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在中南半岛的泰国北部清迈、清莱等府 (省 ) ,生活着来自中国云南近万人口的回族穆斯林侨胞 ,当地泰族用北部泰语将他们称之为“秦霍人”。作为中国回族在东南亚地区的一个派生族群 ,他们是明末清初以后 ,云南回族长期从事跨国长途马邦商贸活动、清末杜文秀领导的回民反清起义失败后的逃难、抗日战争和 1 949年新中国成立、土地改革等历史过程中形成的一个特殊群体。该族群至少已存在了 2 0 0年以上 ,至今仍保持着鲜明的云南回族穆斯林传统的宗教属性、风俗习惯、文化传统和汉语方言。笔者根据今夏亲临其地的田野调查资料 ,对该族群的移民简史、路线、原因、现状作了扼要介绍 ,是国内对该族群的一篇报告 ,是中国回族学研究的一个新领域  相似文献   

泰国苗族的习俗概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗族泰人叫为“苗”(Miao, Meau),在泰国由两个分支即白苗(Hmong Deau)和青苗(Mong Njua)。他们是苗族的两个支系,大多数仍继续住在中国。Hmong发音时鼻孔有轻微的退气声,青苗方言的m没有清化音。苗语属汉藏浯系的苗瑶语言。它有很多汉语云南话、老挝语和泰语的借词。很多苗族学会其他语言,如:汉语云南话、北部泰语、克钦语等。白苗和青苗的方言明显不同,尽管某些词语被认为他们能互相理解。他们的衣服样式相似被认为是相同的民族。  相似文献   

越南语属于南亚语系越芒语族越语支,在以越南为主的中南半岛东部沿海地区应用十分广泛。相比其他语言,越南语的一个突出特点,在于大量继承了汉语中的词汇,其中所使用的表记文字,以汉字和越南京族所使用的字喃为主。同时,越南语发音近似于汉语中隋唐至宋朝时期的中古音。深入研究现代汉语对越南语语音的影响,对加强越南语研究具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

“那”文化圈论   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
本文认为,在华南及东南亚地区广泛分布着冠以“那”(壮语:水田)字的地名,形成一种独特的文化现象,称之为“那”文化,“那”地名分布的范围,称为“那”文化圈。在“那”文化圈中生活的主要是操壮侗语族语言的族群,包括中国的壮、布依、傣、侗、水、仫佬、毛南、黎,泰国的泰,老挝的老,越南的岱、侬,缅甸的掸等民族以及印度阿萨姆邦的阿含人。他们的主要文化特征是:语言同源,以稻作为主以及在此基础上形成的以“那”(稻作)为本的传统生活模式,使用双肩石器,制造和使用铜鼓等。文章还论述了“那”文化圈族群及其文化与汉文化及印度化的关系,“那”文化圈研究对认识中华民族多元一体文化的意义。  相似文献   

根呷翁姆 《民族学刊》2016,7(2):14-20,95-97
道孚藏族是康巴藏族的族群之一.在同各个兄弟民族的语言文化接触过程中,道孚藏族也不可避免地受到了语言接触的影响,特别是近年来呈现出由“母语道孚语”到“母语—汉语”的双语文化发展趋势.本文主要通过对道孚县域内道孚藏族的母语道孚语与汉语语言接触的类型模式、接触历程、不同区域语言使用情况等因素入手,多角度、多方位地探讨和分析了道孚藏族双语文化现象的成因、特点及其调适等现实问题.力求通过这—特殊文化现象揭示出康巴藏区双语文化现象的特征和发展规律.  相似文献   

苗人苗人自称“赫蒙”人或“蒙”人。这个族体与瑶族一样同属南泰语系苗瑶语族。苗人是分布最广的少数民族之一,散居在中国南方的贵州、湖南、四川、广西和云南等省。在越南,老挝和泰国的北部也分布着一些苗族社团。在缅甸只有很少一部分苗人。泰国苗人1986年的人口数约为80082,仅次于人数最多的克伦人,占全国山民总数的15.10%。苗人聚居在以下13个府:清迈、清莱、难府、帕府、达府、南邦、碧瑶、碧差汉、甘烹碧、夜丰颂、素可泰、彭世洛和黎。  相似文献   

用歌写诗的童年我是台湾东部的卑南人。在目前台湾当局认定的原住民12族群总共42万多人当中,卑南算是一个比较小的族群,人口不到一万人。从小我就有很深的民族危机感,总觉得孤独且苍凉。我1953年出生,父母亲除了卑南语外只会讲日语,父亲还写得一手好书法。亲族当中有3人参加过高砂义勇队,到南洋打仗,都幸运生还。我们6位兄弟姊妹,3位出生在战前。我的祖父母和他们的姊妹,虽然没正式上过小学,不知什么缘故,日文却都能听、说、写。我的表舅从台南师范学校毕业,当过小学校长。战后因为不会说“国语”(汉语),被迫退休。晚年,他成了天主教徒,用片…  相似文献   

