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50年代的中国社会主义政治制度有两个基本特征 :一是党对政府的绝对领导 ,二是国家权力的高度集中统一。这套政治制度 ,既具有广泛的民主性和高效性 ,也存在着党政不分、权力过分集中的弊端。针对政治体制运行中存在的一些问题 ,以毛泽东为首的中国共产党人冲破苏联模式的束缚 ,与时俱进 ,勇于探索 ,大胆对中国社会主义制度进行调整和完善 ,取得了许多重大成效 ,也积累了政治体制改革的一些宝贵经验  相似文献   
坚持和完善人民代表大会制度探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人民代表大会制度是与我国国体相适应的根本政治制度。文章探讨了坚持和完善人民代表大会制度的思路与途径 :一是要弄清它同三权分立政治体制的本质区别 ,适当借鉴其权力监督制约机制 ;二是要处理好法治与人治 ,党的领导与发挥人民代表大会最高权力机关的作用的关系 ,把党的领导、人民当家作主与依法治国相结合 ,推进党的领导体制和执政方式的转变 ;三是要改革和完善人民代表大会的选举制度和组织结构 ,更好地发挥其国家权力机关的作用。  相似文献   
高校实行党委领导下的校长负责制 ,符合我国国情 ,也是科学决策、权力制衡的要求。但需要正视和解决存在的四个问题 ,即党政不分、以党代政 ;党政领导之间闹矛盾 ;对党政领导的监督、制约 ;党委组织机构的精简等 ,使该体制在实践过程中不断得到完善  相似文献   
This article analyses the positive contribution that Slovenian voluntary, non–governmental organisations, users' organisations and community–based services in the field of mental health have made to the 'new culture of memory' of helpers and users. The conceptual differences between Slovenian psychiatric (institutional) treatment and voluntary community care are presented through the case study of Clare, a young woman who was diagnosed as a chronic schizophrenic. This example shows the importance of community care in voluntary organisations for the reduction of disability associated with mental disorders. The development of the new culture of memory in voluntary organisations and community–based services is not only the 'narrative turn' within social welfare, but also symbolises the 'implicit turn' in the relationship between the helper and the user. The real challenge of the new culture of memory in the process of help to disabled people (in respect of individuals working through traumatic memories) is that the helper can bear and support the user on a daily basis. During the process of their relationship, the deep implicit relational memories of both become activated and influence the change within the user as well as the helper.  相似文献   
李大钊是中国共产党最早提出和阐述建立革命统一战线策略的领导人之一。他的民主革命统一战线基本思想包括坚持无产阶级及其政党在革命统一战线中的领导权、与农民结成同盟军、与资产阶级又联合又斗争等方面 ,这一思想奠定了中国共产党革命统一战线及毛泽东革命统一战线理论的基础 ,是对马克思列宁主义关于革命统一战线理论的发展和创新  相似文献   
To effectively manage planned change and understand differences in leaders’ and recipients’ responses to it, it is essential to understand how change is cognitively represented by organization members. In this theory-development article, we draw upon construal-level theory (CLT) and conceptually explore the role of change construal level in explaining responses to organizational change. We discuss differences between change leaders’ and recipients’ change construals, and differences in the relationships between change construal level and the response to change as a function of the change activities taking place. Specifically, we argue that high-level (i.e., abstract) construals of change will facilitate the effective initiation of change when the focus is on equilibrium-breaking activities, and that low-level (i.e., concrete) construals will facilitate the effective implementation of change when the focus is on institutionalization of the change. We further propose that leaders’ engagement in visionary leadership increases the likelihood that their generally higher level construal of change will be integrated into recipients’ change construals, elaborating and elevating them, and that recipients’ engagement in upward prohibitive voice behaviors will increase the likelihood that their generally lower construal of change will be integrated into leaders’ change construals, elaborating and concretizing them. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of our framework.  相似文献   
:强调以学习为核心的学习领导为理解与支持幼儿园教师学习与专业发展提供了一种全新的、系统的视角。在学习领导 理念下,幼教名师工作室应积极构建发展愿景;坚持持续对话,产生共识行动;引导建立安全、鼓励尝试的氛围;发挥行政力量 构建和完善幼教名师工作室运行机制。  相似文献   
基于资源保存理论视角,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,实证研究了职场孤独感对员工帮助行为的影响。结果显示:职场孤独感对员工帮助行为具有负向影响,关系认同在职场孤独感与员工帮助行为之间起中介作用,自我控制资源损耗负向调节了关系认同与员工帮助行为之间的关系,自我控制资源损耗调节了关系认同在职场孤独感和员工帮助行为之间发挥的中介作用。基于此,企业应重视员工的职场孤独感并加强管理,采取相应激励措施鼓励员工提高关系认同感,补充自我控制资源,从而降低职场孤独感对企业组织的不利影响。  相似文献   
人无精神则不立,国无精神则不强。在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上,习近平首次提出“伟大建党精神”命题,指明伟大建党精神是中国共产党的精神之源。伟大建党精神贯穿于党的整个奋斗历程,对中国革命和社会主义建设事业发挥着至关重要的作用:“坚持真理、坚守理想”是理论之源,赋予了党披荆斩棘之动力;“践行初心、担当使命”是实践之源,强化了党勤政为民之责任;“不怕牺牲、英勇斗争”是品质之源,锤炼了党愈挫愈勇之韧性;“对党忠诚、不负人民”是价值之源,笃实了党矢志为民之决心。伟大建党精神是党永葆青春活力的动力源泉,是中国共产党为什么“能”的精神之源。  相似文献   
基于组态视角理论,旨在揭示项目团队心理授权不是依赖于某种单一因素的影响,而是依赖于不同影响因素之间的组合作用。为此,以246位工程项目团队成员为研究对象,应用定性比较分析方法探究组态视角下团队建言氛围和变革型领导的不同因素组合对团队心理授权的作用路径。结果显示,发现了4种提升团队心理授权感知的条件因素组合,其中,领导魅力和团队建言效能感是工程项目团队产生高水平团队心理授权的重要因素。VUCA时代项目型组织迅速崛起,而工程项目团队是项目型组织的典型代表,因此研究成果对于VUCA时代组织的变革和建设极具积极意义。  相似文献   
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