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组织对团队信任及相关影响因素的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文构建并分析了一个关于组织影响要素、团队可信任度构成要素及团队信任水平间关系的概念模型。本文的研究认为,团队的可信任度主要由个人特征和团队特征两部分构成,而且组织对于团队的信任并不是一个被动的过程,组织通过愿景共享、使命明确、资源配置和机制保障等手段可以直接影响到团队可信任度的构成要素,进而间接地影响团队信任水平。  相似文献   

国内外关于组织信任、知识共享和组织绩效的研究取得了许多有价值的成果。但是,已有研究也存在一些问题。主要表现在:关于组织内信任的研究关注更多的是组织内的人际信任,而对组织内的系统信任的研究较少;关于组织内部信任与组织绩效二者关系的实证研究相对较少,能否直接在组织内部信任、知识共享和组织绩效三者之间建立联系也尚未得出明确结论。  相似文献   

从动态视角对组织成员情感与创新能力关系进行研究,探究动态情感作用于创新能力的机制,可以为组织成员创新能力提升和组织绩效发展提供有益借鉴。动态情感主要表现为情感反转,并通过内驱动力对组织成员创新行为产生影响,在这个过程中,情感延迟、个体特征、情感特征、情景因素等作为变量起着促进或阻碍的作用。基于此,领导者应提升其情感管理能力,促进组织成员积极情感形成,进而促进其创新能力发展。  相似文献   

正民无信不立,国无信不强。建立和谐的信任关系既是组织内形成无可复制的核心竞争力的重要支撑,也是降低管理运行成本、提高管理绩效的需要,更是领导者的重要管理素养和领导力的体现。领导者在组织内构建和谐信任机制的方略主要包括宏观、微观两个层面,不同层面涉及不同的方式方法和构建艺术。宏观层面着眼于组织整体的信任关系构建,重点是建设制度信任和系统信任;微观层面则着眼于领导者和下属个体方面信任关系的构建,重点是通过自身建设和良性互动,建  相似文献   

中国企业渠道联盟关系影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渠道联盟被认为是渠道关系中最高、最好的形式。学术界对渠道联盟关系影响因素的研究主要集中在承诺、信任、沟通与合作等方面。本文实证研究了影响中国企业渠道联盟关系的若干因素及其影响程度,特别是探讨了私人关系和行政因素等的影响程度。  相似文献   

本研究以"信任"和"组织之间信任"为切入点,探讨了非营利组织与政府部门之间信任关系类型、相互信任影响因素、信任的产生机制和信任关系形成的模型建构。文章同时具体分析了组织声誉、组织能力、交往经验、沟通与协调、价值目标、资源控制性、可选择性、开放性、第三方权威制约、紧迫性压力、制度公正与正义性、制度完备与有效性因素,对关系型信任、计算型信任、制度型信任和被动压力型信任的影响,最后提出增强政府部门与非营利组织之间相互信任的策略与建议。  相似文献   

本文在资源基础理论拓展分析基础上,研究渠道伙伴之间双边专用性投资对合作创新绩效的影响.通过对国内340家制造商相关数据的实证分析,结果表明,双边专用性投资有利于合作双方正式契约的实施和关系信任的形成.同时,正式契约和关系信任与彼此之间的关系学习呈正相关关系,进而促进了合作创新绩效.另外,关系信任本身也促进了合作创新绩效.但是,正式契约与合作创新绩效之间的关系不是十分明显,必须通过关系学习这一中介变量才能对合作创新绩效产生影响.而且,与正式契约相比,中国企业应更加看重与合作伙伴关系信任的发展.本文的结论对于发展在中国情境下营销渠道的合作具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

沟通技术和时间因素对虚拟团队过程影响实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以学生为实验对象,进行由48个3人组参与的2×2因子实验,对不同技术条件和团队发展阶段下的虚拟团队进行模拟.通过时实验对象的问卷调查,收集贫瘠和丰富沟通技术条件下虚拟团队在早期阶段和后期阶段的信任水平、冲突水平和绩效水平数据,并以此分析两类沟通技术在虚拟团队发展的不同阶段对团队内冲突和信任水平的影响以及虚拟团队过程中信任的调节作用和绩效的反馈作用.研究结果表明,在虚拟团队发展的早期阶段,丰富度高的沟通技术会引发更多的关系冲突,不利于团队信任的建立,并且在促使成员积极讨论任务方面的优势并不明显;在虚拟团队发展的后期阶段,团队中的信任和冲突水平受到前期绩效的反馈作用和技术变更的影响,早期绩效对后期团队内冲突和信任具有显著的反馈作用,技术变更带来关系冲突水平的增加,而沟通技术在后期阶段将不再是影响团队内信任和冲突的主要因素;信任的调节作用在虚拟情境下得到验证.  相似文献   

