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利用2013年深圳流动儿童调查数据,从学校性质和生命历程视角分析了流动儿童在资本禀赋与社会融合上的差异性,检验了二者的相关性.结果发现:流动儿童的资本禀赋已出现群体分化,公办学校流动儿童在家庭物质资本和人力资本上占优,但民办学校流动儿童在家庭社会资本和学校社会资本上占优,小学段流动儿童的资本禀赋优于初中段.流动儿童的社会融合状况并不乐观,其城市文化融合水平低下,农村文化纽带坚韧;城市人和本地人身份认同度较低,农村人和外地人身份认同度较高,认同模糊问题突出;与流动儿童的社会距离较小,与本地儿童的社会距离更小.总的来说,流动儿童的资本禀赋与社会融合存在复杂的正向相关,拥有资本禀赋越多,社会融合状况越好.  相似文献   

周荣 《社会工作》2009,(6):62-64
本文从三个方面分析制约流动儿童社会融入的因素,一是滞后的社会政策制约着流动儿童的社会融入;二是家庭的经济地位、职业背景对不同类型的流动儿童的社会融合存在明显的影响;三是学校的差别待遇影响不同类型流动儿童的社会认同。  相似文献   

黄春梅  廖欣 《社会福利》2012,(10):41-42
流动儿童和留守儿童是产生流浪未成年人的主要群体.根据各地数据统计显示,有相当大一部分的流浪儿童来自于流动人口家庭和留守家庭.本文所界定的困境儿童就是指这些生活在流动人口家庭和留守家庭,处于流浪边缘的儿童,也称之为流动儿童和留守儿童. 当前,桂林理工大学社会工作专业正尝试与桂林市救助管理站开展进一步合作,运用社会工作的手法,从社区、学校、家庭入手,对流动儿童和留守儿童展开源头预防工作.  相似文献   

田恬 《社会工作》2008,(4):55-57
以生态系统理论为基础,采用质性研究方法,基于对北京华奥打工子弟学校学生的16例个案访谈,揭示了部分北京流动儿童对北京的评价和看法,以及相应的外部影响因素。研究发现流动儿童对于北京的评价整体上是积极的,影响此评价的微观因素包括同伴、家庭、学校等方面,而这些根源于宏观环境。为改善流动儿童的生活和受教育状况,从学校社会工作角度提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文对甘肃省的176名农村留守儿童进行问卷调查,分析农村留守儿童的情感需求,研究表明,农村留守儿童的情感需求主要有:安全感的需求、亲情的需求、与同辈群体平等交往的需求、表扬和鼓励的需求、自主成长的需求等,解决农村留守儿童的情感需求问题需要加强亲子互动,发挥家庭的支持作用;加强学校的建设,发挥学校教育的重要作用;吸纳社会力量,构建留守儿童的社会支持网络。  相似文献   

残疾儿童、家庭贫困儿童、家庭监护缺失及监护不当儿童构成困境儿童群体。当前,我国困境儿童的发展权在从法律权利向现实权利转变的过程中遇到了"保障性"障碍,儿童福利制度的不完善突显出来。与成人群体社会福利目标主要体现为生存权的保障不同,儿童社会福利救助是与其发展权积极相关的,对于儿童而言,发展权是建立在生存权基础之上的,由受教育权和参与权保障的基本权利。加强困境儿童社会保障工作,完善困境儿童的社会救助体系是当前实现困境儿童权益保护的现实路径。  相似文献   

朝鲜族是黑龙江省的世居民族。随着改革开放和城市化进程的日益加快,朝鲜族的人口流动越来越频繁,随之大量出现留守家庭及留守儿童现象。通过黑龙江省牡丹江地区和哈尔滨地区16所朝鲜族中小学的实地调查表明,留守儿童现象已成为朝鲜族社会发展和文化变迁中不可回避的现实问题,而产生的原因主要为父母在外打工和传统家庭观念的改变等两个方面。因此,从学校层面要建立多渠道、多方位的留守儿童关爱教育体系,积极发挥学校教育的主导作用;从家庭层面要树立正确的家庭教育理念,注重父母和家庭成员的言传身教、严爱相济;从社会层面要积极整合各界力量和资源,为留守儿童提供更为人性化的关心和帮助。只有学校、家庭、社会三方面的密切合作,才能尽量减少留守儿童的数量,进一步推进朝鲜族基础教育的特色化办学途径,使学校教育真正成为承继民族传统文化的重要阵地。  相似文献   

