予以充实、发展的儒家艺术思想和以老子、庄子为代表的道家艺术思想,成为中国古代艺术思想的两个根本支柱.

关 键 词:夏商周时期  三代艺术  乐舞青铜  诗经  楚辞  诸子百家艺术思想  中国  三代艺术  光辉  Achievements  Introduction  古代艺术  道家  代表  庄子  老子  儒家  荀子  孟子  孔子  思想史  诸子  战国时期  艺术思想  原始社会  工艺

A Brief Introduction of the Achievements of Arts in Xia, Shang and Zhou
LI Xin-feng.A Brief Introduction of the Achievements of Arts in Xia, Shang and Zhou[J].Journal of Beijing University(Humanities and Social Sciences),2004,2(2):33-37.
Authors:LI Xin-feng
Abstract:The arts of Xia,Shang and Zhou represent the first peak of Chinese classical arts.Its music and dance,bronze ware,the Book of Songs,Songs of Chu etc. are typical of the arts during that period.Also,great achievements were made in architecture,calligraphy,and drawing.Besides,arts of handicrafts attained much progress,as can been seen in the arts of ceramics,jade,lacquerware,silverware,silk weaving etc.One other thing should not be neglected is the foundation of the ancient arts thinking,which was formed in this period too.In a word,the arts in Xia,Shang and Zhou is glorious in history and great in achievements.
Keywords:the Xia  Shang and Zhou Dynasties  arts of the Xia  Shang and Zhou  music and dance  bronze ware  the Book of Songs  Songs of Chu  arts thinking of hundred schools
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