张旭  樊耘  颜静 《管理学报》2013,(8):1144-1154
以整合基本心理需求满意度的承诺形成过程模型作为分析中西文化背景对组织承诺形成路径敏感性影响的平台,通过在哲学和伦理学等方面对自主性、责任感和奉献的理论溯源与比较,研究得出在西方文化背景下,组织承诺的敏感性形成路径:显著性、控制→自主需求和胜任需求满意度→组织承诺;在中国文化背景下,组织承诺的敏感性形成路径:情感、信任→关系需求满意度→组织承诺。  相似文献   

杨东涛 《管理学报》2014,(4):533-540
通过问卷调查343位被试,从工作需求-资源模型的视角,探讨了诚信型领导对员工态度和行为影响的中介机制及情景因素,包括信任氛围感知、工作投入、组织承诺和个体主义。研究发现,诚信型领导对员工工作投入和组织承诺均有显著正向影响;诚信型领导通过信任氛围感知的中介作用影响员工工作投入及组织承诺;个体主义对信任氛围感知与员工工作投入、组织承诺之间的关系具有调节作用,员工的个体主义越高,信任氛围感知对员工工作投入、组织承诺的积极影响越小。  相似文献   

消费者品牌信任机制建立及影响因素的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
诚信危机是现代企业面临的严峻问题,而营销领域关于消费者对品牌信任建立的理论与实证研究还很匮乏。笔者在访谈和文献基础上,将相关领域的机制性研究与前因性研究两种方法相结合,提出了消费者品牌信任建立的三种机制(经验机制、计算机制和转移机制),并探查出能够反映每种机制的五个变量(感知质量、顾客满意、感知风险、经济价值和品牌声誉)。通过在化妆品行业收集的数据,使用结构方程模型分析,结果表明,经验机制和计算机制对建立品牌信任起作用,其中经验机制的作用最大。  相似文献   


The digital technologies such as Internet play a crucial role in the management of operations of organisations in both public and private sectors. Such technologies support the implementation of effective digital business strategies. By reviewing the extant literature, this paper aims to identify factors that influence the intention to use digital technologies in order to develop a theoretical model which is then tested empirically using the PLS-SEM approach. While many studies have focused solely on the importance of social influence, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, awareness, perceived trust in technology, perceived trust in government, perceived cost and perceived risk, this article brings them together to explain their linkage, and quantifies the relationship. This study is the first empirical attempt to explore the factors influence e-government services adoption in the UAE. Most specifically, this article emphasises the role of social influence, perceived ease to use and perceived trust in technology as the important determinants of the intention to digital technology adoption. The paper expands the traditional discussion by incorporating six variables in a model that acts as facilitator or barrier in the intention to use digital technologies. This article helps practitioners to understand of which factors should be given emphasis in enhancing the intention to use digital technologies. The model developed in this paper is not only a response to the need to understand what causes the variation in the intention to use digital technologies from the operation management perspective, it is also a response to practitioner needs to use an appropriate construct to ensure the effective operation and use of the digital technologies in e-government services. The paper will help to identify the key issues surrounding the digital technologies adoption that may lead the successful operations of e-government.  相似文献   

Yutaka Tanaka 《Risk analysis》2004,24(6):1575-1583
The purpose of this study was to verify the validity of a causal model that was made to predict the acceptance of gene-recombination technology. A structural equation model was used as a causal model. First of all, based on preceding studies, the factors of perceived risk, perceived benefit, and trust were set up as important psychological factors determining acceptance of gene-recombination technology in the structural equation model. An additional factor, "sense of bioethics," which I consider to be important for acceptance of biotechnology, was added to the model. Based on previous studies, trust was set up to have an indirect influence on the acceptance of gene-recombination technology through perceived risk and perceived benefit in the model. Participants were 231 undergraduate students in Japan who answered a questionnaire with a 5-point bipolar scale. The results indicated that the proposed model fits the data well, and showed that acceptance of gene-recombination technology is explained largely by four factors, that is, perceived risk, perceived benefit, trust, and sense of bioethics, whether the technology is applied to plants, animals, or human beings. However, the relative importance of the four factors was found to vary depending on whether the gene-recombination technology was applied to plants, animals, or human beings. Specifically, the factor of sense of bioethics is the most important factor in acceptance of plant gene-recombination technology and animal gene-recombination technology, and the factors of trust and perceived risk are the most important factors in acceptance of human being gene-recombination technology.  相似文献   

基于顾客感知价值的服务企业竞争力探析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
随着服务业在社会经济发展中的地位日益突出,服务企业竞争力问题开始引起学术界关注。本文将顾客感知价值嵌入传统的企业战略研究范式之中,阐述了顾客感知价值与企业竞争力的关系;在剖析了顾客感知价值概念及其决定因素的基础上,结合服务的基本特性提出了通过改善顾客感知价值提升服务企业竞争力的策略。  相似文献   

Drawing upon both heuristic‐ and threat‐based approaches, we sought to examine whether perceived similarity with injury‐prone people and perceived control over injury occurrence would directly contribute to perceived risk and whether these variables would mediate the previous injury–perceived risk relationship. Judokas (n = 207) reported the number of injuries experienced in the past year and then completed measures of perceived similarity, perceived control, and injury risk perception. Analyses revealed that perceived similarity and perceived control directly contributed to perceived risk of injury; only perceived similarity acted as a partial mediator of the injury–perceived risk relationship. These findings are discussed in relation to the potential influence of the sport context, which universally involves the acceptance of a high risk of injury.  相似文献   