北京农村流动人口精英阶层的社会网络、社会流动及社会融合的交互影响关系中,我们选取微观层面的个人日常生活轨迹和交往圈层分析社会融合问题.研究发现,社会流动会在很大程度上重构流动者的关系网络,提升其网络质量,但是这种提升是有限度的.他们的社会融合更多的是与同类群体的同化过程,其经济成功并没有促使他们融入城市群体.虽然不被当地人接纳,但数量庞大的同类群体的存在,为他们适应城市生活提供了强有力的支持.  相似文献   

《儿童家庭寄养管理办法》调研总报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 引言 我国现代意义上的孤残儿童家庭寄养始自上个世纪90年代初期,北京、安徽、上海、山西、云南、吉林、四川等地逐步开展了家庭寄养,迄今已有10余年,家庭寄养这种新的安置模式已经得到广泛的认可。特别是2000年,各地民政部门按照全国社会福利社会化会议的精神,结合本地实际,大力推动家庭寄养工作,全国的家庭寄养工作已经得到迅速发展。为了保证家庭寄养工作的顺利开展,各地行政部门或儿童福利机  相似文献   

本文主要依据本人在济南唐王镇Z村家庭寄养基地的长期志愿服务,以及于2009年月7月对济南Z村家庭寄养基地调查的资料,从社会工作专业的角度探讨了农村家庭寄养模式中孤残儿童社会适应行为效果以及给儿童身心发展带来的影响。研究发现:农村淳朴、自然、温馨的寄养环境、富有爱心的家庭氛围对孤残儿童生活中的生活自理能力、劳动技能、心理健康发展都有着积极的意义,同时农村的环境也促使其社会适应能力、交往能力等普遍加强,并在寄养过程中使他们找回了曾经缺失的亲情和社会归属感。  相似文献   

Fifth grade children (N = 346) identified school friends and reported on levels of conflict in relationships with these friends as well as perceived stress in relationships with teachers. Teachers and children provided ratings of problem behaviors at school, and children reported on their own perceptions of stress at school. Both less conflictual school friendships and less stressful relationships with teachers were linked with fewer feelings of stress and lower levels of problem problems at school. For the problem behaviors outcome, having more positive relationships with one set of others (teachers or friends) buffered children from experiencing negative consequences of poor relationships with the other set of individuals. The interaction effect involving friendship conflicts and stressful teacher interactions in relation to school stress was more complicated, differing for boys versus girls.  相似文献   

This investigation focused on the friendship concepts of pre‐school‐aged children. Eighty‐four 3‐ to 5‐year‐old children responded to questions about social provisions, or benefits of relationships, available from reciprocal friends (both children in a pair nominate each other as friends), unilateral friends (one child nominates the other), non‐friends (neither child of a pair nominates the other), and imaginary friends (for those who had them). Results indicated that reciprocal and imaginary friends were the best sources of social provisions, followed by unilateral friends and non‐friends. Major implications are that children draw distinctions between reciprocal and unilateral friends based on the levels of social provisions available in these relationships, and that relationship schemas underlying relationships with imaginary companions may be akin to those for reciprocal friends. Children's friendship schemata may also differ by gender, as girls discriminated more than boys between reciprocal and unilateral friends for the social provision of companionship.  相似文献   

农民工子弟学校是城市化流动加速背景下产生的特殊教育机构。学校社会工作介入农民工子弟学校不仅对于农民工子弟学校,而且对于拓展社会工作都具有重要的现实意义。其具体价值体现为:优化心理素质,促进学生正常心理的健康发展;增强学生对城市的认同感,促进其亲社会行为的发展;密切联系家庭,改善家庭教育效果;提高学生的学习动机与学习积极性;影响教师的教育理念,加强教师与学生的沟通;实现教育公平、构建和谐社会;促进社会工作的社会认可度。  相似文献   

We examined the influences of developing gender segregation on children's friendship maintenance in a longitudinal sample of 40 (17 girls) children who began their peer group experiences as infants. Friendships were behaviorally identified and social interaction was observed and rated six times between average age 16.3 months and average age 49.1 months. The proportion of cross-gender friendships increased with age only when children formed friendships outside of the core group of peers with whom they had begun infant care. Girl-girl and cross-gender friendships were more likely to be maintained than boy-boy friendships. Cross-gender friends tended to be similar in gregariousness in both toddler and preschool periods, similar in hostile aggression as toddlers, and similar in withdrawn behavior as preschoolers. Same-gender friends were not similar in social interaction style. Social skill similarity was generally more important as a basis for friendship in the toddler periods than in the preschool periods. However, cross-gender friends tended to be similar in social skills throughout both the toddler and preschool periods.  相似文献   

