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苏轼是中国古代文学天空里一颗耀眼的明星,作为一个著名的美食家,其作品中有许多关于菜园与蔬菜的诗词,这些诗词是苏轼不同时期日常生活的艺术纪录,这些诗词描写细腻、内容多样,有的表现思念家乡之情感,有的是借蔬菜之名,言在此而意在彼,表达别样的感慨与寄托。学术界较为关注苏轼农村词,其实这些农村词涉及不少蔬菜元素。到现在为止,很少有人关注苏轼的蔬菜诗词,渗透在蔬菜诗词里要自力更生不要白吃饭等一系列躬耕思想,亦是苏轼诗歌研究中少有人关注的话题,如果能够有更多人关注美食家笔下的蔬菜与菜园,苏轼研究领域一定会增添一道亮丽的风景。  相似文献   
岭南文化的特征对岭南园林的风格及表现形式产生了深远影响。通过余荫山房实例导读,从多方面对岭南园林的文化特色进行综合分析,可进一步明确岭南古典园林的艺术成就以及对当代环境艺术的参考借鉴价值,是美丽城乡生态文明建设和可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

In this paper, we have studied how elderly people's frame of mind influences their response to experiencing nature, measured in terms of blood pressure, pulse rate, concentration and results from protocols. Two theories concerning the importance of psychological balance have been put forward earlier by Lawton and Kiiller, both of whom maintain that the surrounding everyday environment is one of the keys to a harmonious existence. We present findings supporting the theory that the positive experience of natural surroundings per se has a balancing and healing effect.

We have found that the people most affected by their surroundings are those with the greatest psycho-physiological imbalance. When the balance tilts, the balancing effect of the green experience can restore the individual to a state of better harmony. Time spent in the outdoors is, thus, especially important for individuals who easily lose their equilibrium or find it difficult to make compensatory changes to restore harmony on their own.

The research project is an intervention study in which fifteen elderly individuals living at a home for very old people participated. Their power of concentration, blood pressure and heart rate were measured before and after an hour of rest in a garden and in an indoor setting, respectively. Seven elderly people were randomly chosen to have their first series of tests in a garden, while eight elderly people had their first series of tests indoors. The results indicate that power of concentration increases for very old people after a visit in a garden outside the geriatric home in which they live, as compared to resting indoors in their favorite room.

The results did not show any effects on blood pressure or heart rate.

However, when we compared these results with the background variables, we found interesting correlations. Background variables included how often they took part in social activities, showed helpfulness toward other residents in group activities and tolerance/critique of other residents. After a factor analysis, the background variables formed three distinct factors, one of which showed significant correlation with blood pressure and heart rate: the factor psycho-physiological balance, with the variables “degree of tolerance,” “degree of helpfulness” and “frequency of hospital visits.” Elderly people with low psycho-physiological balance, that is, who had low tolerance of other residents, were not helpful in group activities and had a high frequency of hospital visits, were most affected by a stay in a garden, as could be measured in changes in heart rate and blood pressure. The results may be interpreted as showing that a garden can restore an elderly person with low psycho-physiological balance to a state of better harmony.

The present study show, first, that an outdoor visit is important for recovery from stress and fatigue and, second, that the improvement is especially significant for the most susceptible. Thus, it is of particular importance that weak groups, such as elderly in great need of care, have access to an outdoor space. Such groups are likely to include many people who are in psycho-physiological imbalance.  相似文献   
大观园虽然是小说《红楼梦》中主要人物生活的场景,但却是以南北园林和皇家园林的素材为基础,精心创造出来的艺术园林,显现了强烈的环境意识,展示了精妙的造园艺术,突出了深厚的人文关怀。大观园不仅体现了中国园林的特点,而且具有浓厚的文化旨意。  相似文献   
中国古代文人对泉的审美体验经历了从形、色到声响的衍变,“听泉”日益成为一种日常生活中的休闲体验方式。听与心灵相联系,“听泉”在古文人的情感投射与不断吟咏中转变为富含闲逸之情的审美意象,并形成“夜间闻泉”与“隔物听泉”两种审美范式。“听泉”由诗歌蔓延至绘画与园林,在诗歌、绘画与园林艺术空间不断流转往复,完成诗意景观的审美建构,成为文人追求闲情逸趣与诗意生活的美学符号。“听泉”意象的形成及其休闲审美内涵,展现了古代文人的听觉审美情趣,同时也丰富了中国传统听觉审美文化。  相似文献   
针对中国城市建设运动中出现的忽视地方园林文化遗产保护的现状,本文从地方园林文化的传承问题入手,结合“汇芳园”的修建及特点,探求历史园林文化与城市现代生活方式的结合点。如何继承和发展地方历史园林文化遗产,把优秀的传统文化融进现代设计文化之中,形成以特色地区为基础的风景园林设计、城市规划、城市环境,是我们面临的重大课题。文章总结了“汇芳园”设计的成功经验,提出在园林建设中应注重对潮汕民间艺术的传承和发扬,实现地方历史园林文化的可持续发展。  相似文献   
清代著名文学家曹雪芹的名著《红楼梦》中描绘的大观园为我国古典园林的杰作,其规划布局井然有序,曲折幽深,意境深远,富有诗情画意和时空变化,是山水园林设计的一个典范,值得园林界参考学习。文章试图从园林艺术的角度,以一条完整的空间序列来系统地描绘和展示大观园的整个物镜布局及时空转换特点,归纳总结其园林艺术特色,从中可以领悟到中国传统文化与中国古典园林的艺术特色,以期对现代园林设计能有所启示。  相似文献   
明清江南私家园林叠石文化达到了中国古典园林叠石文化的最高境界,是中国古典园林文化的精髓。思想派“士人”在叠石意境层面,通过著作、绘画创作来注重文人画意、文人画理和文人画境;技术派“匠人”在叠石实践层面取法山水画,不断提高自身叠石技巧。思想派“士人”与技术派“匠人”有机结合,创造了独树一帜的江南私家园林叠石文化。“士匠结合”不断发展,形成专业化、系统化的队伍,在一定程度上体现了类似现代设计团队的职能。  相似文献   
"明末四公子"之一的冒襄是明末清初文坛上的风云人物。襄少负才名,能诗擅文,及其成年,则积极投身于复社活动,并起到重要作用。入清之后,冒襄隐居不仕,以拒不降清之气节名动海内,然学界直至上世纪八十年代才对其始有关注。在相关研究中,学者们较为关注的问题主要集中在五个方面:生平交游、戏剧活动、水绘园唱和、冒董爱情以及《影梅庵忆语》。  相似文献   
针对企业全面预算管理问题,以荣振园林公司实施全面预算管理的全过程为分析背景,运用综合归纳和对比分析的方法,从预算组织体系和预算流程两个方面分析了荣振园林公司实施全面预算管理的情况,公司存在预算组织体系不完善、预算编制模式单一、预算执行较差等问题。提出了增加预算监督部门和完善全面预算管理流程等相应的改进方案。  相似文献   
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