由于与外界的交流,对于平日里不讲汉语的少数民族群体来说,他们有着属于自己的语言,而这些语言不得不被淹没在汉语的大环境中.因此,对于少数民族来说,他们的日常语言在受来自国外和国内的影响而改变.这种改变已经上升为问题,必须通过长期的规划予以解决。  相似文献   

“蔡孜德裕(khre tse sde bzhi四寨子)”是热贡藏区的一个边缘群体,被当地藏人称之为“铎日铎(dor do)”或“霍日(hor)”.“蔡孜德裕”人除讲藏语外,对内还讲两种不同语系的语言,其中三个村庄讲的是阿尔泰语系蒙古语族的语言,桑格雄(吾屯)讲的是一种汉藏混合的语言,操双语者.民族识别时把来源不一、语言相异的“蔡孜德裕(四个寨子)”统一认定为“土族”.问题也随着而来,很多人并不认同这样一种被赋予的身份,从而出现了一系列身份诉求与历史、文化重构现象.本文采用人类学的理论与方法,在系统、全面梳理“蔡孜德裕”的民族识别过程的基础上,结合个人访谈,对其身份的选择与认同过程作一纵向描述与分析,为汉藏边界族群认同研究提供一个田野个案.  相似文献   

裕固族现有人口为10569人(1982年统计).他们自称“尧乎尔”(Yogur),使用三种语言:西部裕固语(属突厥语族,与维、哈语关系密切);东部裕固语(属蒙古语族,与蒙古语、东方语关系密切);汉语.没有文字.主要聚居在甘肃省酒泉南部之裕固族自治县内.境内还居住有藏、蒙、回、汉、土等族人民.自治县为牧业县,牧草丰美,水源充足.地处河西走廊祁连山北麓中段.平均海拔3000公尺以上,山峦连绵,群峰巍峨,积雪终年.本地气候较干燥,降水量少而集中,气温很低.  相似文献   

本文立足于对甘宁青近代皮毛贸易发展历程的前期研究,从时代环境和国内外市场需求、区域政治环境和贸易政策及民族和交通状况三方面剖析了影响其发展的主要因素,进而对皮毛贸易发展中所表现出的特点作了较为细致的阐述。  相似文献   

This article argues that both global and national power differences play a crucial role in shaping local imaginaries of international migration among youths in two Cameroonian cities—Bamenda and Yaoundé. While Yaoundé is the national capital, Bamenda is the headquarters of the Anglophone north-west, an area generally opposed to the ruling regime and claiming historical as well as contemporary political marginalisation. Physical mobility has long been associated with social mobility and viewed rather positively. In both areas more critical perspectives on international migration are emerging. This is reflected in differences in envisioned destinations as well as in terminologies and concepts. Thus, in Yaoundé ‘the dangers of illegal migration’ have become the topic of the day—a theme publicised by international organisations in collaboration with local NGOs. Conversely, youths in Bamenda consciously compare their conceptualisations of the advantages and disadvantages of life abroad on the basis of imparted experiences of migrant family members and friends. These discourses influence not only youths' perception of different forms of migrancy but also their assessment of their future in Cameroon. International migration is thus viewed in a broad discursive spectrum from virtue to vice, and perceptions are shaped by regional, national and international political discourse.  相似文献   


This paper examines nurse migration from India and the Philippines through the lens of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) 4.3 (access to training), 10.7 (orderly and responsible migration) and 3.c (retention of health workers). The international migration of health workers has increasingly featured on the agenda of global health agencies. Ameliorating the negative impact of international nurse emigration from low-income nations has been addressed by several western governments with the adoption of ethical recruitment guidelines, one element of an orderly migration framework. One of the challenges in creating such guidelines is to understand how the emigration of trained nurses influences health education and clinical training systems within nurse exporting nations such as India and the Philippines, and how these relate to various SDGs. This paper maps the connections between India’s and the Philippines’ increasing role in the provision of nurses for international markets and the SDGs related to training and migration governance and the retention of health workers. The paper calls for greater attention to the global structuring of migrant mobility in order to assess national abilities to meet SDG goals in these areas.  相似文献   