Majority‐race (black or white) 1 elementary school children with and without a minority friend (black or white) in their classroom were compared on measures of social, behavioral, and affective characteristics. Analyses focused on 260 4th through 6th grade students who were racial majorities in their classrooms and had at least one reciprocated friendship in the classroom‐based peer group. Overall, the results were consistent with the scenario that majority children with minority friends are high status, prosocial, and socially satisfied members of the peer group, compared to majority children without a cross‐race friendship, although race and gender differences were observed. In contrast, class‐level characteristics (e.g. class size, the proportion of participating children in each classroom of the majority race, and the number of minority‐race children in the classroom) were not predictive of whether a majority child had a cross‐race friendship or not. Implications for the current status of black– white relations among our youth were discussed.  相似文献   

Investigations of peer collaboration often vary task or social aspects of collaborative contexts and assume that these aspects of the context are experienced similarly by individuals. The present study examined how social aspects (group friendship and gender) of a peer collaborative context related to differences in adolescents' interpretations of task and social problems that occurred while collaborating with peers in a naturalistic classroom setting. Eighth-grade adolescents ( N = 82, 44 females) worked with peers on a six-week Spanish project at school. Adolescents chose to work primarily with same-gender peers and friends. Task and social interpretations of problems were assessed twice. The salience of task problems decreased over time; social problems became somewhat more salient. Social problems were less salient to females than to males. Greater group friendship was associated with the lesser salience of task problems early in the project. The salience of social problems, gender, and friendship were important for understanding performance on the project. The value of considering the context of peer collaborative problem solving from individuals' perspectives is discussed.  相似文献   

《Social Development》2018,27(2):293-307
Friendships have the potential to perpetuate or mitigate youth's aggressive behavior. We investigated concurrent and longitudinal effects of friendships on aggression by examining both structural (size and interconnectedness of the local friendship network) and behavioral (friends' aggression) friendship features. Participants were 868 sixth to eighth grade middle‐school students (M = 12.10 years; 49.9% girls; 44% Latina/o) who completed questionnaires at two time points. Participants nominated their friends; reciprocal friendship nominations were used to calculate structural friendship group features (size and interconnectedness). Peer nominations were also used to measure youth's and their friends' aggression. Having more reciprocal friends was associated with more aggression concurrently (particularly for youth whose friends were highly aggressive), and having an interconnected friendship group was associated with decreased aggression over time. Given that findings were different for group size and interconnectedness, we discuss the unique importance of each of these structural friendship features. Practical implications regarding the potential to decrease aggressive behavior based on specific friendship features are also discussed.  相似文献   

Having cross-ethnic friends in early adolescence is associated with more positive intergroup attitudes, but little is known about the social signaling function of the diversity of friends. The current study examined how the ethnic diversity of students’ friends in seventh grade is related to their social status (e.g., acceptance, rejection, and social impact) by eighth grade in multi-ethnic schools. It is hypothesized that friend diversity is (a) related to higher social status among ethnic out-group peers as it signals inclusiveness, but (b) related to lower in-group social status as diversity of friends may threaten the ethnic in-group. Utilizing a longitudinal sample of ethnically diverse youth (n = 4653) from 26 middle schools, the study capitalizes on outgoing friendship nominations in seventh grade and incoming acceptance and rejection nominations in eighth grade, while controlling for overall social status in grade seven. A novel index was used to calculate the diversity of youth's friend groups, and precise coding was done to retain biracial youth in the analytic sample. Results showed that having diverse friends was related to higher visibility (i.e., social impact) and greater acceptance from ethnic out-group members. In contrast, adolescents with diverse friend groups were less visible and less accepted by their in-group. Diversity of friends was not associated with out-group or in-group rejection. Findings highlight the importance of understanding how the composition of friend groups may signal intergroup attitudes and in-group solidarity in ways that have social status trade-offs among out- and in-group members.  相似文献   

赵芳 《社会工作》2012,(11):14-18
人类有潜能帮助其自动地调适以寻求与环境的平衡,但人类的天赋与环境资源供给的相互作用才是增进人类适应的最终因素。流动儿童在与环境的互动中,资源供给欠缺,影响其适应。为了回应流动儿童的需求,需要从环境层面输入资源,培养其积极的自我认知与情绪体验,帮助其适应以寻求与环境的平衡。由于城乡间的差异给流动儿童带来的不适应、断裂及社会排斥,持续性的多系统整合介入是帮助流动儿童适应的重要因素。  相似文献   

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