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This paper arises out of psychoanalytically oriented consultancy to teams of staff in the helping professions where there is a statutory 'duty to care'. It takes as its premise the seemingly paradoxical hypothesis that workers may need to split off part of their emotional experience in order to preserve their own mental health and provide reliable services to their clients. I argue that while a professional 'duty to care' requires us to be emotionally 'in touch', the demands of our clients together with the demands of the institutional response to the 'duty to care' cause us to split off parts of our awareness. I also argue that provided the splitting does not become extreme we are doing no more or less than the rest of society. In other words, there is a degree of 'normal splitting' which numbs our awareness of danger and destructiveness and seeks to protect us from too much anxiety and pain. Yet if professional workers are charged with the responsibility of assessing risk and acting accordingly for the protection of all concerned they need ways of being 'in touch' (re-integrating the splits) for some or enough of the time. Finally, I will describe ways of being 'in touch', illustrating the difficulty and the pain of re-integrating the splits and some of the insights that can arise out of this work with examples from my consultancy work.  相似文献   
作为文学术语,"深层意象"既指代崛起于美国上世纪五、六十年代的诗歌流派,又表示诗歌创作中用来表现诗人情感与意义内涵的意象,它还代表一种具有独特审美方式以及创作方式的诗学观.它有别于英美"意象派"的意象观.它认为,诗歌是通过意象刹那间渗透到无意识中去的艺术."深层意象"来自深邃黑暗的无意识心理;其诗歌往往表现独特的主题反映"孤独、黑暗"的深层心理.它要求诗歌关注人的心灵世界.  相似文献   
叔本华、尼采的唯意志论是一种哲学世界观,弗洛伊德的本能论则是具有一定科学性的哲学,他们之间具有一种内在关联,从而使弗洛伊德的思想汇入西方哲学源流之中。从弗洛伊德的本能学说看,叔本华和尼采的意志论都包含着一个内在矛盾,即无法在理论上逻辑地说明与生存意志及权力意志相反的现象,因为二者都共同缺失一个与生存意志或权力意志相对等的原则,这个原则就是死亡原则。  相似文献   
借鉴当代法国史学领域内的研究成果,对翻译实践中出现的“是我非我”现象做了一番梳理和分析,并指出无意识和一致性逻辑之间的矛盾是造成译者“是我非我”的根本原因。基于这个矛盾,本文认为,翻译的本质是模棱两可的;翻译的问题不是方法上的问题;翻译的方法只能是一种不确切的方法;所谓的翻译其实是作者和译者共同完成的翻译书写。  相似文献   
This discussion reaffirms the connection between addiction and underlying unconscious fantasy process. It suggests that unconscious fantasies play a determining role in persisting patterns of substance abuse and addiction. Within this context, addiction is understood both as a derivative of thepersistence of these unresolved fantasies and an inadequate compromise formation. It suggests that relapse is a manifestation of the episodic reassertion and influence of these powerful fantasies. Consequently, successful treatment requires the working through of the underlying fantasy process and the establishment of healthier compromise formations.  相似文献   
自纳博科夫的代表作《洛丽塔》出版以来,洛丽塔的身份之谜一直是评论界关注的焦点之一。根据精神分析理论,通过对文本的细读,我们认为作为一个精神病患者临终独白的主人公,洛丽塔身份的"真实性"颇值得怀疑,她是亨伯特被压抑了的欲望的隐喻。作为亨伯特无意识的一种建构,洛丽塔是亨伯特无意识欲望的一个出口,一朵绮丽的"镜中花"。  相似文献   
《母亲》写作、出版前后的特殊遭际和所受到的特别关注,使其成为一部具有非同寻常意义的小说。丁玲以自己母亲为原型,精心塑绘了平凡而可敬的母亲形象。小说带有自叙传性质,揭示了生动流走的母亲成长历程,驾驭了灵活多样的刻画人物方法。其中精微的心理分析借鉴了“欧化的形式”,小说的鲜明亮点是湘味浓浓的风景画描写和“大观园”式的风俗画描写,其所以如此着意彰显这些内容源于陪衬人物的需要、作家的乡恋情结以及“个人无意识”。小说语言以生活化、口语化为主要特色,俗中见雅,雅俗兼容。全书风格从容淡定,清丽俊逸。  相似文献   
翻译是不同语言的交流,也是不同文化的交流。在异质文化相互碰撞和融合的文学翻译过程中,往往伴随着文化误读的现象。本文试图将误读和误译作为一个既成的客观文化现象加以客观描述,通过围绕无意识、有意识两种误读,旨在将文学翻译中产生的文化误读进行具体分类。  相似文献   
图里和拉多两位学者提出的伪翻译实质内涵并不完全相同,前者属于创作,后者属于与原文相距甚远的"翻译",需要同误译和有意误译区分开来。把真翻译、伪翻译、创作以及学术置于一个三维阈际空间当中,可以发现彼此之间存在的某种联系。对于伪翻译的研究是有意义的,其对翻译研究和其他相关研究均有启发和借鉴价值。  相似文献   
American sociology as a field tends to marginalize psychoanalytic perspectives despite scholars Cavalletto and Silver showing that this was not the case during Talcott Parson's intellectual heyday in the 1940s. From the 1970s on, though, constructionists emphasized the conservative rather than liberatory side of the Freudian tradition and symbolic interactionism took the place of psychoanalysis as the legitimized framework for understanding individuals. Marginalization has occurred for at least three reasons: (1) the legacies of positivism created a bias toward empirically observable rather than relatively unmeasurable concepts like the Freudian unconscious; (2) psychoanalysis uses internal data whereas sociologists look externally rather than inward; (3) because psychoanalysis focuses on individuals and sociology on groups, it is argued that the two are incommensurate. Nevertheless, even in the face of marginalization, some scholars have combined psychoanalytic and sociological perspectives in myriad ways conceiving of multi dimensional rather than rationalistic individuals within social and cultural settings; exploring interactional dynamics that are at once psychic‐and‐social; and, as in the work of Wilfred Bion, studying the psychoanalytic mechanisms of groups themselves. I posit that the ongoing marginalization of psychoanalysis deprives the discipline of an innovative tool of analysis, an especially salient one at times when the emotional and psychological dimensions of social life are glaringly evident.  相似文献   
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