Recent refugee flows across the Mediterranean have been heterogeneous despite often being represented as predominantly male. However, there exist relatively little disaggregated data for adults and children which would enable us to achieve a better understanding of gendered mobilities in refugee journeys and settlement. Furthermore, such mobilities are affected by notions of vulnerability applied to those in need of protection, which prioritise the mobility of some categories. These include single parents, pregnant women, the elderly and unaccompanied minors. Drawing on data collected by international organisations and national sources (Greece, Italy) as well as a project EVI-MED (Constructing an evidence base of contemporary Mediterranean migration) (2015–2107), this article argues for the need to generate more disaggregated data (gender, age, family status) reflecting complex gendered mobilities and experiences of vulnerability.  相似文献   


Of late there has been considerable interest in understanding international student mobility, and this has tended to focus on the perspective of the students who take part in this mobility. However, international students are part of a considerable migration industry comprised of international student recruitment teams, international education agents and other institutions selling an education overseas (such as the British Council in a UK context) and as yet there is little research which analyses these relationships. This paper investigates a series of interviews with international office staff to examine the methods they use to recruit international students, and in particular the relationship that they have with international education agents who work with them on a commission basis. It focuses on recent changes to the UK visa system which have led to a decline in the numbers of Indian students choosing to study towards a UK higher education. However, it also reveals that some universities have managed to avoid this trend. This paper investigates why this is the case, demonstrating that there is a need to think about the intersections between migration industries, visa regulations and international student mobility.  相似文献   


Following post-EU-accession migration, Poles currently form the largest group of foreign nationals in Norway and the second largest group of foreign born residents in the United Kingdom. Given the considerable volume of new arrivals, there is a growing literature on Polish migration to both countries; however, there is little comparative research on Polish migration across different European settings. By exploring how Polish migrants reflect on the possibilities of settlement or return, this paper comparatively examines the effects that permanent and ‘normalised’ mobility has on Polish migrants’ self-perception as citizens in four different cities. In addition to classic citizenship studies, which highlight the influence of a nation-state based institutionalised citizenship regime, we find that transnational exchanges, local provisions and inter-personal relationships shape Polish migrants’ practices of citizenship. The resulting understanding of integration is processual and sees integration as constituted by negotiated transnational balancing acts that respond to (and sometimes contradict) cultural, economic and political demands and commitments. The research is based on semi-structured interviews and focus groups with a total of 80 respondents, conducted in two British and two Norwegian cities that experienced significant Polish immigration, Oslo, Bergen, Bristol and Sheffield.  相似文献   

Migration management and diversity management are recognised as central paradigms in the context of migration and plural societies. A review of scholarly literature analysing the discourses and practices of migration and diversity management reveal that the two phenomena have been studied in isolation and that research on diversity management has predominantly been published in organisation and management literature rather than being integrated in the field of ethnic and migration studies. This article argues that it is relevant and fruitful to study migration management and diversity management in conjunction, since there are significant thematic and logical convergences, and to incorporate diversity management in the study of migration in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the entanglement of migration and diversity management. Based on a synthesis of scholarship and analysis of European reports, the article proposes to recognise three main convergences between the logic of migration management and diversity management: the presentation of migration and plurality as the ‘new’ norm; optimisation; and technocracy. Finally, I suggest directions for a shared research agenda, and, drawing on the prominence of a Foucauldian governmentality framework in critical studies of migration and diversity management, present this as a potentially useful point of departure.  相似文献   

经济全球化与国际人口迁移   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从经济全球化的视角 ,探讨了国际人口迁移的历史渊源 ,归纳了国际人口迁移的政策模式 ,总结了国际人口迁移的新特点和类型 ,分析了国际人口迁移的作用 ,并对全球化形势下中国移民政策策略提出了若干思考  相似文献   

It has frequently been observed that irregular migration is a common object of symbolic policy-making: the use of cosmetic adjustments to signal action, rather than substantive measures that achieve stated goals. Yet there is little research analysing the considerations driving policy actors to adopt such approaches. Drawing on existing literature, we distinguish three theoretical accounts of symbolic policy-making: manipulation, compensation, and adaptation. We explore these accounts through examining the emergence of symbolic policies in UK immigration control in the 1960s. Through detailed archival research, we reconstruct the deliberations leading to a series of Home Office decisions to crack down on irregular entry – decisions which officials felt were not operationally sensible, but which were based on popular political narratives of the problem. We conclude that the UK’s adoption of symbolic policy was a clear case of adaptation: a series of concessions to simplistic notions of control that did not chime with official views of what would work, and which were reluctantly embraced for reasons of political expediency. In conclusion, we suggest the need for more fine-grained analysis of the deliberations underpinning decision-making in bureaucracies, in order to produce more nuanced accounts of political rationalities in the area of immigration policy.  相似文献   

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