Politics in the workplace is a reality of organizational life. Several studies have investigated the negative implications of perceived organizational politics on various work attitudes and performance measures but not on proactive performance. However, proactive performance is important in a sales context because salespeople operate in an uncertain environment, and some task aspects cannot be formalized. Moreover, there is still a need for research to analyse the psychological mechanisms that lead perceived organizational politics to cause negative reactions from employees as well as to provide new insights on the boundary conditions of this process. Therefore, we examine the effect of perceived organizational politics on proactive performance through a salesperson's trust in the sales manager, as well as the moderating role of the salesperson's experience.This study uses dyadic data from 192 salespeople and their sales managers from a range of industries. The model entails a moderated mediation process. Results support the proposed model. The findings contribute to the salesforce management literature by suggesting the need to consider the importance of perceived organizational politics and by aiding in the understanding of how and when it hinders proactive performance.  相似文献   

商店形象对自有品牌信任及购买意愿影响的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
零售商自有品牌是零售企业增强竞争优势的重要途径,是零售企业新的利润源泉。然而在我国,消费者对自有品牌的不了解阻碍了其对自有品牌的信任程度及购买意愿,零售商对商店形象等重要因素影响自有品牌信任及购买意愿的理解非常有限。国内对商店形象与自有品牌信任及购买意愿的关系没有进行深入探讨。这些直接制约了我国零售商自有品牌的发展。在系统梳理国内外相关研究文献和对零售行业专家和熟悉自有品牌的消费者进行深度访谈的基础上,构建了商店形象对自有品牌信任及购买意愿的影响模型,通过商场拦截和因特网访谈的形式发放问卷,运用多种方法进行实证检验。研究结果发现:商店功能形象对商店情感形象有显著的正向影响;商店形象可通过感知风险间接影响品牌信任,从而影响购买意愿;商店功能形象可直接影响品牌信任,从而影响购买意愿;感知质量差异可调节感知风险与品牌信任的关系;个人特殊信任倾向不能调节感知风险与品牌信任的关系。据此,结合我国零售商自有品牌发展的实际问题,本文提出了相应的对策性建议。  相似文献   

网络商店的在线口碑传播:信任的中介及性别的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文通过研究消费者关于网络商店商品价值和商业政策的感知对其信任及在线口碑传播的影响,并以信任-承诺理论为基础,探讨消费者的信任在感知价值、商业政策与在线口碑传播之间的中介作用。另外还探讨了不同性别消费者的信任对在线口碑传播影响的差异。实证研究结果表明,感知价值、商业政策有助于提升消费者对网络商店的信任,从而形成在线口碑传播,而信任在感知价值、商业政策与在线口碑之间起着完全中介作用。结果还显示性别对于信任与在线口碑传播之间关系的调节作用,男性消费者的信任对其在线口碑传播比女性具有更强的影响。  相似文献   

Laypeople''s and Experts'' Perception of Nanotechnology Hazards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Public perception of nanotechnology may influence the realization of technological advances. Laypeople's (N=375) and experts' (N=46) perception of 20 different nanotechnology applications and three nonnanotechnology applications were examined. The psychometric paradigm was utilized and applications were described in short scenarios. Results showed that laypeople and experts assessed asbestos as much more risky than nanotechnology applications. Analyses of aggregated data suggested that perceived dreadfulness of applications and trust in governmental agencies are important factors in determining perceived risks. Similar results were observed for experts and laypeople, but the latter perceived greater risks than the former. Analyses of individual data showed that trust, perceived benefits, and general attitudes toward technology influenced the perceived risk of laypeople. In the expert sample, confidence in governmental agencies was an important predictor of risks associated with nanotechnology applications. Results suggest that public concerns about nanotechnology would diminish if measures were taken to enhance laypeople's trust in governmental agencies.  相似文献   

Security researchers agree that security control is a difficult to observe credence quality of online services that Internet users cannot easily assess through research or experience. Yet there is evidence that users form perceptions of security control that strongly determine how much trust they put in online services. This study investigates whether users’ security control perceptions arise solely from their predispositions or whether online service providers can influence them. The study also examines whether these seemingly undependable perceptions of security control lead to trust or whether more traditional factors might offer a better explanation of trust under security risks. To address these issues, this study proposes a new theory of security assurance that integrates the frameworks of trust and quality signals. The results show that rather than being guided by predispositions, users appear to mainly assess security control based on indirect cues controlled by service providers. Importantly, Internet users do not treat the credence quality of security the same way they treat qualities that can be understood through search and experience. Although returning users develop security control perceptions and trust from the usual heuristics of ongoing relationships, they also continue to evaluate market information about service providers like they do in new relationships. The proposed model offers a new perspective of how users respond to the uncertain and technically challenging qualities prevalent in online services.  相似文献   

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